All Chapters of The Beast And The Blessed: Chapter 431 - Chapter 440
594 Chapters
Chapter 0431
I turned away from her, busying my hands as I prepared dinner. "I can't believe there was a time that I ever questioned your existence. I was determined to find my mate, but there was the briefest moment where I had considered giving up." She looked down at her wine glass, and I watched as she swir
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Chapter 0432
"Mh, I could see that. I bet all the women love to watch you chopping wood and moving their furniture." I sent her a smirk over my shoulder, seeing her pearly white teeth pressing into her plump pink bottom lip. She had watched me chop wood countless times before. Yet the idea of her sitting on a p
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Chapter 0433
Charlie's P.O.V. A soft moan left me as I took a bite of my steak. It was one of the best meals I had had in a long time. Whenever one of the men was in charge of food for the day, we always ate jerky and berries. Occasionally, one of them would treat us to a meal from town, but by the time they b
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Chapter 0434
I would have to do something for him soon to show him how much I cared for him. "It was sweet of your mother to get you that book," I said, hoping to change the subject to put him at ease. Damien had been happy when talking about his mother, and I knew that was a safe topic. "She worried I would k
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Chapter 0435
"Oh," My cry was met by his teeth lightly pinching my nipple, and a rush of pleasure shot straight to my core, making my clit throb with need and excitement. "I love how responsive and loud you are, baby," Damien said, his beard scratching deliciously against my chest as he moved to my other breast
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Chapter 0436
Damien's P.O.V. The following day, I helped Charlotte break down her tent and had her store her belongings in my house. It felt right to see her things there, even if she did stack them in a pile in the corner of the room to keep them out of the way. I was tempted to unpack all of her things just
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Chapter 0437
But, I didn't know what Roman had hoped to convey with his statement, and if I hadn't been so sleep-deprived, I might have been able to take it as the reassuring comment I was hoping he meant it to be. "Ready to go?" Charlotte asked me with a bag hanging from her hands. I had told her to pack whate
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Chapter 0438
"Oh, this is too good." Charlotte's voice was thick with humor, and I scowled at her. "Can you hand me this in a minute?" I carefully placed the tray of burning leaves into her hands and climbed onto the first level of branches. The hive buzzed loudly, getting angry that I was bothering them. I gr
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Chapter 0439
Charlie's P.O.V. The voice made me tense, and I glanced around Damien's broad back. The woman was too young to be his mother, and from how large her belly was, I estimated she was about seven months along. Her black hair was thick and braided, hanging over her chest, ending at her belly button. "O
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Chapter 0440
I nodded in response but kept my lips pressed together as she jogged away and collided against the man's chest with a giggle. "She's nice," I whispered to Damien, and he nodded before taking the tray of honeycomb from me and balancing it on the top of our bag against the wooden wall of his mother's
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