All Chapters of The Billionaire's Twins Play Matchmaker: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
265 Chapters
Chapter 0131
“…A waitress…” Silas muttered. How? Why? Who did this to her? She should have been playing for sold out concert halls not bussing tables. He looked at the birth certificates again. January eighteenth. Was there something special about that date that made him cringe? Then his gaze
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Chapter 0132
As the years progressed his hesitation to approach her continued and the opportunity to speak to her evaporated once he graduated. He went on to college leaving her behind but he never forgot her. He made new friends, friends who like to party, drink and sleep around. None of those activities app
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Chapter 0133
“Here you are burger and fries and your short stack,” Lynn said as she set the plates down in front of the corresponding customer. “Anything else I can get you gentlemen?” “Just your number, baby cake,” one leered stroking her hand. Lynn removed it trying not to show her r
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Chapter 0134
“Of course,” Tracy laughed. “They’re such good kids. And the boys take good care of their sister.” “You mean I do a good job of taking care of them,” Alexis corrected. “If I wasn’t around they’d be in trouble twenty-four, seven.” “No we wouldn’t,” Sean argued.
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Chapter 0135
“Hey Mike,” they greeted. “How’d it go?” “Nothing much. After she dropped the kids off they had a normal day at school. It’s frustrating we can’t go inside though. And it’s impossible to vet everyone who enters the building. School staff is one thing but then there are
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Chapter 0136
“Can I have a refill?” a customer held up a cup. “Absolutely,” she said retrieving the carafe from its hot plate and filled the cup without missing a beat. Mike eyed the simple, two-sided menu finding many traditional fair foods and fast food options: mostly fried or grille
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Chapter 0137
“Have a good night.” Gretchen called as they made their way to the door. “Be careful on the way home. If it’s too cold I can give you a ride.” It was eight-thirty and though the diner was open another three hours Lynn had reached the end of her shift. Now that the dinner rush was ove
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Chapter 0138
“I’m going to take a shower.” “Okay mom.” “Yep!” Taking off her shoes Lynn headed to the bathroom. Even before the water started Sean and Theo headed to the windows peaking between the blinds. Theirs was a corner apartment which gave them a view of two street
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Chapter 0139
“So you think seeing you play clued him in?” Sean asked. “Even so…why would he care? He dumped her.” “He is still single and he doesn’t have any other children…” Alexis said. “You’re kidding. You think he really cares about that?” Theo suddenly sat up. Prom
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Chapter 0140
“Mister Prescott.” Silas was in a hurry but paused as one of his subordinates rushed to catch up. It had been two days since Thomas was sent to locate the maid and he was beginning to lose patience. Try as he might to keep it contained he felt his control slowly slipping. But he coul
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