All Chapters of Caught Between Two Brothers : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
100 Chapters
You may be the father
SERENA’S POVI rubbed my tired eyes as I stared blankly at the computer screen. The words were starting to blur together and none of it was sinking in. My mind kept going back helplessly to Kaden and I kept thinking on whether he was safe. It had been over two weeks since the plane crash and there was still no sign of him. I jumped slightly as a steaming coffee cup appeared in front of me. "Thought you could use this," Evan said gently, setting the coffee on my desk."Thanks a bunch," I mumbled, wrapping my hands around the warm mug. It smelled like heaven - extra sweet with a shot of vanilla latte, just the way I liked it. Evan pulled up a chair next to me, his brow creased with concern. "Serena, you look exhausted. Have you heard anything new about Kaden?"I took a sip of coffee,enjoying how hot it was against my tongue before answering. "No, nothing. It's like he just vanished into thin air." Evan reached out and took my hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "I'm sorry. I know h
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SERENA’S POVTwo long months had passed with still no sign of Kaden, and it was still hard as hell. I woke up every morning thinking I was gonna get at least some positive news about his whereabouts but still nothing.Did he just vanish? Because if he didn’t why was it taking so damn long to find him?My baby was growing inside my belly but inside I was feeling hollow. It wasn’t fair at all for him to confess his feelings and then disappear just like that!That afternoon, we were sharing lunch together. Mom had specially invited Evan to join us and she made sure to stuff his plate with everything he wanted.I kinda felt guilty knowing I was lying to both her and Mr Lodge. I had to come clean. Perhaps maybe when my baby was born and I found out who the actual father was.Cameron kept shooting hard glares at Evan which he wasn’t even paying any attention to.Mom filled my plate with more pasta. sympathetically. "Eat, my darling. You need as much strength as you can get for your baby h
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Part of me
CAMERON’S POVPausing outside the closed door, I took a deep breath and balanced the steaming mug of cinnamon tea in my hand before pushing Serena’s door open.As always, I didn’t bother to knock . Serena sat blankly by the window, eyes red and empty. One hand idly sat on her belly. "Serena," I said softly, crossing over to sit beside her. "I brought you something to drink. You need to keep your strength up, for the baby." She didn't move or acknowledge the mug beside her. I sighed, running an anxious hand through my hair. "Please, Serena. You need to at least drink something, even if you don't feel like it."Finally, she whispered in a broken rasp, "There's no point, Cam. What am I eating and drinking for? Is there a party? We’re all mourning,." It seemed as though she was going to cry fresh tears soon.“You know,you cried more than me even if though Kaden is my twin.” I refused to use “was”. Somehow, I still felt like I hadn’t lost him yet. Even though we constantly had misund
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Lying to us?
SERENA’S POVA month later….AUGUST.I inhaled Kaden's familiar cologne as I buried my face deeper into one of his favorite hoodies in his closet. I always came into his room anytime I felt the need to be near him. Every of his belonging was kept in place, untouched. It still seemed like he was there. He always loved to keep things in order. I was still mourning him though and probably would still continue till it was time to finally let go. But I wasn’t just mourning Kaden, I was mourning my baby too. That particular night I had learnt of Karen’s death, I had slipped in my bathroom and it was a terrible fall.My baby died even before I was being rushed to the hospital and I had to use crutches around the house and to work for moving. The cast had been removed from my leg only few days ago and I was walking properly now without the aid of the crutches. The excruciating pain I was feeling this whole time was both physical and emotional. I needed a break, I needed to unwind. But as
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Say yes
SERENA’S POVI took Mom’s hand in mine. "I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to go on so long. But you two seemed so happy, I didn't want to upset things. Mr Lodge was the first man to make you happy after Dad and I didn’t want to ruin everything just because of our relationship that wasn’t even defined.""We're not upset about your relationship," Mr Lodge cut in firmly. "We're upset that our own children felt they had to deceive us for God knows how long.""I know, and I apologize," Cameron replied sincerely. "It was wrong of us. But my feelings for Serena are real, and there's a chance her baby could have been mine." Mr Lodge sighed heavily. "We trusted you both, and you continued lying to our faces every day. I'm very disappointed.""Pops, I know it was selfish of us. If only I had come clean when Serena lost the baby, this all could've been avoided." Mom's expression softened a fraction, though Mr Lodge still shook his head sadly. Cameron stepped forward, tentatively taking my hand in
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Stay the fuck away from me
THREE MONTHS AGO….. KADEN’S POV My eyes slowly opened, but everything was a blur. My head ached with a dull throbbing pain. As my vision came into focus, I realized I was lying in an elegant four poster bed, dressed in soft cotton pajamas. I turned my head, noticing a woman sitting beside the bed. She was lovely, with wavy brown hair and striking green eyes. But I didn't recognize her. Where was I? The last thing I remembered was...nothing. My mind was a blank slate. I tried to speak but my throat was parched and cracked. A straw was pressed to my lips and cool water trickled down. After several swallows, I lost consciousness again. My eyes opened again slowly, adjusting to the bright light. I wasn’t sure how long I had passed out for. Every muscle in my body ached as I tried to move. "Kaden, can you hear me?" The woman’s soft voice asked. My muddled mind scrambled for answers. "What...happened?" I croaked. "Kaden, you're finally awake!" she exclaimed in a happy v
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Let’s do it!
KADEN’S POVI didn’t leave alright. Even though I really wanted to. But it would have been really foolish because I had no idea where I was gonna go anyway. Until I had my entire memories back I had to stay put. Which sucked. But it wasn’t all bad. Some time had passed and I was starting to develop a soft spot for Vivian. Setting down my pen that evening, I sighed and rubbed my temples.Vivian found me there, holding a mug of steaming tea. "How are you feeling tonight,Kade?" she inquired softly. I glanced up at her and took the mug in my hands."I remembered Bianca, my ex," I admitted heavily. “And why we broke up. But I haven’t remembered what else happened after that,”Vivian nodded in understanding, gingerly taking a seat beside me. "I never told you why I left, did I? The truth is, I was young and foolish - blinded by dreams of fame and fortune. Your father wanted us to work closely together and build his company together. But allI craved was being a model.I was never cut out f
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This couldn’t be real
NOVEMBER.(PRESENT DAY..)SERENA’S POVI fussed anxiously with my hair and makeup, wanting everything to be perfect for Cameron. He had been so caring and patient as I struggled to sort through my tangled feelings for the last three months. I owed him an answer tonight.I had moved into my own apartment finally. I wanted a fresh start, something new. And I knew I was not going to move on if I remained in that house. I remembered Kaden all too much. He was still in my heart and a tiny piece of my heart still believed he was somewhere out there… safe and alive maybe. Katy breezed into my house just then, arms loaded with bags from our shopping spree. “When Cam sees you, he’s going to melt!” she declared. Smiling weakly, I prayed she was right. I cared for Cam with all my heart but letting Kaden go and opening myself fully again still terrified me. Nevertheless, I was ready to try.Oh and Katy and I were best friends again. I wasn’t going to throw away all our solid years of friendsh
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SERENA’S POVTime seemed to slow as I tried to understand what was happening. Richard's eyes were bloodshot and angry. "You did this to me, Serena! Now it's your turn to lose everything you cunning little bitch !" My heart stopped in my chest, body frozen in fear. This couldn't be real.But it was all too real as two more simultaneous bangs rang out, snapping me from my trance. I choked on a scream at the sight before me - Kaden and Cameron had leapt in front of me and were now collapsing to the floor in a pool of blood."No!" I shrieked, dropping to my knees in between them.Suddenly a final shot blasted, then silence. I slowly glanced up to find Richard's empty eyes staring blankly at the ceiling, a pool of blood blossoming under him. The police had finally arrived and taken him out. But the damage was done. I choked back a sobbing wail as I surveyed the whole room. Mom and Mr Lodge had hurried over to us in panic. I could hear them yelling but couldn’t make out what they were say
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FINAL CHAPTER.Author’s note: (Thank you for sticking with me till the end of the journey bestie. I love you so much! Plus, pardon me as this chapter would be told in Cameron’s POV and then Serena’s wrapping it up. Let’s say our goodbyes shall we?)CAMERON’S POVI slammed the trunk shut on my overstuffed suitcase, sighing in relief that it had finally closed. After so much preparation, the day was finally here - I was moving to Spain for treatment. A soft knock at the door pulled me from my thoughts. "Come in," I called, straightening up. The door opened to reveal Serena, arms wrapped tightly as if warding off cold. "Last chance to back out," she tried to joke, but it came out hollow. I moved to her, taking her hands gently in my own. "This is something I need to do, Serena. The best chance I have is with that specialist in Barcelona." Her bottom lip quivered, and I squeezed softly. "Hey, none of that now. I'm going to be just fine."“I’m sorry,” she sniffled. “I’m just getting sup
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