All Chapters of The Beast And The Blessed: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
594 Chapters
Chapter 0161
Charlie was doing the same across the way, and I fought harder to get free, so I could slice her throat and be done with it. Her blood was calling to me, and it was time to end this. My eyes widened, and my beast calmed at seeing my mate moving to stand between us, looking furious. I scanned her ov
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Chapter 0162
Natalie's P.O.V. I didn't trust anyone with Killian or Charlie's blood; everyone in the room seemed to understand that. The healers had also come down but were sitting off to the side after caring for the king's and princess's battle wounds, waiting in case we needed them further. My hands were sh
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Chapter 0163
"Natalie, I swear, I didn't mean to." Charlie looked up at me with wide eyes, begging for understanding. But I wasn't there yet. How was I to know if the darkness had been affecting her or if it had been her choice to attack me? "Please, don't. Not right now." I snapped at her as I turned to my mot
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Chapter 0164
Natalie's P.O.V. My hands were warm as I woke. I had lasted until after Joselin had cleaned up all the equipment and blood. I had only then allowed myself to fall asleep in my chair while waiting for Killian and Charlie to gain consciousness. It had been hard to hide the tears that silently fell d
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Chapter 0165
"I know," I whispered before opening my eyes when I felt someone approaching. Charlie looked exhausted but somehow still glamorous. "Natalie." Her soft voice sounded hesitant as she approached us. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath of Killian's scent again before pulling away and facing my si
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Chapter 0166
Natalie's P.O.V. The grass was stained red. Bodies were strewn across the yard as the dark clouds overhead opened up, letting down a sheet of rain that limited visibility. With each exhale, I could see my breath coming out in a thick fog, but I didn't feel cold. My body was burning hot as I sprin
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Chapter 0167
I placed my hand on his back, trying to tell him I was here, but it went right through him. "Killian, I'm going to get you to safety. I'm going to get you out of here!" How could he not see me when Heath could? "Natalie!" He shouted as he pulled up one knee, trying to push off it to stand. He tumb
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Chapter 0168
Natalie's P.O.V. The heat radiating from his body increased as I pressed myself against him beneath the blanket. His arm wrapped around my lower back, pulling me closer as I took his lips. The way he responded was so pure, so instant… so delicious. His hips pressed into mine, and I smiled against
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Chapter 0169
"What were you saying, my love?" Killian whispered against the skin of my hip before moving between my legs. His mouth closed over my clit as he began to roughly suck and lick it. "You're so fucking wet for me." His moan of approval only made me want him more, and my hands moved to lace through his
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Chapter 0170
"Mh!" I tightened around him as I leaned down, pressing my breasts against his hot chest, my head falling next to his. There was no stopping the loud moans I let out by his ear, but he didn't seem to mind. My cries of pleasure were joined by me slowing my movements as I rode out my orgasm, and he pu
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