Her Savage Alpha의 모든 챕터: 챕터 41 - 챕터 50
65 챕터
40. Rage
Aiden took a long drag of his cigarette, eyes fixed solely on the girl lying defenseless in his bed. Crushing the end of his cigarette in the ashtray he made his way towards his destination. The fragile-looking girl in his bed. Aiden only let her go to work because he tracked her every move, from when she left the mansion to the time she got back home, he was monitoring her. The persistent mild beeping of her location in the background as he continued to do his work kept reminding him she was in the perimeter all the time. He knew the guy she met with for which he punished her was Evan. Lilith's student who was now working under Jacob. He was the one who escorted Ava to the airport back at Saltillo, he saw it in one of the footage that his men provided him. Aiden was notified as soon as Ava moved from the bakery and he watched like a fuming hawk when the GPS showed her location approaching the airport. He was on the move. He found them but Ava had bolted into the woods and when
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41. Breaking Point
"You belong to me." He said like a possessed man as he yanked off her pants in one go and tossed it on the floor. She wriggled and struggled. Her eyes fleeted to the gun that lay beside his knee like a daunting weapon. Aiden didn't hesitate as he ripped her panties, earning a shriek from her and she glared at him through her tears. "I don't belong to you. I never will." She spat venomously. She wasn't scared of him. If he was going to hurt her then so be it. She won't beg him to spare her because she knows her begging would only fuel his ego. Her head throbbed and her body ached. He leaned down and bit her inner thigh causing pain to shoot through her body, she jerked away as he sucked on the same spot leaving his mark. His kisses trailed up and she inhaled sharply when his hot breath stroked her vertical lips. He bit so close to her intimacy and sucked. Ava was dumbstruck at what he was doing. But she refused to let her body react to his whims. She struggled slightly as h
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42. Regret
A zap of current ran down his spine and for the first time in his life, he felt something he had never felt before. Fear. Raw and hot, flowing through his veins as he watched her in tense silence. "Ava-" He took a step forward. "Don't," She threatened, glaring at him. "Don't come close or I'll shoot myself," She warned. Eyes red and angry. Hands trembling. Lips quivering. He paused. All of a sudden, his heart was drumming in his ears. In those mere seconds, he thought of millions of possibilities to get over there and snatch the gun from her. Aiden knew Ava was trying to grab the gun when he was feasting on her. He diabolically thought it'd be fun, but he wasn't aware she could use that thing and the fun would lead to such catastrophe. He intended to chain her to the bed for her whole life as her punishment, but something was f*cking wrong with him and in such a furious scenario he had this insane impulse to taste her, and he did exactly that. It was a first for hi
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43. Crazy
He swirled the wine in his glass, eyes intently fixed on the girl who was sleeping on his bed.Ava had passed out amidst her hysterical crying. It was him, who bandaged her foot even though he was bleeding. He tucked her in the blanket before tending to his wound in the bathroom.The wound was deep, and it was healing on its own, but it ached. The unfamiliar feelings eating his head were more chaotic. The weight on his chest was colossal.He sipped his wine, eyes dropping to the liquid in his glass.Where did it all go wrong? No. It was never wrong. This was exactly what he intended to do from the very beginning. Control Jacob and authorities through his weakness. He never considered Ava's feelings.Well, he never considered anyone's feelings before so there was nothing new. Everything was fine until she pulled that stunt.Instead of killing him, she tried to kill herself. Foolish.It did something to him, seeing her like that. Hurt and broken.More than that, what bothered him shitle
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44. Wounds
Ava was sitting on the floor on the balcony while hugging her knees to her chest staring at nothing. She had woken up early in the morning and Mr. Taylor was there in the room. He was standing quietly in the corner and offered her water. She took the glass and drank it slowly. Her head pounded and she felt lethargic. Her feet, knees, arms, and palms throbbed. She had bandages on all the scratches and road rashes. Slowly all the memories came knocking back and she felt a bitter taste in her mouth. She tried to kill herself last night. How could she do that? To her father? To Annie? Aiden had driven her mad. She couldn't think of anything else to get away from him. She hobbled to the restroom and did her business; she noticed that all the sharp items were missing from the bathroom. Mr. Taylor still hasn't left the room. Ava left Aiden's room and stepped into her room. My. Taylor tried to step in, but she blocked his way. Apologized and then slammed the door in his face bef
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45. Silence
Two weeks have passed, and Ava hasn't said a single word to him. The only three words that left her lips were when she asked him 'Is Evan alive.' He despised those words from the bottom of his heart, but they were the only words through which he heard her voice. If it was a couple of weeks ago. He would've ignored it, but it was different now. She was starving him. It was plain torture. He yearned to hear her soft voice, but she wasn't gracing him with it anymore. She was punishing him in her twisted way. No, she knew she couldn't punish him, and she didn't know what was going through his head, so she preferably hated what she showed him that night. The vulnerable side of her and now she had bottled up her emotions and refused to let them out. Aiden had planned to let her live freely like before despite her escaping stunt, he thought of putting Cole on her bodyguard duty, but the girl didn't leave the house in the past two weeks. He had asked her once why she wasn't going t
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46. His Games.
"You can't play me again." Her voice was small and soft, yet so impactful and held the emotion that nothing in the world could hurt her anymore. As if she had faced all the hardships alone. Aiden was glad that she didn't try to hurt herself again. He was on edge the past weeks thinking of it all the time. He didn't want to walk into her lying in the pool of her blood. The thought was scary enough. "I'm not playing you. Not this time," he said earnestly but the repulsion in her eyes poked the beast inside him. He restrained himself from lashing out. Aiden pulled out the stool near the island counter and the next second, he was grabbing her, she gasped and found herself perched on the stool as he stood in front of her. So close. "I'm sorry." He breathed, a scowl on his face and his face donned a pained expression. As if saying those words took everything from him. Ava stared at him blankly. No emotions giving her away. It frustrated him because somehow, she was imitating his s
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47. Drunk
Ava was having the best day of her life. She caught up with her friends, they complained she ghosted them. She apologized. They filled her with the latest news that Daniel and Alice were seeing each other, which she had anticipated a while ago when she caught them stealing glances at each other during their gatherings. When Vanessa offered her a drink, she didn't shy away. Ava drank and drank. She just wanted to forget everything and live freely for a little while. She danced with the girls and like usual the boys surrounded them and provided them with enough safe space so they could dance their ass off. Ava had texted Cole and sent him her location before she began drinking. She didn't want them to think she was trying to escape again. One lesson was enough. She was tipsy and could barely stand on her feet without any help. Not only that, but she was also spouting gibberish nonsense. Her friends were by her side. Jasper was holding her up and took her to the sofa. She or
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48. Cuddles
Aiden bit on her neck earning a whimper from her as he sucked on the tender spot and nibbled on her skin gently, she shuddered on top of him fisting his hair. Her chest heaving up and down wildly as she rubbed herself on him. Aiden grabbed her ass with his free hand and forced her in place a little away from his crotch and stopped the torture she was putting him through. He trailed open-mouthed kisses down her neck to her collarbone and she let out a sweet moan which sent tingles down his spine. "Keep moaning for me. I could listen to it in a loop." He rumbled, licking her throat and she gasped. "Aiden." She whispered his name as if it was a sacred spell. "Yes, baby." He rasped, pulling back to look into her beautiful eyes. "I like it," she said meekly. "Like what?" "The way you called me, baby." She was shy, casting her eyes down. F*ck. "What are you doing to me, baby?" She blinked at him innocently. "What am I doing?" "You're making me go crazy for you." "Good.
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49. Adorable
Ava stirred in her sleep. Her eyelids were heavy, and her head throbbed with the intensity of a brutal earthquake. It took her some seconds to adjust to the pain as she slowly blinked her eyes open. Throb. Throb. Throb. What the hell happened to her? She massaged her temple recalling she met up with her friends and then she drank. She even danced and then Cole came to pick her up. Jasper not letting her drink and then... Her eyes widened when slowly last night began to play on a loop in her head with some missing snippets. But the picture was pretty clear. She f*cked up. Her face turned red in absolute embarrassment. The very next second horror struck her feeling a heavy arm draped over her waist and a sturdy chest pressed on her back. Ava froze up and stayed like an ice block for a couple of seconds before she let out the air in a silent whoosh. She blinked again to be fully awake as she carefully grabbed his wrist and tried to pry his arm off of her bu
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