All Chapters of The Beast And The Blessed: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
594 Chapters
Chapter 0141
Natalie's P.O.V. "You were right." Charlie's voice carried through the empty library, making me tense as she approached me. I had moved on to a new book, one I could actually read myself, which Thomas was happy about. I had been studying how to enchant items and was almost ready to try it after I
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Chapter 0142
She had said it before, but the reminder that I had a sister now and that this was how our relationship was supposed to be shocked my system. It was so different than growing up with Haylee. It was something I would have to get used to. "Why isn't the council helping teach you when they aren't look
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Chapter 0143
A door slammed down the hall, and the loud stampede of angry women had me moving behind Killian and pushing him out the front door as quickly as possible. I knew they would just follow us, but at least in front of our people, they had to act united and civil. Charlie ducked to be on the other side
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Chapter 0144
Natalie's P.O.V. The tone of the council changed after the announcement that Talia had chosen the other side and that I was Aurora's daughter, making me a descendant as well. They focused even more on tracking the witches, trying to get a lock on them before the battle. If we could take them down,
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Chapter 0145
His eyes were closed, but I could see them moving behind his eyelids as he remained deep in sleep. "Killian," I called out, placing my hand on his chest. His usually hot skin felt chilled, but his body moved as he took in deep and even breaths. I pushed against his body again, trying to wake him. O
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Chapter 0146
Killian's P.O.V. Natalie was looking down the hallway. Her green eyes, which I adored, had turned light blue. Her skin washed of its usual pink hue, leaving her the color of snow. The blue and purple shade of her lips made me want to pull her into my arms and hold her until she was warm again. She
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Chapter 0147
He dipped his head in submission before moving away but staying close enough that he could help if needed. Natalie sobbed for a few minutes more as we waited, worried for her mental and physical well-being after what we had just seen of her. I couldn't imagine what she had just gone through. As she
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Chapter 0148
Natalie's P.O.V. The hot water pounded on my back as I stood in Killian's arms beneath the spray of the shower. I didn't want to talk to him about it. The horrors of that world were too much for any living creature to have to experience. I could still feel the chill that had settled deep into my b
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Chapter 0149
"Natalie." One of the guards shifted their stance, moving weight from one leg to another, and my eyes shot up to him. I had seen him around before, standing closer to Killian's office, but I didn't know who he was. His eyes stayed glued above our heads as he remained alert and aware. Could he see
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Chapter 0150
"I am familiar with it. It was the late king's crown." My mother continued to stare at Killian as she spoke next, and I felt goosebumps rise along my skin. "Your father had demanded to be buried in it." "You knew my father well?" Charlie chimed in, but I could see that she was uncomfortable. "I kn
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