All Chapters of Caught Between Two Brothers : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
100 Chapters
Happy without me
SERENA’S POV "Friends, family, thank you all for being here to celebrate Kaden's marriage. For those who don't know me, my name is Serena and I've had the pleasure of knowing Kaden for some time now," I began.Remembering our first meeting at the Lodge mansion all these time, I continued."At first I thought he was such a mysterious person and it got me intrigued.In the days and months that followed, I got to witness firsthand Kaden's kindness, work ethic, and passion for his talent. I admire how gentle, calm and collected you are,Kaden, and I’m publicly thanking you for your support so far. Thank you for always being there for me, for actually being my …friend and uh…making me happy,”I gulped. Inwardly I wished I could say what I was really there for and pour out my heart but I still wasn’t even sure if he was in love with me.A public confession was definitely gonna do more harm than good and no way in hell was I embarrassing myself. Besides,that snake Bianca was crazy.“That is
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Don’t test me
SERENA’S POVI took a deep breath as I entered the courtroom, the heavy wooden doors creaking behind me. All eyes turned in my direction but I kept my gaze fixed straight ahead, focusing on the podium in front of the judge's bench. I had rehearsed what I needed to say dozens of times but it still felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. After all these years, the truth was finally coming to light. Today was the final court hearing for Richard Miller.Richard Miller sat at the defendant's table, his hands cuffed in front of him, looking as smug and arrogant as ever. Just being in his presence again made my skin crawl but I calmed myself, refusing to give him the satisfaction of seeing me shaken. I nodded respectfully to the judge and took my seat in the front row, arranged to have a clear view of the proceedings.Judge Wilson cleared his throat and began. "This court has reconvened to address new evidence presented in the cases of People vs. Richard Miller and the histor
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Just give me some space
SERENA’S POVLater that night after the celebration of the trial, I left my room in search of some warm milk I suddenly craved. And then I found Kaden lingering in the dining hall having a late snack. He spotted me and rose at once."Serena, wait - we need to talk," he insisted, closing the distance between us. I tensed, wishing to avoid just such a confrontation. "There's nothing to discuss, Kaden. Now if you'll excuse me-"But he blocked my path firmly. "No, we're not going to keep avoiding each other in this house. It's been months of this uneasy tension and I'm fucking sick of it."I sighed wearily. "What do you want from me? You're planning a wedding. Shouldn’t your focus be on that?” Frustration flared in his eyes. "I want the old Serena back, not this shadow you’ve become. We never even talk anymore because of this...this thing between us." "There is no 'thing,'" I retorted firmly, feeling a little uneasy at how close he was standing to me right now. "Please move aside."
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Congratulations you are…
SERENA’S POV I was carrying new life inside me, a little baby that would be here in just over six months' time. A sudden influx of emotions overwhelmed me as I sat processing this life changing news. "Thank you, Doctor. I appreciate you taking the time to clarify things for me. It's...a lot to take in." She handed me some information pamphlets. "I know this was unexpected, but you have support. Feel free to call or come in if any other questions or concerns arise in the meantime.And, please take plenty of rest. You need to stay healthy for you and your baby too, I noticed you’ve been under a lot of stress and pressure lately so take it easy okay?"I smiled gratefully and thanked her, my mind still spinning as I left the office.I floated through the clinic doors in a daze, doctor's words on repeat in my mind. Pregnant. Three whole months along already and I'd had no clue. It was all too much to process.I had mixed emotions and the first person I could think about calling was my b
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The real father
SERENA’S POVI opened my mouth to say I didn't know who the father was, but instead the name slipped out - "Evan." I was surprised at the name I had chosen myself.Crazy me.Mom's brows furrowed in confusion. "Evan? I don't know any Evan." "Evan, he's my colleague from work. We were, um, seeing each other quietly." She paused a little before realizing. “Oh right. The handsome looking dude from the court yesterday? That Evan?”I nodded. “Correct,” She looked stunned. "You were dating someone and didn't tell me? I thought we told each other everything!" Oh if she only knew the bigger secret I was still hiding from her. I felt like such a terrible daughter right now.Waving my hands placatingly, I replied, "It was all new, Mom, I wanted to keep it lowkey since we work together. And I wanted to be sure he was serious before telling people."“Okay,I understand honey but still, i wish you would have shared this with me. Anyway, why didnt you tell me you were expecting?” She looked mil
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He’s gone AWOL
SERENA’S POVIn that moment, my carefully constructed composure fell away. One single tear I didn’t realize I was holding slipped down my cheek. Did I just imagine the words or….Kaden loved me ?It was what I'd longed to hear, and yet the worst possible timing. Goddamit!I really wanted to pull him to myself and tell him every single emotion I felt but the tender moment was abruptly shattered by my mother's distinct voice calling upstairs. "Serena? Kaden? Why aren't you all at the church yet?" Her figure appeared in the doorway, glancing between us expectantly. I collected myself, dropping Kaden's hands. "We were just heading there now, Mom."Kaden nodded solemnly. "I'll see you at the altar." With one last lingering look at me, he slipped past my mother and out of sight. As we reached the church, I sat there a little nervous as though it was my own wedding. Everyone was exquisitely dressed like royalty. My eyes darted towards Bianca, the picture of happiness in her shimmering b
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Find Me
KADEN’S POVI walked away from Serena's room a little dazed. Julia had the worst timing ever. Or maybe I did. How could I have admitted my feelings to her on my own wedding day? Fuck. Did she even feel the same? What was I even thinking? I had been struggling with my feelings for a long time and I guess I had to come to terms with the fact.I had finally told her what I felt, yet here I was on my way to marry another woman. It didn't feel right. As I approached the church in my car, I hesitated. Did I really want to go through with this wedding? Marrying Bianca had always been more about duty than love. But was ending it the day of the wedding the right thing to do? After deliberating on it for a few minutes, I drew out a sheet of paper from my journal and wrote down an apology note. I spotted one of my groomsmen and waved him over. “Please hand it over to my dad or Bianca’s”“Why aren’t you getting out of the car man? Everyone is starting to get worried inside,” he looked at m
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SERENA’S POVAs I drove toward Kaden's loft, my mind replayed his confession over and over. I knew we had to discuss what happened and where we stood, for both our sakes. Pulling up outside the building, my heart sank as I spotted a car pulling away in the distance that looked very much like Kaden's. I hoped he wasn’t the one and I wasn’t too late. I raced inside and up the stairs, out of breath when I reached his door. Inhaling deeply, I could catch a whiff of his scent still lingering there."He was just here," I said aloud to the empty hallway, feeling certain. I knocked loudly but there was no answer. Trying the handle, I wasn't surprised to find it locked. Pulling out my phone with slightly shaking hands, I selected Kaden's number and held it to my ear. It went straight to voicemail. “Hey you missed Kaden, please leave a message at the beep…”"Kaden, it's Serena. Please call me back, I need to know you're okay. I have so much I want to say..." My voice shook a bit and I too
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You were the insider?
SERENA’S POVWhen Katy asked to meet me at the mansion, I thought nothing of it. There was more than enough drama going on right now and I needed her support as my best friend.But as soon as she walked in with red, puffy eyes and took a shaky breath, I instantly felt uneasy."Serena, I have something awful to tell you and I understand if you can never forgive me," Katy began in a small voice, barely able to maintain eye contact.I swallowed hard, holding her arms gently."Katy, what is it? You're scaring me." I shot her a look, urging her to get it over with. Mom walked in at that moment and was as confused as I was. Katy took a deep breath, refusing to meet our eyes. "It's about... Richard Miller. And your father's case." I was dreading her next words but I stayed silent, waiting and watching."I... I've been working with Richard all this time. He hired me at Dan's company because I was feeding him insider information to try and build a case against your father," Katy blurted out i
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Found his body
SERENA’S POVAs soon as the words left the newscaster's mouth, the world seemed to grind to a halt. I felt myself go numb, deaf and blind to everything except the loud beating of my heart in my chest. This couldn't possibly be real. Mom crumpled to the floor in shock as she broke down crying. "No, Kaden has to be alright, he just has to!" she cried desperately. That's when Cameron walked in, his smile fading at the sight of our tears. "What's wrong?" he asked, dropping to his knees beside Mom. Between gasps she choked out, "It's Kaden - there was a plane crash. They are saying he was onboard going to Denver." Cameron went sheet white in shock. His eyes fixed unseeingly on the report flashing on screen, replaying the devastating details over and over. Finally he pulled Mom tightly to his chest, rocking her gently as his sad and confused face fell. "Oh my God" he kept whispering brokenly.All the while, I remained frozen, as if in a waking nightmare. Some detached part of my brain
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