All Chapters of My Invincible Husband Has Returned: Chapter 781 - Chapter 790
1290 Chapters
Chapter 781
Linda tossed the now empty glass aside and turned to Celena. When she laid eyes on Celena's smooth, rosy skin, however, another twinge of jealousy surged through her, and she slapped her once more. "You b*tch! How delusional must you be to think Mr. Bristow, of all people, would approach you first? Who do you think you are? Besides, why would Mr. Bristow want to lie and frame you instead? You're of no importance to him, and he would not even bother to do such a thing! I'm not an idiot, I know you're just angry because you failed to seduce him, and you're now trying to get back at him!"Linda deliberately raised her voice when she said this so that her message would get across loud and clear to everyone watching. Indeed, her plan worked because the guests all began to cast Celena looks of disgust. Some of the rich socialites who had been overshadowed by Celena in the past all stepped forward in indignation just to exact their revenge. "Celena, you are absolutely shameless! Do you hon
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Chapter 782
After a few minutes but what felt like a century, the guests finally stopped throwing their cakes at Celena. A look of triumph crossed Linda's face, who was watching in amusement as this unfolded. She picked up a glass of wine, then sauntered toward Celena. She let out a sneer, her triumphant glee evident on her face, and said, "Celena, it must be humiliating to be insulted and mocked by so many people, huh? Well, I had done all of this on purpose. Do you want to know why? Because Mr. Bristow belongs to me, and I can't sit by and allow a wh*re like you to take away what's mine! Who do you think you are? You're just a sl*t, and yet you go around trying to seduce people by pretending to be an innocent young woman. I want to throw up just looking at you."Celena lifted her head to stare at Linda, seething with hatred. She snarled, "W… Why would you do something like this? I don't even know you or Mr. Bristow, so why would you do something like this to me?"A glimmer of malice flashe
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Chapter 783
Linda was feeling exceptionally confident in herself, mostly because she knew that Yankel would back her up. If anything, she was acting so matter-of-factly that one would think she and Yankel were an item, even though he had never once admitted that this was the case. Liam, whose rage was concealed underneath the mask he was wearing, wanted nothing more than to punish Linda for what she had done to Celena, but he held back because he did not want to blow his cover.He snickered, then glanced sharply at Linda and said, with contempt laced in his tone, "Yankel Bristow, so what? This is my territory. How dare you behave so rudely and even went so far as to assault my esteemed guest for tonight? I demand you apologize to this young lady right now! If not, you will face my wrath!"Everyone gasped at this. Who was this masked man, and how dare he speak of Yankel so dismissively?Bristow Group had proved itself to have exceptional potential of making it big in Drunham City, and on top o
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Chapter 784
Linda gazed at Liam up and down with a look of contempt on her face. Then, she glanced at Celena, who was wearing Liam's coat, and said, "That begs the question—why would you defend this little b*tch? Judging by the way you care for her, I'd like to think you're far more involved than you let on. Are you her ex-lover? Or perhaps her new man?"With that, she turned to Celena with a sneer and added, deliberately raising her voice, "Celena, look, someone's stepped out to defend you! Why are you so quiet? Come on, tell everyone the truth—is this masked man your lover? My, my, it seems that I was wrong all this while. It turns out you've already been cheating on your husband, but unfortunately, one is not enough, and you wanted to seduce Mr. Bristow on top of this, too! How shameless…"All of a sudden, Linda felt the entire room turn cold, and a chill went down her spine, making her shudder. The rest of her sentence got caught in her throat, and it was like the breath got knocked out of h
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Chapter 785
Who was this mysterious masked man? The audacity of him to strike and attack Linda! Not only was she Yankel's personal assistant, but there had been rumors circulating of Linda and Yankel's secret affair since they arrived in Drunham City. Was he aware of the consequences of messing with her?Or perhaps did he not fear crossing the Bristows at all?Linda could not hold in her anger any longer. She picked herself off the ground and lunged toward Liam, her arm raised above her head as she poised herself to give Liam the slap of a lifetime!However, before she could even realize what was going on, Liam whipped around and gave her a hard kick in her abdomen, sending her flying through the air before finally landing in a crumpled heap on a nearby table. The table toppled over, and Linda collapsed on the ground, spitting out a mouthful of blood."Ahhh!" she let out a shriek of agony as she curled herself into a ball, clutching her abdomen. Her entire body was shaking like a leaf, and she
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Chapter 786
Liam, however, was yet again unfazed. If anything, the look in his eyes seemed to get colder as he gazed at Yankel. "Let me ask you one last time—was Ms. Stone the one who approached you first?"Yankel's entire body froze when he sensed the hostility in Liam's tone. He began to feel a little intimidated by the steely look in Liam's eyes, and he knew from the way Liam stared at him that whatever came next would not be a simple slap.Seeing that Yankel was silent, Liam's voice rang out once more, reverberating through the walls of the hall like a ghostly echo, "Why are you quiet, Mr. Bristow? Did you hear me clearly? Let me repeat my question—did Ms. Stone really seduce you as you claimed earlier?"The malice was evident in Liam's tone, as though he would not hesitate to make Yankel pay for his sins with his life if it ever came to it. Yankel was so unnerved that he could not help gulping. He did not know how to answer Liam's question. However, as a member of the elite who had lived h
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Chapter 787
"Look at the way he's defending Celena! Could Mr. Bristow's assistant be on to something?""Of course she is! He's absolutely insane! Not only did he manage to sneak into the Drunham City Connoisseurs, but he even attacked Mr. Bristow, of all things! Does he have any idea what sort of trouble he's gotten himself into?""Well, we'll see! He's going to get the shock of his lifetime!"Yankel was delighted to hear all of this. The fact that his opponent refused to take off his mask and reveal his identity was, to him, an act of weakness. Therefore, he was adamant that this intruder was simply a gatecrasher who thought he could get away with this. He turned to Liam and snarled, "Why are you silent? It must be because I've hit the nail right on the head, haven't I? Haha! You're certainly a gutsy man. Do you have an idea what sort of party you've snuck yourself into? This is the Drunham City Connoisseurs, so what gives you the right to show up here and attack my assistant?"Yankel then ca
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Chapter 788
Yankel was rather pleased by the sudden twist of events, and he turned to Liam with a smug look. "Very well then, Mr. Walbeer. Since you know who I am, I'm sure you'll be able to handle this! This man had the balls to lay his hands on my assistant. Don't you think he should be punished for that?" he asked, pointing at Liam.Iska was immediately panicked to hear this. How could he have allowed a gatecrasher to slip into the party? Not only that, but this person had attacked Yankel and his assistant, no less! He said to Yankel in alarm, "Mr. Bristow, are you alright? I must apologize for failing my duties. I must've slipped up somehow and allowed this man to sneak in without knowing! Don't worry, Mr. Bristow, I will rectify my mistakes immediately and punish this man as you wish!"With that, he turned to Liam with a furious look and shouted, "Who are you? Do you have any idea where you are right now? How dare you sneak into this party and attack Mr. Bristow! Guards! Capture him so I ca
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Chapter 789
Yankel's expression darkened when he saw the cuts and scratches on the rosy skin of Linda's wrist. Although he had only been using her to fulfill his physical desires and did not truly love her, he still could not tolerate anyone laying their hands on her. If anything, he viewed her as his property, and he could not allow anyone to get away with violating him. He stomped over to Iska's side and snarled, "Mr. Walbeer, what are you waiting for? Capture that man right now! How can you allow a good-for-nothing like him to cross me? You have to punish him! That'll teach him not to mess with Yankel Bristow!"Iska fawned over him. "Of course, Mr. Bristow! I'll capture him and get to the bottom of this!"Brandishing his baton, he plodded toward Liam and said, scowling, "I'm warning you, you'd better cooperate with us. There's no point resisting. You're no match for all of us anyway. Do you see this? This is an electric baton, and it will electrocute you once it comes in contact with your s
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Chapter 790
Iska approached Kolten with an obedient look and bowed at him. "Mr. Reath, I apologize for causing such a commotion. We found a gatecrasher and were just about to capture him for further investigation! Don't worry, Mr. Reath, we've got this all under control now."Iska was overjoyed by this. By capturing the masked intruder, not only would he be able to get on Yankel's good side, but he would also demonstrate his dedication to his job. He would certainly be rewarded and perhaps even promoted for this!He was fully expecting to be praised for his bravery, but all of a sudden, Kolten reached out and slapped him. "You idiot! You f*cking idiot! Who are you calling a gatecrasher? Do you have any idea what you just did?"Iska was absolutely dumbfounded. He stared at Kolten, wide-eyed with disbelief. The guests were all equally stunned. They could not believe their eyes! Why had Kolten slapped his own head of security for doing his job?However, what happened next stunned them all even mo
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