All Chapters of My Invincible Husband Has Returned: Chapter 761 - Chapter 770
1296 Chapters
Chapter 761
The green dragon battle robe with gold embroidery.He was the commander-in-chief of the Pendragon Warriors from Biskeland!Everyone present saw that battle robe during Biskeland's National Day parade.Everybody, especially Mr. Esper, was stunned after they had a clearer view of it. Mr. Esper was initially full of confidence. However, he could no longer stay calm after he saw the green dragon battle robe. His legs immediately turned to jelly, causing him to drop to his knees.Never would he ever expect that the person he was threatening and bellowing at earlier would be one of the commanders-in-chief in Biskeland, not to mention the most powerful and mysterious commander-in-chief of the Pendragon Warriors.He threatened the commander-in-chief of the Pendragon Warriors, saying that he would arrest and punish him and shoot his entire family to death.He could not believe that he told Liam that it was his daughter's honor that she was pushed to the ground by his son.He could not be
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Chapter 762
Liam was wearing the green dragon battle robe with gold embroidery, which represented the identity of the commander-in-chief of the Pendragon Warriors. However, Mr. Esper still refused to believe the young man in front of him was the commander-in-chief.That was why he still took a chance and assumed that the young man standing before him was just one of the deputy commanders-in-chief of Pendragon Warriors.Liam smirked after he saw Mr. Esper's expression. Staring at Mr. Esper with a sharp gaze, Liam said icily, "Hmph! Deputy commander-in-chief? Would a deputy commander-in-chief dare to put on this green dragon battle robe?"Mr. Esper shuddered as soon as he heard that, feeling like he was struck by lightning. He already knew the answer, but he still could not believe that the young man before him looked like he was just in his 20s.Becoming a commander-in-chief in Biskeland was like reaching for the moon. That was because not only would one have to be competent, but he would also
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Chapter 763
Liam was such a terrifyingly powerful person. It would be a piece of cake for him if he wanted to tear the embassy to the ground, let alone trespass on the embassy.Mr. Esper was on the ground, looking so frightened that his face was as white as a sheet. He trembled as he got on his knees and said to Liam with his head bowed, "All h-hail the commander-in-chief of the Pendragon Warriors!"Liam stood in place calmly, rubbing his fingers on the emerald token. With a bone-chilling expression, he said, "You haven't answered my question. You said this place belongs to Abashidze and the embassy is protected by Abashidze and international law. It's not a place for me to do whatever I pleased. Isn't that right?"Mr. Esper felt a chill down his spine when he heard Liam bringing that up again. With a look of terror, he shook his head with all his might and denied, "No, no, that's not true. This p-place belongs to Biskeland. This piece of land belongs to Biskeland too. Your great country lent t
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Chapter 764
Liam nodded, and then he took a seat on Mr. Esper's chair with Jovie in his arms and waited.Mr. Esper immediately grabbed his phone and called the phone at home. As soon as the call was answered, he bellowed, "Where's that bastard? Bring him over now! Do it now!"The caretaker could tell from his tone that something serious happened after she answered the call. Not daring to waste any time, she brought the boy along and rushed to the embassy in ten minutes.The boy was still dressed in the same way. He was wearing an expensive little suit and a pair of tailor-made leather shoes, strutting into the meeting room with an arrogant look on his face.Once he entered the room, he saw his father and his subordinates on their knees on the ground, and he was shocked. He could not help but ask, "Dad, what are you doing? Why are all of you on your knees?"Mr. Esper could not believe it as he watched his son walking in with a cocky attitude. If it was not for the mess his son created, the com
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Chapter 765
The boy panicked as soon as he heard that he was about to be sent back to his country. Although he was very reluctant, he still apologized to Jovie, "I'm—I'm sorry."Mr. Esper quickly echoed, "He has apologized, sir. They are all still children. Please forgive him. Don't worry. I'll teach him well in the future."He was full of nerves as he looked at Liam, waiting for his answer.Liam looked at Jovie, who was in his arms, and then he asked gently, "Jovie, he has apologized. Are you satisfied?"Jovie had some tears welling in her eyes and the grievances she felt vanished in an instant. She wrapped her arms around Liam's neck and nodded, saying, "Mmhmm. Dad, I'm not angry anymore. Let's hurry up and go home. Mom is going to be angry if she knew we're here."Liam nodded before he looked at the trembling Mr. Esper again. Sending a firm warning with gaze, he said, "Mr. Esper, remember this, this is Biskeland. This piece of land will forever belong to Biskeland. You guys are just borrow
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Chapter 766
Mr. Esper felt the crowd made sense. After he gave it a thought, he called Mr. Bryan, the chief ambassador who was stationed in the main embassy in the capital of Biskeland.The call was answered very quickly. The sonorous voice of a middle-aged man could be heard on the other end of the call. His voice was filled with authority and arrogance as he asked calmly, "What can I do for you, Mr. Esper?"Mr. Esper straightened his back and reported everything that happened to Mr. Bryan respectfully.By the end of it, Mr. Esper shouted in a rage, "Mr. Bryan, he has gone overboard! He doesn't give a damn about our country at all!"Mr. Bryan's expression darkened after he heard Mr. Esper's report. Feeling incensed, he got up from his chair and bellowed, "What did you say? The commander-in-chief of the Pendragon Warriors appeared in Drunham City?. And he brought his soldiers to have the embassy surrounded?"He kicked the chair behind him in a fit of anger and shouted in great fury, "Fuck! I
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Chapter 767
Celena was slightly skeptical. She was not fully convinced by Liam's explanation, so she asked in return, "Did you just go out for a stroll?"However, once Celena saw Liam beaming, she stopped pushing him. Instead, she looked at Jovie, who was in Liam's arms, and asked solemnly, "Jovie, tell me, where did you and Dad go?"Jovie was holding onto the cupcakes when she heard Celena's question. Her first reaction was to look at Liam and ask, "Dad, should we tell Mom the truth?"Liam pitched Jovie's little nose and said with a grin, "Go ahead if you want to. Jovie's a good girl who doesn't lie."Jovie giggled, and then she bragged to Celena happily, saying, "Mom, Dad brought me to the embassy, and the boy who pushed me to the ground yesterday apologized to me. I'm so happy. Dad is amazing!"Upon saying that, Jovie quickly turned her head around and kissed Liam on his cheek. Her bright eyes were filled with admiration.Celena shuddered when she heard that. Feeling incredibly nervous, s
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Chapter 768
Jovie shot Liam a glance behind Celena's back, looking like she expected as much. Then, she inched closer to Liam slowly and whispered into his ear, "Dad, you're naughty. You're lying. But I understand. You must be thinking of giving Mom a huge surprise, aren't you?"Liam was grinning from ear to ear when he saw how cheeky Jovie was. He pretended to be nervous as if his secret was found out and whispered into Jovie's ears, "Wow, you're amazing, Jovie. You've figured it out. But you'll keep this a secret for me, right? Let's give Mom a huge surprise when the time comes, alright?"Jovie could not help but cover her mouth as she put on a wicked grin. She stole a glance at Celena, then she nodded at Liam and said, "Yes, sure! I'll keep this a secret for you. This is our little secret. I won't tell Mom about it."Both Liam and Jovie grinned at Celena, looking like they just would not tell her about it.Feeling helpless, Celena shook her head. At first, she was still a little angry that
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Chapter 769
Yankel's secretary, Linda, entered the room while carrying a huge stack of documents. She was strutting in her heels, swaying her hips alluringly as she walked toward Yankel.Linda was delighted at the thought of the documents in her hands. She handed the documents to Yankel after she approached the desk and said, "Mr. Bristow, we've gotten the information about the guy named Liam."Yankel was interested as soon as he heard that. He straightened his back and asked with a smirk, "Oh? You've got it? Hurry up and tell me what's his deal."Linda opened up the documents and said, "We've got to the bottom of it. The incident that shook Drunham City seven years ago, the one where the Cole family was annihilated, has something to do with Liam. That's because he's the only member of the family who survived. Many people in Drunham City call him a loser now."Linda sneered a couple of times and continued in a mocking tone, "Mr. Bristow, that's nothing. Liam is now married into the Stone famil
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Chapter 770
Linda gently drew circles on Yankel's chest as she spoke. She put her burning red lips next to his ears and said, "Think about it. That's the Pendragon Warzone, the strongest war zone in Biskeland. I heard the soldiers there could defeat ten people by themselves. It wouldn't be strange for Liam to be skilled in combat."Yankel was breathing heavily because of Linda's seduction, but he still did his best to remain calm. Feeling a little skeptical, he asked, "Really? Is what you found out true?"Seeing that Yankel was still unconvinced, Linda took out her phone and searched for the news of the Hughes family's annihilation that shocked Drunham City. After she found the news about Liam's identity, she handed the phone to Yankel."Of course, it's true. Why would I lie? After what happened to the Hughes family, Liam's identity was reported in the news. He was probably in the news because they were afraid he would pretend to be someone from the Pendragon Warzone."Linda's tone was filled
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