All Chapters of My Secret, My Bully, My Mates. Series: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
666 Chapters
Chapter 0151
“I forget that you and Kaley are cousins. That’s so weird to process. Hold that thought though, I need to shower and I assume you are my escort to school? Give me ten minutes.” “Here, Luna Ava wanted me to bring you this and said ‘come home as soon as you’re ready.’ She probably figures you don’t
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Chapter 0152
“Even Xander, the Alpha Prince?” “Especially him. He probably has more girls thrown at him in an hour than the twins do weekly.” He shutters. “That sounds awful. But, here, he sought you out, not the other way around. And, you didn’t fawn over him like every other girl here, you treated him like
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Chapter 0153
“You do realize the target you put on our backs right? I don’t know how the family stuff works, but they are going to make Sierra’s and my life a living hell.” “Let’s be honest, you can take them all blindfolded with one arm tied behind your back, but at least you would have a reason to fight back.
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Chapter 0154
“Sam told them that Sierra and I were evaluating their performances during patrols and they came to ask for help. I guess they are worried about failing if Kaley’s dad can’t rig anything in their favor. They’ve probably never had to truly work for something before” I shrug, turning to put my book
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Chapter 0155
I showered and spread out my books to make sure that I am as far ahead as I can be on my work, since I know I won’t be getting anything done this weekend. I woke up early, well, my usual time and was both relieved and lonely finding my room completely empty of my friends. The revolving door of pro
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Chapter 0156
“I wouldn’t dream of doing that, besides…” I have the ability to link both of you even though you cannot respond Marnie. Please be careful of your accusations before you start letting them fly out of your mouth without any real thought. Gamma Brett links both of us. Her eyes go wide. I don’t think s
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Chapter 0157
“Oh, really? I would like to see that. It’s not everyday you get a chance to beat an Alpha.” I giggle and wink at Cam who has an unreadable expression on his face. “Alright little man, it sounds like you want a challenge and I don’t know how I feel about you taking my girl's attention or holding he
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Chapter 0158
Kaley’s face went more crimson than I have ever seen it before, but I’m not sure if it was from anger or embarrassment at this going down with an audience. “My father said Cameron and Dakota will be escorting me, Mateo will be escorting Jeanie and Oliver will be escorting Marnie. I have no reason t
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Chapter 0159
Plink Drip. Plink Drip. Plink Drip. Plink Drip. “Ugh.” What is that sound? And why does my head hurt so badly? Where am I? I try to open my eyes, but they feel like they are being weighed down by something. I move my eyeballs around behind my eyelids really slowly and then try opening again. Th
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Chapter 0160
I can’t call for help, or even beg her to stop, I am weak. I would beg for her to stop if I could. I can’t feel my wolf because of the silver and whatever else has me disoriented. I just keep shouting in my head hoping someone can hear my stifled cry for help. I don’t focus on one person, I shout
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