All Chapters of The Beast And The Blessed: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
594 Chapters
Chapter 0181
As I dropped my arm, Charlie reached up and touched Natalie's, who was staring blankly out at the field of corpses. "Hey, that was incredible! I had no idea you could do something like that." Charlie stated, but Natalie seemed stunned. "I didn't know I could." Natalie looked back to my chest, drop
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Chapter 0182
Natalie's P.O.V. I could hear Her melodic voice on repeat, telling me to let go. She wanted me to lose control, control I had tried so hard to maintain. But she had been right. I had lost control. I had let my emotions rule my magic, and now thousands were dead. It didn't bother me that they were.
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Chapter 0183
I was just impatient for my mother to return home. With her here, I would get answers about my father, we could continue our training, and she could tell me about the voice. I never wanted to lose control again, even if it had worked out in our favor this time. What if the next time it didn't? I a
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Chapter 0184
Killian's P.O.V. Natalie stood in the hallway that led to my office, staring at the glass mural for over an hour before George alerted me. I knew Tobias never would have told me. He had an extreme loyalty to Natalie that I was impressed with, but I wanted to know things like this. How would I kno
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Chapter 0185
Natalie's P.O.V Joselin looked right over me. Her face looked gaunt, and what little color she had to her skin had faded. I had wanted to speak with her to see if she was okay, but she hadn't been around lately. Since we came home, this was the first time I had seen her outside of my visit to the
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Chapter 0186
The hot mid-day sun beat down on my shoulders with cruel intent, and I was eager to get back inside. Rona was smiling widely as she spoke to Lindsey, Killian's ex. Lindsey's shoulders tensed, and her eyes widened when she saw me enter the courtyard. Two power-hungry women becoming friends was never
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Chapter 0187
Natalie's P.O.V. The smirk could be heard in his words, and I pushed myself further against his hips. Killian growled lowly as my ass rubbed his hardness, and his hold on me only tightened in response. "I will not beg for what is mine." His lips rubbed against mine, and my knees threatened to buck
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Chapter 0188
I wiggled against him as he stopped moving both hands, desperate for more. We had a week to make up for, and I wasn't going to stop until I had him inside me, even if I had to be the one to beg for it. "Turn around, my mate." His deep voice sounded strained, but when I fluttered my eyes open and gl
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Chapter 0189
"Now." Killian gritted out. "Before I change my mind and fuck your mouth." I jumped to my feet, quickly removing the rest of my clothes. My panties were soaked, and I was sure the wetness would drip down my thighs at any moment. The dominating side of Killian was one of my favorites, and I felt my
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Chapter 0190
Killian's P.O.V. Natalie smiled brightly as we walked down the hallway hand in hand. I had yet to determine if she had ever explored this part of the castle before, but it would soon become her favorite place. I glanced down at my beautiful mate. My lips pulled into a prideful smile as she walked
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