All Chapters of The Beast And The Blessed: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
594 Chapters
Chapter 0201
It was a mistake as my mother flinched back against my dad's side, and he quickly drew his gun from his waistband. The barrel was pointed at me, and I stopped, confused. "Daddy? Mommy?" My voice trembled as the cold night air hit my wet skin, and I glanced down to see my pale body covered in blood.
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Chapter 0202
Joselin's P.O.V. - Present Day One had to be a special kind of stupid to let their ignorance feed their fear. Yet, as I stepped into the pub, the room fell silent. Bodies shifted, and multiple people began collecting their belongings to make a quick escape. Only one person in the building should h
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Chapter 0203
He raised his eyebrow, silently asking me to explain. But even thinking the words make a ball form in my throat. How did I tell him that the horror I had experienced as a child may have happened again to someone else? How do I tell him what I had seen in the mountains the night before the war? I pu
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Chapter 0204
Joselin's P.O.V. It was the closest I could get us, and that made my stomach tighten. Only a few weeks ago, Lycans, wolves, and humans faced off against a collection of witches and vampires for the right to the crown. We came out victorious because of the strength of our Queen's magic. All of the
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Chapter 0205
"It's this way." I ground out, feeling my eyes begin to water. Once again, he pulled away from me like I was some disease-ridden animal when he was the one who had reached out for me this time. "Josie," Tobias growled, but I shook my head and kept walking. I didn't want his excuses. I also didn't w
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Chapter 0206
I understood. His mate came first. If I had one, I would do the same thing. But even after the air had cleared, he hadn't treated me the same. It was rare now that I could ever talk to him alone. If I did, it was like a silent alarm went off, and someone would come to interrupt us within a few minut
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Chapter 0207
Joselin's P.O.V. I smiled at him as he growled out my name. The sound awakened my confidence even more as my fingertips trailed down my collar, over my chest, to land on the tops of my breasts. The smooth skin there was soft to the touch, but I knew if I looked down, I would find the black lines of
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Chapter 0208
When he didn't move or say anything, I lifted one knee, sliding it between his thigh and the arm of the chair. I felt victorious when he moved his leg to make room for me. His hand grabbed my hip, holding me steady as I pulled my other knee onto the chair and straddled him. I held myself over him w
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Chapter 0209
Tobias's P.O.V. This was not how I had pictured it. Having Joselin on top of me, pleasuring herself by grinding on me. I had wanted her for so long… even when I shouldn't have. Even when it went against the will of the Goddess. She had always been on my mind. She had always been the most beautiful
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Chapter 0210
Then after a while, it felt like a game. I thought Joselin was doing it for me. It didn't happen often, but when I saw her with someone, there was a magnetic pull between us. Her eyes would meet mine and hold my stare as she came. She was the most beautiful creature in the world when she reached he
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