All Chapters of Marked by the Alpha: Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
468 Chapters
Chapter 0311
Layla’s POVMalcolm knew that with such an offer, he would have me exactly where he wanted me. Almost as if to further prove his point, the old man got up from his seat with a heaving sigh, fingers tight around the walking stick as he stood to his full height and cast a final look at me before slow
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Chapter 0312
On my part, I felt my nerves fire up all at once at the sight of him so near within my grasp, and when he started to move I too took a step forward, closing the distance between us until we were standing, staring into each other’s eyes.For a split second it felt like everything had paused around us
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Chapter 0313
Layla’s POVOnce more, I was left fearing the worst while I waited for a response. Hector, sensing my agitation, gave my shoulder a comforting squeeze and it helped a long way in gathering up every little bit of willpower I could muster to not repeat myself again, though each second that passed by
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Chapter 0314
When I could no longer take the silence, I blurted out that I was sorry and watched the glazed look clear out of my mate’s eyes as he glanced down at me.He said nothing, not immediately at least. But there was no need to.In a single look, he’d already pinpointed what it was that I was apologising
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Chapter 0315
Layla’s POVIt was Ella speaking.I realised this within moments of hearing her voice, and I took several steps away from the door until I bumped into Hector, which made me glance over my shoulder at him.His hands snaked absentmindedly over my shoulders as we locked gazes, and at the quizzical look
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Chapter 0316
The young Alpha-to-be of the Blue Moon Pack drew me into a warm bear hug, and for a moment I stiffened, suddenly hyper aware of the fact that Hector was behind me.It was true that they had come together to find me, but even then I had witnessed one man beat the living daylights out of the other, so
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Chapter 0317
Layla’s POV“So, you and Xavier, the two of you…” Ella trailed off casually, sending me a sideways glance as we walked with Hector and Xavier following not too far behind.We were coming to the end of our tour, and the two men were talking now. Occasionally, bits and pieces of their muted conversa
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Chapter 0318
Hector walked up to me, wordlessly threading his fingers through mine, and together we all followed after my cousin and I was left anticipating what the night would bring.•To my surprise, the banquet was a muted affair that came with none of the things I’d come to expect with such events.For star
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Chapter 0319
Layla’s POVI didn’t recognize her—the speaker; a plump, rosy-cheeked middle-aged woman, who clapped as she approached our table, smiling. She acted oblivious to the hush that’d fallen over the entire hall in the moments following her entry, and while her physical stature may not have been imposing
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Chapter 0320
Evie continued. “Your mother and I used to be close. We were inseparable, like sisters, playing, getting into all sorts of trouble with our powers. It warms my heart to see you alive and well even though she is no longer with us.”She paused to swallow, and after a moment’s consideration, stepped f
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