All Chapters of The Fontaines of Hollywood series: The Mystery of You: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
57 Chapters
Chapter 11: Now or Never
If I had any lingering doubts about why I made such a stupid mistake in the first place, they're gone in an instant. At the first touch of his lips to mine, my body goes limp against his, the rush of heat taking over. I'm aware of every place we touch, of every slightest movement of his skin against mine. His lips are demanding and teasing, toying with me. This is a man who knows how to kiss.Somewhere, in the back of my mind, I remember why I'm here. I push gently against his chest until he breaks the kiss."Ready to stop already?" he asks, with an expression that makes my heart skip a beat."Can we go inside?" I ask again. "Into the house?"He chuckles, and the sound makes me tingle all the way down to my toes. "If you insist. After last time, I didn't think you minded being outside."He's making me blush on purpose, I know it. I was shameless the last time we met. Caught up in the moment. I don't behave like that normally, and he must know that.I follow him up the palm-lined
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Chapter 12: An Unexpected Invitation
I take a deep breath. If I don't say this now, I'll never get it out."I'm - "My words are cut off by the sudden buzzing of Rafe's cell phone in his pocket.He mumbles something under his breath and shoves his hand into his shorts, fumbling around until the ringing stops. Then he leans forward again. "Where were we?"My breath catches in the moment before his lips touch mine. I know I should say something, should push him away, but I'm paralyzed. I'm pulled to him, and I don't have the strength to fight it.Unbidden, some old words of my mom's pop into my head: Learn to tell the difference between lust and love, honey, and you'll save yourself a lot of trouble. She never was good at following her own advice, but maybe that's why it's stuck with me all these years.There's obviously no question that this is lust, in its purest and rawest form, but for the life of me, I can't resist it. I can see the trouble coming at me full speed, but I'm caught like a deer in the headlights.A
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Chapter 13: My Hollywood Makeover
Any thought I had of paying for my own clothes goes out the window as soon as I glance at a tag in La Bella Boutique. I was expecting the prices to be double or triple those of what nice clothes might cost back home. Instead, it's more like five or six times as much. I'm not sure I even have enough in my debit account to buy a single dress.Especially when you won't be able to fit in that dress in a few months, I remind myself.I refuse help from the salesgirl when she approaches me. Instead, I wander through the racks, eyeing the dresses around me. Some are simple and elegant, others shimmery and bright. Some have classic designs, others are what I can only assume are the hot new fashions. I have a couple of "nicer" dresses back home - things to wear to the occasional wedding or funeral I find myself attending - but nothing that looks like anything in this store.And even if I knew what I liked, I have no idea what I'm expected to wear to a Hollywood party. How formal is this thing
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Chapter 14: Breaking the Fantasy
I twist around. I was so focused on my thoughts that I never even noticed Rafe coming up behind me in the reflection of the mirror."No," I say quickly. "I can't let you - ""It's already done," he replies, handing his credit card to the salesgirl. Short of lunging after her and knocking it out of her hand, I can't stop him."I can't let you pay for this," I tell him."Why not? I was the one who invited you to the party at the last minute. If I'd planned ahead, you would have been prepared and brought your own dress. It's only fair that I pay for the inconvenience."I start to argue that what he's spending is far, far too much for a little inconvenience, but before I can, he steps closer, and all the air rushes out of my lungs."I insist," he says, sliding his hand up the side of my neck. He finds a bit of hair that has escaped from the sparkling clip and twists it around his finger. "Consider it a gift."And that's when I realize that I'm never going to be able to tell this man
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Chapter 15: My First Hollywood Party
I climb out of the car. There are a handful of other people filtering inside - and they all look like they could be celebrities or models.I jump at the touch of Rafe's fingers on my back."Are you ready?" he murmurs into my ear."Yes," I say, finding my courage. This is just a stupid party, I tell myself. You're going to have to learn to be brave for the little one growing inside you. I imagine there are going to be much tougher challenges on the road ahead.You should let yourself enjoy the moment, I tell myself as I let Rafe lead me toward the door. Here I am looking fabulous, walking into a mansion, on the arm of a gorgeous man who most women probably dream of dating. If there was ever a moment to let go and live it up, it's now.Rafe's hand flattens against my back, almost as if he can sense my nerves. I smile up at him, and he pulls me closer to his side."Just smile and nod and make small talk," he tells me. "And if all else fails, stroke a few egos. The people in this tow
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Chapter 16: Awkward Introductions
We both turn at the sound of that sultry female voice.The woman approaching us has long, flowing hair that fades from blond on top down to a dark, almost chocolate shade at the ends. She's in a silvery mini-dress - which emphasizes that her legs go on for miles - and I'd bet what little I have in my savings account that she's a model, or at least an aspiring one."We have some catching up to do," she purrs, sliding her arm around Rafe's waist and leaning into him. She turns her lips to his ear. "What do you say we head over to the bar?""Charity," he says pleasantly, "may I introduce you to Edie?"He pulls me around him, bringing me face-to-face with her.I have no idea what to do in this sort of situation - laugh it off? Mark my territory? In the end, I just stick out my hand in greeting, silently cursing at Rafe for making this awkward."Nice to meet you," I say. "Charity, was it?"Her glossy lips transform into a sneer so quickly that I realize immediately I've said somethin
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Chapter 17: What Makes Me Different
I have no idea how to answer Dante's probing question.Suddenly a woman - the red-haired one Dante was standing with earlier - appears at his side. Ashlyn, I remember."I told you not to give her the third degree," she says to him. To me, she adds, "I hope he isn't bothering you.""He's not," I say quickly.She smiles. It's a pretty, genuine smile, and I get the distinct impression that this woman is normal, like me. A regular person. Maybe it's the dusting of freckles on her nose or simply the friendliness in her eyes, but she gives off a distinctive 'girl next door' quality. Rafe said she was a baker - that means she probably didn't grow up with models and movie stars."Good," she says. "We were both just a little curious about you. Rafe never brings dates around.""So I've been told." I glance back at Dante, but his intense study of me makes me want to squirm. So I keep my eyes on Ashlyn. Nice, normal Ashlyn."I'm Ashlyn," she says, extending a hand."I'm Edie." I take her h
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Chapter 18: The Secret Is Out
I stumble to my feet - not an easy feat, considering I'm still woozy and in four-inch heels that are starting to hurt my feet."Ashlyn," I say, panic setting in, "please don't say anything.""To who, Dante?" She shakes her head. "Of course not. It's yours and Rafe's news to tell." Something in my face must give my thoughts away, though, because her eyes get impossibly wider. "Wait - Rafe knows about this, doesn't he?""Not...exactly," I say, shame filling me. "It's not that I'm actively trying to hide it from him, it's just that I - ""Hide what from me?" comes a deep, familiar voice from the door. Both Ashlyn and I jump. Rafe is standing in the doorway, leaning against the frame. "What's going on?"The bottom drops out of my stomach. There's no holding back the truth anymore.Ashlyn looks between us. "Maybe I should leave the two of you to talk privately." She glances at me once more before she leaves. "I'll be downstairs if you need me."When she's gone, Rafe and I spend a lon
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Chapter 19: An Unexpected Ally
I bolt down the stairs as fast as my heels allow, not bothering to see if he follows. When I reach the foot of the stairs, I find Ashlyn waiting, trying to look casual as she lingers by the railing. She takes one look at me and concern fills her face."Edie," she says. "What - ""I'm leaving," I tell her, pushing past. I don't like being rude to her, but the faster I get away from Rafe and his family, the better. I dash toward the front door, but Ashlyn catches up with me quickly."What happened?" she asks."Nothing," I tell her. "Nothing at all. Which is my cue to leave. I shouldn't have come here."Ashlyn keeps pace with me as I hurry down the steps to the driveway. It's only when I reach the bottom that I remember I have nowhere to go, no way to leave immediately. I'll need to call a taxi."Edie," Ashlyn says, "please tell me what's going on."There's nowhere to run. I stop and force myself to take a breath. My eyes are aching, but they're mysteriously free of tears.I look
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Chapter 20: Dante and Ashlyn
When I wake, I hear voices.It takes me a moment to remember where I am and how I got here. I roll over in the giant bed, reveling at how smooth and silky the sheets feel against my skin. My hand finds my belly."Good morning, sweet one," I say softly to my baby.The morning light peeks in around the wooden blinds on the window, casting long, warm sunbeams across the bed. I want to stay beneath the covers a while longer, hide from the rest of the world. In here, my baby and I are safe and secure. For the time being, anyway.But try as I might, I can't ignore the voices outside my room. They're not particularly loud, and half the words are muffled, but I can hear enough to make out Ashlyn's voice. And the male voice, I'm assuming, belongs to Dante.I sit up, trying both to hear and not to hear their conversation."He should know," Ashlyn says."I agree," says Dante, "but you know how Rafe can be. We need to figure out what happens if he continues to be stubborn.""Which he will.
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