All Chapters of Mated in the Shadow of My Sister : Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
276 Chapters
Chapter 0161
(Lily POV) James and I finally got off the phone around four in the morning. I humored him with all the details he wanted to know about Cody Wilson, as well as the few details I had about Derek Abbott. (Derek is one of the rare werewolves who has found fame in the human world; he is a professiona
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Chapter 0162
(Lily POV) “Actually….” “Actually, what?” “My mate may have said that and much, much worse to me in the past,” I said sadly. “You met your mate already?” I nodded. “Who is he? Where is he? What happened? Why are you here and not with him right now? I laughed. “Relax, Charlotte. One quest
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Chapter 0163
I am so grateful for all of the love and support that this story has received! I cannot wait to see your reactions to the next few surprises I have in store for you! Hint: the next chapter will be Stephanie's POV! I had originally planned to get the story done by mid-November, but it is already N
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Chapter 0164
(Stephanie POV) It is time for me to finally head home. Believe it or not, I really miss everyone. I am looking forward to seeing my friends and family, including even my younger sister. I originally did not intend to be gone this long. I just wanted a couple of years to be young and free befor
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Chapter 0165
(Unknown POV) I am currently at the large memorial/ wedding venue with the alpha, beta, and gamma families and some of their early arrival out-of-town guests. We are here watching the omegas and human employees finish decorating for tomorrow’s event. It is admittedly a little odd to invite honore
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Chapter 0166
(James POV) Today is the day. I am nervous, but I am also ready. We do not have all of the answers, but we have controlled for as many of the unknowns as we can. Joey and I have spent countless days and nights in bars in human territory, with me always coming back to the pack late at night smel
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Chapter 0167
(Author POV) Finally, it was “show time.” Guests were seated on all three floors of the large opera house, while presenters, members of the wedding party, and a few other important guests waited in rooms backstage along with their (admittedly necessary) security details. Each backstage room was
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Chapter 0168
(Author POV) Stephanie and Sheila continued to glare at one another. Given the way that the stage was set up —with thick red curtains on either side of them— they had no idea that anyone else could hear them. Nor did they realize that Jenny had her cell phone recording their interaction and live-
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Chapter 0169
(Author POV) “Did you really think that I didn’t know?” Jenny asked. “Know what?” Stephanie asked in both confusion and fear. “What the two of you were doing. Who you were hurting. My bedroom was right next door to yours for years, Sheila! And you are my little sister. Do you two really thin
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Chapter 0170
(James POV) As Dr. Hyder speeds towards Black Moon, my heart is racing. I frantically try calling and texting Lily, but I am unable to reach her. I know that she is strong, but I have never seen her fight. Plus, until she marks her chosen mate (hopefully me), she will remain a valuable target.
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