All Chapters of My Invincible Husband Has Returned: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
1296 Chapters
Chapter 171
The rest of the Stone family and the executives piled on with their ridicule, particularly the Stone family."Come on, Celena. You've got to step it up, you only have two days!""Psh, her? Two days? She'd be lucky to figure it out in a month! I can't fathom why she's so eager to compete when she's clearly clueless!""Would anyone like her even get a shot at cooperation, let alone be in charge, if it weren't for sheer pity?""Ha! She's clueless, alright. Remember her big talk about proving herself? Well, here's her chance. However, just look at her. Does she seem ready to prove anything?"Celena absorbed the jeers, a knot of injustice tightening in her chest. She kept her head down, her face ashen, as tears streamed down unchecked.Why did they despise her so much when she was one of their own, a Stone through and through?The conference room door swung open. Liam strode in. He quickly found Celena in the corner, her eyes red and tears streaming down her face. His expression dark
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Chapter 172
Despite Liam's assurances, worry gnawed at Celena. She thought back to his promise to Reginald. Though her anxiety lingered, she forced herself to focus and began organizing the papers scattered across the table."I'll go talk to those suppliers right now!"She was determined to sort out the situation for Liam's sake.Liam caught the resolve in her eyes and spoke gently, "There's no need. I'll take you home to rest. Forget about the supplier issue. By tomorrow, they'll be lining up at your door ready to sign the contracts."Celena's eyes widened in shock as Liam's words sank in. "They'll seek us out? How... How could that be? Liam, you're not pulling my leg, are you?"Liam chuckled at the sight of her, mouth agape and eyes as big as saucers. "When have I ever tricked you? It's the real deal. I've got some old friends in the materials trade. I'll give them a ring once we're back!""Is that so? That would be amazing!"Liam's reassurance washed away Celena's concerns, and she visib
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Chapter 173
The atmosphere was tense the next day in the Stone family conference room. Everyone was waiting, the air thick with impatience and frustration."Celena, what's the hold-up? You said the suppliers were coming today. We've been here for over an hour and with not a soul in sight.""Are you trying to pull the wool over our eyes? If you can't cut it, you need to face the music and stop fooling yourself and everyone else!" Cheryl's patience was hanging by a thread, and she was the first to call Celena out. Her face was an icy mask as she stared her down, eyes gleaming with the thrill of the unfolding drama. Once Cheryl opened the floodgates, the rest piled on with their own accusations. "Celena, have you secured the supplier or what? If you haven't, just spit it out. Don't waste our time. Step down and let someone with the stuff take over. Do you have any idea how much the Stone family stands to lose if this deal tanks?" "Seriously! Did you find them or not? Now's not the time for game
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Chapter 174
The rest of the Stone chimed in with their own accolades."She's been with us for years, a real standout. A far cry from those blowhards with nothing to show. They're all talk, no muscle, always trying to punch above their weight. It's downright shameful!""You said it. Dreamers like that, thinking they can waltz into the company. They'd be nothing but trouble, a ticking time bomb.""Exactly, they ought to be kicked to the curb. Lucky to even have a seat at our table, and still they're chasing pie-in-the-sky dreams!"The conference room buzzed with a mix of sneers aimed at Celena and applause for Cheryl.Just then, Teresa, who was fed up with the main bloodline hogging the spotlight, cut in, "Isn't this a bit too convenient? Our supplier ran into trouble, and Cheryl just happened to snag their contract. This doesn't smell right. We should dig a little deeper into this one. It's fishy!""Teresa, that's a low blow! I've poured my heart and soul into this family, into our business.
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Chapter 175
Reginald had not even reached the conference room door when a cascade of footsteps announced their arrival. Five chairmen with the presence of titans strode in, their assistants in tow.Their entrance charged the room with a palpable tension.Those were the big shots of the Drunham City decor materials scene, and they had the mighty Jerden Group at their backs. Their power was unmatched."Mr. Zimmer, Mr. Wells, Mr. Sabine, Mr. Quier, Mr. Ford, what brings you to our doorstep so unexpectedly? We're caught off guard and couldn't prepare a proper welcome. Please, forgive us," Reginald said, his smile betraying his nerves as a sheen of sweat glistened on his brow.The Stone family's top brass and relatives lined up on either side, each wearing a sycophantic grin. At the forefront was Mr. Zimmer, the big shot of Zimmerman Group and the kingpin of Drunham City's renovation materials market, a man with deep pockets. He cast a detached glance at Reginald and cut to the chase. "Mr. Stone,
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Chapter 176
"A…All of you want to work with me? Why? I haven't even gotten in touch with any of you yet!" Celena was puzzled as she stared around her at the five powerful men before her. They all smiled and simply replied, "Ms. Stone, some things are better left unsaid. All you have to know is that all five of us want to work alongside you and no one else! That's all we have to say about this. We have to leave now, so toodles!"With that, all five of them shoved their contracts into Celena's hand and sauntered away with their assistants, much to the shock of the Stone family and everyone else watching. Everyone began to murmur once they had left. "Was I dreaming? Did all of that really happen?""I'm just as confused as you are. What happened? Why would all those chairmen come by themselves and specifically request to work with Celena? What did she do? I can't believe it. Is she really so capable as to first win over Max Group, and now the biggest and most powerful corporations in the city?
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Chapter 177
Unbeknownst to them, this first man was Liam. "Mr. Reath, everything is settled!" Mr. Zimmer said.Kolten nodded and turned to Liam with an expectant look. "Mr. Cole, we've already made the necessary arrangements as you instructed. What do you think?"Liam took one final puff of his cigarette, then tossed the butt into a nearby trashcan and finally nodded. "Good work!"With that, he turned and sauntered away, ignoring the five men gaping at him in disbelief as he left. "Mr. Reath, who is that man?" Mr. Zimmer finally summoned the courage to ask.Kolten turned to glare at him with a warning look. "Don't ask questions that you shouldn't! Just mind your own business. Knowing too much won't bring you anywhere. All you need to know is that this man is far more powerful than you can even imagine. He can easily stomp out all of us, even me, like ants should he see fit!"The color drained from everyone's faces. Despite being the tycoons of their respective industries and having years
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Chapter 178
By the time Liam set the table for dinner, Jovie was already starving. She stared at Celena with a longing look and whined, "Mom, the soup that Dad made smells amazing. I want some…"Celena gently stroked her hair and served her a bowl of piping hot soup. The three of them then sat down together for a hearty dinner. Suddenly, Celena said, "I need to pop by the office tomorrow to make an inventory of all the destroyed equipment so we can acquire new ones. I also need to start the employment process to rehire new employees for the ones we've let go. It will be a busy day for me, so I think… you should bring Jovie out for the day, Liam!"With that, Celena lowered her head and took a sip of her soup, blushing. She had intended to ask Liam to go with her on her errands, but she decided to let Liam stay with Jovie instead. Liam stared at her with a smile. He could tell exactly what she wanted to say. He put a piece of steak onto her plate and replied, "It's okay. We can leave Jovie at
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Chapter 179
All of a sudden, a man covered in blood staggered toward them, shouting for help. When he caught sight of Thomas, he screamed, "Mr. Lane, something terrible has happened! They've returned! Those men have returned!"A look of fear and horror spread across Thomas's face, but he soon calmed down and was immediately outraged. "How dare they show their faces here again? What do they want from us? Let's go, everyone! We'll show them what it's like to mess with us! If they want us dead, we'll bring them to hell with us!"With that, a dozen or so factory workers picked up various tools like wrenches and metal pipes, anything they could get their hands on, and stormed toward the direction Thomas was pointing at. They were all infuriated at how they had been treated. All of them were simply trying their best to survive in this economy, and who were these men to terrorize them when they had done nothing wrong?All of a sudden, a few black vans screeched to a halt in front of the factory entran
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Chapter 180
The bald man clutched his broken wrist and howled at Liam, "Who the hell are you? Seize him! Capture everyone and cripple them, except the beautiful young lady!"With that, his men charged toward them, wielding their weapons. The color drained from Celena's face when she saw these burly, armed men lunging toward them. She turned to Liam with a worried look. "Liam…"Liam, on the other hand, was unfazed. "Stay away, Celena! I don't want to accidentally hurt you! Don't worry. I'll take care of these rascals!"The next moment, he darted toward his opponents. Before Celena could even register what was going on, he had knocked over two men, sending them flying into the air and landing on the ground in crumpled heaps. Within a few moments, Liam had easily taken down a team of over two dozen men, who were all sprawled on the ground in agony, clutching various parts of their bodies that Liam had struck. They all stared at Liam with terrified looks. The bald man, on the other hand, knew t
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