All Chapters of The Beast And The Blessed: Chapter 451 - Chapter 460
594 Chapters
Chapter 0451
It was time to return as the princess, and washing away my current life to fit into the too-small shoes forced on me was the first step. As I pulled on the last fresh pair of clothes from my bag, I had to resist the urge to flop face-first down on the bed and sleep the day away. Instead, I cracked
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Chapter 0452
Charlie's P.O.V.It had been surreal walking back into the castle and venturing to my old room. I had managed to avoid everyone except for the guards stationed around the halls, but they didn't speak to me. Just bowed their head in greeting as I passed them. My room, while abandoned, was spotless f
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Chapter 0453
It was odd that it all felt so normal. I had expected there to be a change in him since finding his mate, and maybe there was on the inside."Charlie," He said in a breath of relief as his eyes scanned me over, no doubt looking for a missing limb or permanent scar to prove that I hadn't been able to
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Chapter 0454
"Please, call me Charlie." I smiled, excited to finally meet her and hoping to give her a warmer welcome than Killian had. He didn't smile and hadn't even touched her. Not a hug or a kiss. Even when Damien was mad at me, he still slept around me. She accepted the hand I offered her, and I shook it
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Chapter 0455
Charlie's P.O.V. I could feel it... practically hear it before he even opened his mouth. Killian was going to argue. He would tell me to go back to my ballgowns and books. Hell, he might even tell me to go back to hunting monsters. Just to leave the actual fighting to his warriors, even though we h
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Chapter 0456
My chest rose quickly as I stared down at my plate. Was this how children felt when their parents actually wanted to spend time with them?This excitement wasn't normal. This hope wasn't healthy. But it was there. I looked up, wondering what he was waiting for and why he hadn't spoken when I saw h
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Chapter 0457
And we were. Even if Killian hadn't marked her, she was my family now, and I wanted her to feel welcome and wanted here. It was something I never felt, and I resent it."That doesn't seem appropriate, given my position.""You are my brother's mate, the next queen. Your position is soon to be above m
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Chapter 0458
Damien's P.O.V. The second I reached the border, I felt my beast rear back. Every possible warning bell inside my head was going off, telling me to stop here and save my skin. But I could smell her, my Charlotte. It was faint as if she had passed through this very spot hours ago, but it urged me
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Chapter 0459
"Thank you." The man turned and stared at me a moment longer with a smile before gesturing for me to follow him through the wide opening of the city walls. "No problem. They're this way." He started walking, and I jogged to catch up with him. Just as I passed through the entrance, another man move
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Chapter 0460
I sat down with them, sipping the cold beer and smiling a few minutes later when the server brought six plates of food for the table. I hadn't brought any money, but my worries faded when Paxton asked for a second plate, boasting about how he would eat his fill since the castle would be footing the
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