All Chapters of The Beast And The Blessed: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
594 Chapters
Chapter 0171
Natalie's P.O.V. "You seem disturbed." Aurora's soft voice called out, and I glanced over at her with a forced smile. I trained for hours with Tobias, exhausting myself as I learned new ways to fight against vampires and avoid getting bitten. He still wouldn't talk to me, and I refused to pressure
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Chapter 0172
"You're nervous," I stated as I watched her fidget. "He's here, staying in the city as we speak. He came with the packs to fight tomorrow." I could admit that I was curious about the man, but I felt no urgency to run off before a war to meet him. I needed to continue to study so I could be as prep
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Chapter 0173
Killian's P.O.V. Camps were set up all around town. Anyone who could take someone in did. Houses were overflowing with creatures of all kinds. Even humans started showing up, much to my surprise. They had been quiet until recently when they began reporting mass amounts of missing people and deaths
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Chapter 0174
Natalie's P.O.V. The sound of wolves and other creatures trampling through the forest was oddly quiet. The muffled and skilled footsteps of warriors quickly covering the distance to the mountains felt like the timer of a bomb slowly ticking down to zero. The humans would be driven in with the othe
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Chapter 0175
It was easy to see who had been in battle before, and it put me at ease knowing that they weren't concerned. They had either accepted their fate or trusted their king to lead them to victory. I scanned over a group of familiar barbarians. They wore their weapons with pride, and Charlie sat beside D
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Chapter 0176
Natalie's P.O.V. Killian was already standing in his Lycan form. His back was to me as he scanned the area. A few of our pack members screamed and yelped in pain as they tossed their bodies into the dirt, trying their hardest to extinguish the fire. It was short lasting, but I knew they would have
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Chapter 0177
I swallowed hard as I watched the crowd part behind her. The sound of chains rattling reached me before I could see them. The other council members were nowhere in sight, but Agatha and my mother hung limply as they were dragged to the front and forced to their knees next to Lillian. They were inju
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Chapter 0178
Natalie's P.O.V. I had never been more in awe of my mate than I was at that moment. I had been ready to take on the world. The need to draw blood was primal, and while I was nervous about my first kill, I was also being spurred forward by my need to protect my mate and my newfound family. I had no
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Chapter 0179
I raced forward, following after Killian, not wanting to be separated, but he was a good way ahead. He was closer to his smirking mother than he was to me, and that did not sit well with me. He was strong, but he had struggled with the idea of her death for years. Plus, with Lillian's newfound powe
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Chapter 0180
Killian's P.O.V. My world stopped spinning momentarily as I felt her body collapse on top of mine, shielding me from the inevitable blow that would end my life. I expected it to be cold and dark as I entered the veil, but there was a sudden heat instead. I opened my eyes and watched a large blue f
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