All Chapters of Her Savage Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
65 Chapters
20. Revelation
Ava stared at him. There was something different about Aiden. She couldn't put her finger on it but she was having these uneasy feelings cocooning her in their shell. "What's wrong?" She asked softly, eyeing him. "I just need you by my side. I had a quarrel at work which turned into a fight," He said and her eyes widened as she looked for any injuries. "Are you hurt?" Her voice sounded worried sick. "No, I'm fine." He dismissed the topic. She wanted to ask more but his mood seemed off so she didn't question him. She noticed they passed the turn of their complex. "Where are we going?" The words tumbled out of her lips on their own accord. "I want to give you a surprise. Something you'd love to see," There was this sinister edge in his deep voice or maybe she was being too paranoid because he was cold to her earlier and ordered her as if he owned her. She hated it and she'd talk to him on this matter but only when he wasn't in such a bad mood. She didn't say anything. Ava rel
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21. Fear
That night played in her head on a loop, again and again. Those haunting eyes that glowed like flames stared down at her. Ava had shoved that haunting memory to the back of her head and never mulled over it ever again until tonight. It was like she was back in that alley, staring at the mobs holding down an innocent man. The thunder rumbled. "Earth to, Ava."She flinched. Her fear-filled gaze locked with his. The man in front of her wasn't the Aiden she fell in love with and knew all this time. He wasn't that kind, gentle, caring man. Instead of his place stood the monster who approached her with the very intent to destroy her. The revelation had knocked the ground off its axis for her. The earth seemed to pause as if it forgot the basic function of rotating around its axis. Her lungs gave up on her, refusing to take in oxygen. She wasn't physically harmed yet but his words had punched her guts. As if he reached for her soul, fisted it, and wrung it out of her. A warm trail on h
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22. Heartache
Her heart almost jumped to her throat and twisted knots formed in her belly as she gazed at his veiny massive arms and those big calloused hands that frightened her. Those same hands she loved so much as she kept holding them and kissing his knuckles. His words rattled the existence of her very being. Ava's eyes widened and her face ashen when he strode towards her like a predator. To escape she took a step back only to gasp when her back collided with the door.She looked at the door over her shoulder with teary eyes and when she looked ahead all her breath was knocked out of her system finding him standing in her personal space like a deadly beast. The mere aura surrounding him was so ominous and dark that she couldn't breathe as she stood there holding her breath and trying her very best to evaporate in thin air."Breath." He commanded in that gruff voice making her chin wobble and lips quiver as she took in a sharp breath from her parted lips.Her teary eyes were dead set on hi
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23. Caught
She didn't sleep a blink, throughout the night she sat on her bed wide awake and kept glancing at the door in fear that he would barge in any second. Ava didn't go to work. She called in sick and went to the police station. She had thought hard about everything. Cried her heart out and then gathered the scattered pieces of her heart. He confessed to her that he killed her father. She wouldn't let him off the hook so easily. He would pay for killing her father. She'll drag him to the court if she had to. She also concluded that Aiden was filthy rich. That car, that mansion, everything belonged to him. He rented the apartment beside hers just to get close to her. Everything was a part of his bullshit plan. Their first meeting was at the bakery. It was all a lie, the more she mulled over it the more it hurt. There was a possibility that he might've lied about his name and job. The job was a lie for sure, thankfully she had his pictures, the ones she snapped without his knowledge, th
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24. Punishment
"I'll give you two options. Decapitation or I shoot your brains out." "No..." She whimpered. "None," Her voice came out choked. Offense sat across his features. He looked lethal. Cold. Murderous. He tsked. "Don't be a bad sport. Come on, choose." She couldn't respond. Ava was traumatized by his mere presence. The continuous loop of stress, anxiety, and panic was messing with her head, leaving her thoughts scrambled and her body numb but despite all that her fear knew no bounds. "Don't make me repeat myself." She let out a choked sob shaking her head. "I can't... I can't choose." She was on the verge of hyperventilation. "That's sad." "Come on get up." He said rising to his mighty height and dread enveloped her as she watched him with haunting eyes. "What did I f*cking say about repeating myself?" Ava stumbled to her feet as he began walking out and she hesitantly teetered behind him. The senior officer bowed at him and the junior officer gave her stuff back to her. S
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25. Cole
"No." Her voice was barely a whisper as her hands trembled. Ava tried to free her hands. Slowly the reality of the situation dawned on her. He wants her to kill the pleading man. She jerked at her hands but his grip on her hands was tight enough to stop the blood circulation as her hands turned cold. "I would never." Her shaky voice echoed in the dark place. She felt his lips curling into a smile on her skin. A shudder ran down her spine when he kissed her ear, his hot breath prickling her skin. "You've to Ava. Choose yourself," He rasped. He knew her, she was a giver through and through. Always making sure everyone around her was alright. Ava possesses the kindest soul in this cruel world. Such kindness that lured in the evil like him. She shook her head violently and he watched her quivering lips. Aiden couldn't help but feel the trembling of her body. She was shaking like a leaf. "What if I tell you he drugged someone and raped that person.""I'm sorry... Please... I'm sorr
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26. Psycho
Ava didn't know where she was or where she was headed. She has been walking into the woods, probably jogging for her life with tears streaming down her cheeks. This man was f*cking crazy. Maniac. Psycho. He carries a gun with him all the time. Law was under him. System bowed to him. He was powerful and rich. Could even kill people as if they were pests. This wasn't the man she fell in love with. He wasn't her Aiden. He was lying. The man she fell in love with was kind and caring. Sweet and loving. Ava wiped her tears. She had to contact Lilith and Evan. She felt so stupid for never asking for their contact. Aiden seemed outlandish. As if he was enjoying all of this. She had a feeling he would destroy her in ways she could never be able to heal from. "Stop," His voice reached her, and her heart stuttered in fear. She was supposed to stop but instead, she sprinted away from him. Her heart crawled to her throat he grabbed the nape of her neck and pulled her back. She came crashin
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27. Deal
"You're late." The baritone of his voice sends tingles down to her toes. Ava stepped back only to flinch realizing the shards of glass on the floor. "What... What are you doing here?" She was so glad that her voice came out steady. Before her heart used to inflate like a balloon in joy when she would find him waiting for her in her apartment but now she was terrified, though her heartbeat quickened. With a mixture of fear and fragments of her remnant love that refused to die down and was persistent in existing in her broken heart. He tilted his head and didn't offer her any response. Silence fell on them and she felt as if the walls were closing in on her. Ava moved carefully so as not to get injured and wore the slippers. Grabbing the broom she began cleaning the mess. She could feel his eyes on the back of her head drilling holes in her skull but keeping herself occupied helped her gather her thoughts and compose her melting armor. Throwing the trash in the bin she wash
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28. Marriage
Everything happened in a spur of a blur. They proceeded with court marriage the next day. More than a marriage it was a marriage contract in which she had no say. There were some solid rules in the contract to which she had to agree. It was stated that she had no right to ever ask for a divorce. Only Aiden could divorce her if he wanted, anytime, any second and she would get no penny out of him. She must obey his every command. Must not try to escape. She must submit to him. And not let any man touch her. She didn't know why the last rule was added. Aiden didn't feel anything for her. He didn't care for her so why didn't he want her to let any man near her? She was muddled when he ordered his lawyer to put this rule in the contract on the spot when the lawyer was explaining to her all the rules. He might be worried she'd transmit a disease or two to him but she would never sleep with him. She demanded to add another rule to his list of rules which stated that they wouldn't share a
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29. Punishment
Ava was escorted to the last room down the hall. Mr. Taylor aka butler helped her with her suitcase and left her after telling her to reach him if she needed anything. She quickly put her phone on charge and tried to contact her father again but it went to the voicemail. There were dozens of messages from Vanessa. 'Tell me when you reach his place.''You better keep me updated if you're alive or not.''Let me know if he makes you cry, I'll f*ck him up.'Ava smiled reading all the threats in the texts and typed a text saying she reached his place and was perfectly fine. She sent her the text and then dialed Annie who picked on the second ring. "Hello, who's this? Ughh my beauty sleep...""You were asleep so early? I thought you might be up playing video games." Ava said. "I made a new resolution prior that I'll go to bed early from today onwards but you hitched my plan, thank you very much." "Did you get a call from dad?" Ava asked. "No, he isn't returning my calls these days, I
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