All Chapters of The Billionaire's Twins Play Matchmaker: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
265 Chapters
Chapter 0101
“What could that possibly be?” “I don’t know,” Victoria shrugged. “You’ll learn that in time just…don’t force yourself or your heart to move on before its time. Give yourself time to grieve properly and don’t worry about it so much.” “I guess…” Victoria watch
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Chapter 0102
The Twins Make a Plan “Are you ready Caden?” Aria asked bouncing around their room. “Yes.” He nodded though he remained seated. Tomorrow was their third birthday and their mother was planning a party for them with their Aunt Vicki’s help along with Dillon’s as
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Chapter 0103
Macey rolled her eyes but didn’t argue any further. In truth he raised her as well. Her father had been around for her early years so she thought of Augustus as a doting uncle for most of her childhood. After her father passed away he became more and more like a second father. Though Augustus so
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Chapter 0104
“Bonjour,” they called together. Augustus chuckled as they took their seats. It amazed him to think his grandkids were naturally bi-lingual. They spoke French fluently and their English was impeccable with only a slight accent. Jude was taking Spanish in school but he could barely m
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Chapter 0105
“We’ll start with his name,” Aria diplomatically said. “Julius.” “Julus?” Aria tried to pronounce the unfamiliar name. “Julius. Julius DaLair. He’s my youngest.” “You have more children?” “I have two. March is his older brother.”
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Chapter 0106
“We’ll make a plan that will bring mommy and daddy back together again. Then we can be a big happy family again!” Caden frowned, “What if our daddy doesn’t want to be in a family with us?” “Of course he will,” Aria said supremely confident as she always was. “You want a d
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Chapter 0107
Movie Night Julius poured melted butter over the bowl of steaming popcorn before lightly shaking salt over it all. It might have been quicker to pop it all in the microwave but that popcorn lacked a certain flavor. Air-popping it and mixing it like this was how he remembered doing it
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Chapter 0108
Julius couldn’t help but feel betrayed. His children were five years old before he even laid eyes on them all because of his father. At the same time his father had been seeing them regularly. Augustus had been there for their birth and made trips to see them on their birthdays and holidays in ad
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Chapter 0109
Macey didn’t complain and he wasn’t interested in needless parties anyway so he couldn’t be bothered by it. Though he did recall March complaining once or twice asking him if he didn’t care people were being so disrespectful to his wife. Julius brushed it off saying if it didn’t bother her than it
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Chapter 0110
Julius froze mid-step as the memory came flooding back. He had actually raised his hand against her. Cold suddenly assailed him and he felt himself go pale. How could he have done that? What was wrong with him? “Daddy,” Aria called. “Daddy, what’s wrong?” Aria and Caden were cam
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