All Chapters of Marked by the Alpha: Chapter 321 - Chapter 330
468 Chapters
Chapter 0321
Layla’s POV‘Penny for your thoughts?’ The question, spoken into my mind, drew me out of my own head for the moment, and I looked up into Hector’s artic blue eyes, which seemed to blaze from within with some hidden fire that warmed me.The welcome banquet had come to an end hours ago, and now we we
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Chapter 0322
“Now it’s your turn, Little Wolf.”Instantly, I felt the thoughts recede as I tilted my chin up to get a good look at him.“My turn?” I repeated dumbly.Hector nodded. “Tonight, with Malcolm. I got the sense that he told you something; decided I’d ask when we were alone. Is anything going on?”Oh,
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Chapter 0323
Layla’s POVIt took approximately a day and a half for Malcolm to declare that the problem with my abilities was not something that could necessarily be ‘healed’ out of me. This had come after hours of sitting in the same position, not allowed to move even a single muscle as some of the best healer
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Chapter 0324
He continued.“There are some basic shielding techniques I can teach you to keep yourself protected—keep your memories safe from her, give you a heads up to know if she is trying to control you.”Upon hearing this, my reservations stalled, and seeing this, my grandfather continued on, as if he alrea
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Chapter 0325
My throat immediately went dry, but somehow I managed to ignore it, keeping my response short and straight to the point. I was on edge, and I didn’t want to ramble and lose concentration on the mental ‘wards’ Malcolm had walked me through in case Evie slipped through my mind without me even knowing
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Chapter 0326
Layla’s POVListening to Evie’s awe-filled voice and thinking of what she could’ve stumbled on while rummaging through my head to make her sound that way; it immediately put me on the defensive.I grimaced.Considering how on edge I already happened to be, this was not a good thing, and I reacted in
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Chapter 0327
She went on to explain that my mother had created it to be a part of me as much as my powers. It had grown with me and would continue to do so for the rest of my life.I could feel her eyes boring into me when she finished, but I didn’t care as my chest caved in, my spine curving forward as I braced
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Chapter 0328
Layla’s POVIt wasn’t even the fact that each session with Evie left me feeling drained and useless after we finished that happened to be the biggest problem. No. That would’ve been too easy—and when had I ever been lucky enough for that to happen?The biggest problem was that even after a week and
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Chapter 0329
My neck grew warm at the attention, but I said nothing, pretending still like all of my focus was turned on the outfit in my hands rather than the man behind me. Eventually, Hector broke the silence.“Going somewhere?” he asked softly.The sound of his already deep voice turned husky from sleep warm
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Chapter 0330
Our eyes met, and she gave me a small nod of acknowledgement that I returned.Then she spoke.“Come to get your hands dirty today, pretty boy?”The question caught me off guard, and I was left feeling even more so once it registered that she was referring to Hector, who gave a noncommittal shrug as
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