All Chapters of Mated in the Shadow of My Sister : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
276 Chapters
Chapter 0151
(James POV) After the conversation with Lily, I was much too wired to nap. Instead, I opted to take a shower and mind-link Joey to meet me at one of the local diners for lunch. The Hoffman diner, specifically. Coming out of the bathroom, I was surprised to see Sheila in my room. It looked like
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Chapter 0152
(Alpha Brady POV) I have been having absolutely the best time with Sammy. Despite the fact that I hardly get to see him, Sammy is very much a mini-me. He has my mannerisms, my sense of humor (minus the sexual innuendos), and many of my same tastes in food, movies, and activities. Since he arrive
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Chapter 0153
With the exception of losing Lily, the guards had not done anything to cause me to worry about their dedication or fitness. Even though my instincts told me (and still tell me) that something was wrong with my security team, I wonder if I should have been more strategic about who I let go instead o
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Chapter 0154
(Brady POV) As I walked into my office with Evelyn, my heart continued to pound forcefully against my chest. Despite my feelings for Lily, seeing Evelyn and being this close to her without being able to touch her felt like a cruel, painful reminder of just how stupid I was all those years ago. Ev
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Chapter 0155
“Are you jealous?” “No, Brady. I was actually grateful when my parents told me about her. I was hoping that you being with someone else meant that you had moved on and that you and I could be friends.” I did not say anything. Evelyn sat down again. “Clearly I was wrong. You are not ready to
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Chapter 0156
(Lily POV) James and I have fallen into a little bit of a routine since our first phone call. He will call me in the morning and we will talk for a 20 minutes or so before I have to get ready for work. Then we will briefly text at night before going to bed. None of our conversations have been as
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Chapter 0157
I grabbed my phone off of the kitchen counter and saw that it was James. James: “Hey, beautiful. Just checking in. Your day go ok?” Me: “Not bad. Kind-of mellow, actually. But my friend Charlotte is here and we are going to go get some drinks tonight.” James: [Raised eyebrow emoji] “Dr
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Chapter 0158
(Lily POV) What I expected when I agreed to go out drinking and dancing with Charlotte: a little craziness; a lot of fun and laughter; a happy distraction from the stress associated with James preparing to marry Sheila; and maybe having to fend off a little bit of male attention. What I did not e
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Chapter 0159
(Lily POV). Thankfully, my panic attack was short-lived, because Charlotte was oblivious to it. She dragged me over to where Cody Wilson and his friend were sitting. On the way over, she explained that the best wing-women were those already in relationships. All I had to do, she explained, was
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Chapter 0160
(James POV) It is now three o’clock in the morning, and I am talking to Lily on the phone. Lily just finished telling me everything that happened at the bar with Charlotte tonight. It was hard, but I did my best to listen without interrupting her. I managed to get through most of it; I only inte
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