All Chapters of The Beast And The Blessed: Chapter 461 - Chapter 470
594 Chapters
Chapter 0461
Damien's P.O.V.The lycan on patrol didn't react as if they hadn't smelled it, and my jaw tightened as I took another deep breath. It was rancid, like a body that had been left out in the sun for too long. It grew thicker the further I walked into the forest, keeping my steps quiet as I felt the gu
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Chapter 0462
Hell, during my travels as a teenager, I had been exploring one of the fallen cities the humans used to rule and came across one of their bleeder centers. There were piles of bones in the basement of the large office building, and every room was filled with chains and skeletons. There had to have b
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Chapter 0463
Still, I couldn't stop from looking around the tree once more to see if Charlotte was with him. The idea of her being out here when the area hadn't been cleared didn't sit well with me. There could be more vampires, and while there were more than enough guards to protect her, it was an unnecessary r
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Chapter 0464
Charlie's P.O.V.As soon as Killian returned, I was livid. I could smell the cold night air on his suit and wished I could step outside too. A deep, calming breath before dealing with him would have prevented this conversation from being fueled by my emotions. I had never been more furious in my li
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Chapter 0465
"She doesn't know about what happened to our parents. She didn't even know mother was still alive until this afternoon. I have told Natalie several times that she is my mate. What she chose to infer from that information is on her."I swallowed hard, taking a sip of my wine. Visiting my mother had a
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Chapter 0466
As I approached the inn, I felt my beast stir, and the subtle scent of the breeze made me pause. I knew that scent, and my heart clenched in my chest. It had to have been the stress of the evening. I knew Damien wouldn't have come here. He would still be with his sleuth, or maybe he was already on
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Chapter 0467
Charlie's P.O.V.I couldn't wait until tomorrow. If Damien had run for a day and a half for me, I could venture out a mile or two for him. Even with the report of a deceased vampire found outside the wall, the risk of me crossing one out there would be slim to none. The guard would be on high alert
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Chapter 0468
Sparks danced over my body, and a laugh of surprise left my lips. I had smelled him for myself. Even with Barley telling me that Damien had come after me, a small part of me hadn't fully believed it. The only people who had ever chased after me were my nannies, and that was because they had been get
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Chapter 0469
I nodded. I knew it all too well. There was nothing about that world that made me happy either, but it was my duty to step up should anything happen.Still, his happiness was important to me, and I had to consider how I would live if, after I marked him, I had to let him go so he could be happy or i
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Chapter 0470
Charlie's P.O.V.That night we slept curled around each other, but it was different than the time before when he had first found out who I was. This time, instead of frustration and anger, the air felt colder, and my heart hurt from the sadness and longing that stemmed from our conversation. I knew
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