All Chapters of The Billionaire's Twins Play Matchmaker: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
265 Chapters
Chapter 0121
Surely that should have been enough for her sister’s revenge but it wasn’t. Anonymous photos soon blasted gossip pages with headlines like: Golden Child Disgraced! Music Prodigy Out of Control! Her mother broke down in tears and her father raged. Neither wanted to hear her side of the story and
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Chapter 0122
While her mother had been a wallflower Alexis was outgoing and friendly earning her quite a following. Lynn was happy her children were popular and well-adjusted. She couldn’t hope for more, didn’t dare to hope for more. Now they were in the fifth grade and would soon move on to a middle school.
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Chapter 0123
“Okay Alexis, stare straight ahead for me.” Doctor Ericka was gentle as she shined a light and studied her young patient’s eyes. “Good. Now without moving your head track the light as I move it.” Alexis’s gaze flickered as she watched the light move steadily in and out of her limited
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Chapter 0124
Their footsteps were distinctive. They were probably wearing loafers rather than sneakers. Even their clothing had a particular sound as it rubbed against itself while they waited. Most likely silk or satin which meant they were probably wearing suits and expensive ones at that. Eve
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Chapter 0125
“Interesting.” Thomas said. “It can’t be easy to raise three children on your own but their mother seems to handle it even with Lexi’s medical needs.” “What about their father?” “He’s never been in the picture,” Weston shook his head. “You think h
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Chapter 0126
Silas sighed as he took his seat in his reserve booth. At least here he no longer had to worry about people bothering him. No matter where he went people accosted him hoping to win a powerful ally or patron. It was even worse among this crowd. Tonight was the All Boroughs Music Comp
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Chapter 0127
Once they finished the crowd politely clapped again and they exited to join their family and friends in the audience. Stage hands moved chairs and music stands preparing for the next act before it was announced. And so the night progressed. Some schools were represented by a single musician other
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Chapter 0128
Her playing naturally tapered off after its climax. Slowly the girl straightened, relaxing as the melody slowed. Removing her left hand she finished with her right gently tapping out the same signature notes she started with letting them hang in the air like a question. Satisfied she
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Chapter 0129
Thomas returned to his anxiously waiting friend. Silas nearly leapt out of his seat demanding, “Where is she?” Shaking his head Thomas answered, “There were people waiting for her. I couldn’t sneak her away.” “People waiting…who?” “Her brothers and aunt, I th
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Chapter 0130
“What did you find out?” Silas demanded from his chair behind his desk. It had been an unsatisfying morning with a fussy Board of Directors and their petty complaints. Making it worse had been his exhaustion. Since the music competition he hadn’t been able to sleep. The moment his c
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