All Chapters of Mated in the Shadow of My Sister : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
276 Chapters
Chapter 0131
“Do not be sorry. Your little stunt bought me a couple more months. My father agreed to delay the wedding so that I could sort through the Mary Beth issue. Not that I would marry Sheila whether it was tomorrow or ten years from now. I assume that Mary Beth is at least a real she-wolf?” “Yes… bu
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Chapter 0132
***Trigger Warning: Margie, Steila, and Stephanie are disgusting, horrible she-wolves. The next few chapters will prove just how sick and twisted they really are. Almost every type of loss and abuse that you can imagine will be involved. If that kind of thing bothers you, I am very sorry! There
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Chapter 0133
I sighed. “Okay, I guess that makes sense so far. So now tell me why wolves are so upset that they are ready to violently overthrow pack leadership.” Jessica stood and began pacing. “Everyone has their own reasons, their own stories.” “Tell me some of them. I need to know.” “I do not know if
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Chapter 0134
(James POV) My meeting with Joey, Jessica … and their surprise guest… ended up taking hours. HOURS. That is how much information that they had to share with me. Who knew, the wolves who had the most answers and who could help me the most had been right under my nose the whole time. If I though
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Chapter 0135
“I did try talking to your father, James. And not just your father; I tried talking to ALL of them. Everyone in pack leadership. It did not help anything. Whether your father respects me or not, all those conversations ever did was yield strict alpha orders that prevented me from talking about
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Chapter 0136
***TRIGGER WARNING: The next four chapters --especially this one and chapter 86-- are going to finally reveal the worst of the bad behavior. There will be abuse of almost every kind, including child abuse, elder abuse, animal abuse, and sexual abuse. Please read with caution. After this, there w
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Chapter 0137
Believe it or not, I actually remember Lily’s teddy bear. He was gray and blue, and he had a plaid tuxedo vest. His name was Mr. Cuddles and Lily took him almost everywhere with her for three years. Anytime anyone would tease her about Mr. Cuddles or ask why she was carrying him around, Lily wou
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Chapter 0138
Seeing no other outlets to release my frustration, I punched the wall. And then I punched it again. For a full twenty minutes, I continued to punch at it. I only stopped when I saw more blood on the wall than drywall. I looked down and realized that my entire fist and all of my knuckles were sol
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Chapter 0139
(James POV) “What did my parents tell you?” “A version of the same thing they told me when I went to them about the others. That I needed to respect the chain of command, and that meant that any and all complaints needed to go through Beta Robert and Margie. And that the chain of command was esp
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Chapter 0140
Dr. Miller's explanation was doing very little to quell my anger. To prevent myself from attacking him again, I decided to ask a different question. "Was there a reason that Margie and my mother kept saying that Lily was helping Stephanie with luna training? That does not make any sense to me." "
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