All Chapters of Tattooed Luna: Chapter 481 - Chapter 490
615 Chapters
Chapter 0481
“I’m not sure if it means anything but she said she has met with Sir Joe Gambino many times. According to her, they are old friends. I guess she liked when he came to visit because she got to get out of the cell, cleaned up and wear clothing. However, she would get a beating afterward because she di
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Chapter 0482
Penny POV “This will be your new living quarters.” The nurse opened a door on the right. The hallway looked like something out of the movies. The dark green carpet reminded me of a hotel. Random statues and paintings hung on the walls with the occasional mirror. Going into the room, I was in awe
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Chapter 0483
“So, you didn’t have a deal with Zac? He wasn’t going to adjust what you stole from Colt’s office so I was given the wrong information?” Vin challeneged. “I did but that still doesn’t mean I betrayed you! All I wanted to do was get Gunther out. I did sneak into Colt’s office. I didn’t know at the t
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Chapter 0484
Alec and I just looked at each other. Not once did the possibility of a mole come into play. They really hasn’t been attacks or anything that would suggest anything had been leaked. Though, we have put Gunther, Kara and Zac out there and each knew a little something so it wasn’t like we were behind.
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Chapter 0485
Penny POV Waking up the next morning was difficult. After the display on the T.V. I had to unplug it and crawled into bed. Crying myself to sleep was all I could do. Now, a massive headache pounded every inch of my head. My eyes felt like they were going to pop out at any moment. That sandpaper fee
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Chapter 0486
Colt POV My office door opened without anyone knocking. “Did you even sleep?” Carson walked in with more energy than I cared for. Everyday that I was away from Penny, my mood reflected that. “What do you think?” I asked. Truthfully, I don’t think I have slept since she was taken. How many days wa
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Chapter 0487
“Time to wake up.” Someone shook me. Only blackness filled my vision but soon all the sounds of people opening car doors and slamming them shut confused me. “We are here?” I tried to open my eyes but it was hard. The sun was too bright and I just wanted to go back to the blackness. “Yeah. We are
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Chapter 0488
“Not sure why you need to see this. You have already been down here.” THe old man grumbled as we made our way down the stairs. Since there wasn’t any lights on, it was completely black until he switched them on. Just like last time, it was like a concrete bunker. Really, I was just wasting time. Wi
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Chapter 0489
“They are watching the casino that Joe was at. I haven’t actually heard from them.” Pulling out my phone, I sent them a text, asking if there was any updates. Carson wasn’t driving the fastest but the anticipation was very thick. Nora’s head popped between Carson and I but she was looking out the
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Chapter 0490
Penny POV “Penny! Are you doing okay? You have been in there for awhile!” Rosalie kept knocking on the door. I was so conflicted with her that I wasn’t sure how to feel. Currently, I was leaning on the vanity for support from the contractions. Assuming this was false labor, I refused to show it.
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