All Chapters of The Beast And The Blessed: Chapter 411 - Chapter 420
594 Chapters
Chapter 0411
"Yeah, I got that. Goodnight." I gaped at him as he turned and walked away, crossing the makeshift bridge before I could collect myself to stop him. "We all have secrets, Damien. One day, you will know all of mine, and I hope to know all of yours." I waited a moment longer, staring at his back as
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Chapter 0412
Damien's P.O.V. She was angry. Charlotte was glorious when she was angry. Charlie. I kept having to remind myself that she was Charlie, not Charlotte. I didn't know who Charlotte was. The woman that was able to cause a stir in town just by being recognized was a mystery to me. I thought I had know
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Chapter 0413
"Have you ever dealt with one of these before?" Roman asked, falling back until he was in line with me at the back of the pack. I hadn't intended to get involved. I just wanted to watch. As Barley had put it, I wanted to see another side to her, another piece of the puzzle that was Charlie. But I h
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Chapter 0414
Granted, whoever tried to create and tame this one was probably dead, but knowing most of these creatures were designed as weapons and then set loose on the world was a real thorn in my paw. The men let out a loud sound in an uneven round that knocked the troll's equilibrium off. The creature shook
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Chapter 0415
Charlie's P.O.V. Adrenaline coursed through my blood. I could feel every inch of Damien as he held me to his chest, and I was sure he could feel just how fast my heart was beating. Any second, he would be able to smell how turned on I was, too. After taking down a bounty, the men used to go to tow
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Chapter 0416
I laughed, making him look down at me with a heated gaze as I spoke. "But you're not just a gentleman, are you? I thought you were also an animal. You can wine and dine me later. Right now, I want to celebrate with you. Right now, I want to be fucked." My lips connected with his bare chest. My tong
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Chapter 0417
But he wanted more, and I wanted more. "Yes." I gasped, my nails digging into my palms, puncturing the skin as I tried to pull my hands free from his grip instinctively. I didn't want him to release me, but I wanted to move freely to take what I wanted. "Harder. Fuck me, Damien." His restraint sna
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Chapter 0418
Charlie's P.O.V. The inn was loud when we entered. The men were behind me, adding to the uneasy feeling I had after what I said to Damien. They usually broke off and celebrated on their own. If Neil hadn't been back at camp, he would have been in one of the taverns by now, playing dice or cards ag
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Chapter 0419
I turned to glance at the men, and they looked as surprised as I felt. We had all thought the vampires were extinct. To hear they were back was almost as shocking as finding out that my brother had found his mate. "We'll deal with that later. Tonight we celebrate." Paxton slammed his palm down on t
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Chapter 0420
My heart all but stopped when he wrapped his arm around my waist, letting his fingers dance along the small strip of exposed skin between my pants and shirt. I watched as his face lit up as he spoke, the way his Adam's apple bobbed when he swallowed a sip of his drink. His black eyes crinkled in the
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