All Chapters of My Secret, My Bully, My Mates. Series: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
666 Chapters
Chapter 0161
I wish I would have been able to see Oliver’s smile one more time. I hate that my last thought of him is going to be that moody scowl of his walking away from me angry. My brother finally got to see the real me and was proud. I wish I could have been more for him. Stronger, by his side. Not weak,
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Chapter 0162 The End of Act 1
I'm sorry for the cliffhanger...Kind of ;) I am currently editing and scheduling out Act 2 chapters. The goal is to have no gap in time for publishing, but I also want to make sure the quality and story get told in the best possible way.Thank you for all who have stayed with me up to this point, it has been an incredible journey. This is the first time I am not writing from a contest prompt, but from my own imagination. These chapters are also far more dense than anything I have written before. I am not a professional writer, but I have enjoyed studying the craft as I develop this book and get more confident each day.The story has been broken down into three main parts following Skylar's life:Act 1 - Skylar's early life experiencesAct 2 - Skylar's evolution once she leaves her pack for the first time.Act 3 - Coming home, Skylar as a woman returning to a life she left as a child.For any writers out there reading through with me. Please give me any and all feedback that you have.
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Chapter 0163 Act 2-1
I blink away the crap gluing my eyes shut. Then take a slow look around trying not to move much. I am really getting tired of waking up feeling like I got hit by a truck and not recognizing where I’m at. This has become an all too familiar situation and it’s pissing me off. “You’re awake Little One. It’s nice to see you moving around again. You gave everyone quite a scare. You don’t seem to do anything halfway though, do you?” I tilt my head sideways on the scratchy pillow. “Where am I this time? And why does it hurt to talk?” That hurt far more than it should have. I must be really messed up. I blink over at Warrior Osiston standing next to a door that, I assume, leads to the hallway. I take a good look around and assess my situation, my eyes seeming to be the only thing that work without pain, still moving slowly through the stiffness. I’m covered in IV’s and wires, but none of the awful beeping sounds are coming from the machines. “I turned all the damn sounds off.” Osiston say
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Chapter 0164
“That is three questions, but I will let it slide due to mental exhaustion. You are in the hospital of the Royal Pack. It was decided that this would be the best place for your healing. I turned the sound of the machines off eight days ago, you have been here for 14. Your turn.” He raises an eyebrow
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Chapter 0165
“That sounds like my best option. Going home would just cause more problems and I have nowhere else to go. And I am done with most of my school credits. It would be a waste of time to have to sit through classes when I could be doing something more productive.” I try really hard to hide my excitemen
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Chapter 0166
“We will be taking samples every hour until your wolf reappears and we will send up some food. I’m sure your body could do with more than the nutrients we are giving you through your IV. When you are ready we will also send up a hairdresser to fix the butcher’s job they did on those beautiful blonde
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Chapter 0167
When I apologized for being a burden and the reason their trip was cut short, Doc Ganon put a firm stop to it. “You have nothing to apologize for.”“My dear, you are not a burden, do not apologize. You are one of the most fascinating cases we have ever had. We wouldn’t miss being a part of your jour
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Chapter 0168
I did not get to see Sierra for two more days. The doctors wanted all of the silver and the wolfsbane out of my system. they still wouldn't tell me what else was in the ‘cocktail,’ but I assume it's other types of poisons or sedatives because of the way that my body reacted to them. They also took o
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Chapter 0169
The first time I heard my wolf since coming to the hospital made me almost fall out of my bed. Oh my sweet girl, there you are, I've been trying to talk to you for days. I was lost in a kind of foggy haze for a really long time. I'm not really sure what happened. We were attacked. That's what hap
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Chapter 0170
The inside of the hospital was just like any modern-day hospital, full of bright fluorescent lights, white walls and white tile. Everything was clean and modern and had that disinfectant smell. But when you stepped outside the entire exterior was a dark gray brick with wood framing the windows and t
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