All Chapters of Tattooed Luna: Chapter 491 - Chapter 500
615 Chapters
Chapter 0491
Colt POV “Come on. Let’s get in the SUV and see where the road leads us.” Carson turned and walked back to the vehicle. My heart sank when I didn’t get a response from Penny. I knew it was a long shot but I needed something. Just the little bit of hope that she was okay. I knew she was alive sinc
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Chapter 0492
As fast as my wolf was, he was not able to run over 100 miles per hour. The need to get back to protect my pack was making my physically itch. My skin was crawling with anxiety. Every time a warrior got hurt or kill would sent a sharp pain in my stomach. They were trained in multiple techniques of
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Chapter 0493
After my shower, I had put on my full tactical gear. The only thing I put on that wasn’t part of my uniform was the onyx necklace that I had gave Penny. It made it feel like she was still with me, close to me. It still contained her smell on a single strand of hair that had gotten stuck to it. I nee
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Chapter 0494
There was so many conflicting feelings as I walked into the hospital. The love I held for my sister was so deep that I used to think nothing would come before her. Now, I needed to fake my happiness because seeing her with my niece was going to eat me alive until I held my own babies. “Colt?” My
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Chapter 0495
Penny POV SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! The contractions were still over ten minutes apart but they hurt like a bitch. “I can have the doctor give you an epidural.” Rosalie asked again as she rugged my back. Currently, I was walking but I had to stop as the contractions started. Grabbing the wall, I was bent
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Chapter 0496
Colt POV “We can do that. One suite per side of the building.” Carson was counting the men that will be in our group. “Where am I going to be?” Alec’s voice came up behind me. Standing up, I looked at him with a blank expression. “You don’t have to do this.” “You are my brother. I’m going. D
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Chapter 0497
We have been on the road for a few hours now. Alec was driving our SUV but there wasn’t very many men in this one. This one had all the medical supplies that Penny might need. There was items for the babies but I was praying hard that we wouldn’t need them. There was only one person that was going t
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Chapter 0498
My heart wanted to jump out of my chest but my wolf kept it calm. Each slow beat was like another piece of rope, holding me back from just running in there to get Penny. “Penny?” I tried again in the mind-link. “Colt?” Penny’s voice sounded surprised and like she was getting ready to cry. “Don’
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Chapter 0499
“Thank you. This should be an exciting night for sure.” Sir Joe said with a laugh as they all walked in. The limo drove off and all the warriors piled in after Joe and Vin. My wolf had to physically bite my lip to keep from growling. Both Alec and Carson grabbed and arm. Squeezing it to keep him f
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Chapter 0500
“So far we are golden.” There was some keyboard action but otherwise it was quiet. “There isn’t any video in Joe’s office, is there?” Carson asked. “No. This is a massive room and it is taking all of us to look at the cameras.” I figured so. A casino wasn’t small and the amount of cameras need
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