All Chapters of The Fontaines of Hollywood series: The Mystery of You: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
57 Chapters
Chapter 41: Paranoia Creeps In
"You want me to stay, don't you?" I whisper to the life inside me. "You need me to be strong."Decision made - at least for the time being - I climb to my feet again, then walk down the rest of the stairs.It's strange, being here by myself. I'm still amazed by the size of Rafe's house, and I wonder how he doesn't get lonely, having all this space to himself. Now that the immediate question of whether I'm staying or going has been answered, my curiosity begins to take over. This is my one chance to look around without Rafe here.Rafe's house is as spectacular as I remember from my brief visit here a few days ago. I wander from room to room, admiring the simple, streamlined décor. It's not as warm and inviting as Dante and Ashlyn's house, but there's something more rugged about it - dark leather furniture, tables and chairs made of heavy, knotty-grained wood, and even a large fireplace that looks like something out of a hunting lodge. Not sure why anyone would ever need a fireplace h
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Chapter 42: Pretending
"Edie?" Rafe calls.I hurry away from the back door. "I'm here!"After a quick glance around, I grab a glass from the cabinet and start to fill it up at the sink, pretending I only came in here for a drink, not to snoop around. If I hadn't gotten the creeps, I might still have been in Rafe's office when he came in. Guilt makes my stomach twist and turn, but I still have every intention of finding out what was in that book, one way or another.You could just ask him, I think. But after our conversation on the beach this morning, when he got upset at me simply for researching him, I have a feeling that won't end well. If anything, I'm afraid it will decrease my chances of learning the truth - if Rafe has something to hide from me, I suspect the book would disappear before I had the chance to look in it again.I hear him enter the room behind me, feel the familiar, pleasurable rush of sensation down my back. How is it that no matter how many questions or doubts I have about him, my bo
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Chapter 43: The Man
The next week is a strange blur, almost like a dream.Rafe is supportive and attentive in ways I never expected. Whenever I'm bent over the toilet, fighting morning sickness, he's right there with me, holding back my hair. When I'm hungry, he makes sure I have whatever my stomach desires. When I'm exhausted, he carries me up to bed, and the couple of times I fall asleep on his couch in the middle of the afternoon, I wake to find a blanket draped over me.It's too perfect. I'm almost afraid to believe this is the same man who accused me of trying to blackmail him when I first told him I was pregnant. I definitely don't let myself believe this sort of behavior will last forever - I know, in my heart, that his true self will emerge again soon. Whoever that 'true self' is.Right now, though, I'm willing to live in the moment. To believe in the fantasy while it lasts.Rafe is, too. Every night - and often during the day - I look up to find him watching me, staring at me hungrily with th
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Chapter 44: Doubt
"We should wash this cut," I say, grabbing Rafe by the arm and dragging him over to the sink. As I twist on the water, I add, "I wasn't making it up.""I never thought you were."I feel his eyes on my face as I grab the soap and begin gently washing his cut. Something just isn't adding up."I felt it before, too," I confess. "That feeling that something was watching me. It happened the first day I was here, when you went to return Dante's car.""Why didn't you say anything?"It's my turn to shrug. "I thought I was imagining it. But this time I know I wasn't.""I promise you, you're perfectly safe here. No one will hurt you." He flexes and unflexes the muscles in his arm. "It was probably just one of the paparazzi trying to get a picture of you.""Oh. I never even thought about that." I rub the soap on his arm. The cut is very shallow. It could very well be from a branch. "I just thought..." I shake my head."Thought what?""You're going to think I'm silly.""I'd never do that
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Chapter 45: A Man I Could Love
As much as I'm enjoying my time at Rafe's house, when Thursday rolls around, I'm excited to rejoin the real world for a little while. And it seems like Rafe is, too."I have a photo shoot this afternoon," he tells me as we get dressed. "It should only be a couple of hours, though. Standard stuff. You won't be alone for long.""Actually," I say, "I should have mentioned this earlier, but Ashlyn invited me to lunch today. We're going to some little café she knows.""You're leaving the house?"I laugh. "Well, I have to eventually. Today's as good a day as any."He shakes his head. "That's not a good idea.""Why not?""Because they'll be waiting for you. The press. They've been having a field day trying to figure out who you are. They didn't get a good picture of your face leaving the hospital. And even if they had, it's not like you're a model or actress or anyone they'd recognize."Thanks for reminding me, I think. "Do they know why we were there?"He shakes his head. "Fortunate
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Chapter 46: A Lunch Date
Relief washes over me as I slide into Ashlyn's car. I'm blocked from Rafe's line of sight, and his hold on me evaporates slightly."Are you good?" Ashlyn asks, glancing out her window. "We better go now or Rafe's going to come down here and carry you off over his shoulder.""You think?""All I know is that when Dante looks at me that way, there's no way he's letting me walk away from him." She smiles. "You've really done a number on him, haven't you?""Not on purpose." I pull my seatbelt on as Ashlyn pulls back down the driveway. "He didn't want me to come. He's afraid to let me out of his sight, especially in public.""Because of the paparazzi? They're curious about you, yes, but we should be fine. No one's going to recognize you from a few fuzzy tabloid photos, especially if you're out without Rafe.""What about you? Will they recognize you?""Oh, sure. But no one really cares about me. Back when Dante and I got together, sure. But not now. I'm not famous on my own, and there'
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Chapter 47: The Rescue
The man jumps about a foot in the air. Rafe is suddenly beside him, glaring down at him with a fury I've never seen in his eyes before."Easy, buddy," the bearded man says. "I was just trying to buy her a drink.""She's not available for drinks," Rafe says. "Or anything else."The man shrugs, obviously shaken but trying to look casual. "How was I supposed to know that? She was flirting with me."I start to defend myself, but there's no need. Rafe grabs the man by the front of his shirt, lifting him up onto his toes."Is that right?" he growls, his voice like thunder."She batted her eyelashes at me when she passed," the man says breathlessly, trying to free himself from Rafe's grip. "She was teasing me.""And I told you she isn't available."The man is still squirming. "I prefer to let the lady make that choice."That only pisses Rafe off even more. He nearly lifts the man off the ground."She isn't available," he says. "Not now or ever. She's mine, do you hear me?""Rafe."
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Chapter 48: Under His Sway
My heart is galloping, threatening to burst right out of my chest. My breath is ragged. My skin is suddenly very warm, aching for his touch.He leans closer, never touching me, but closing the distance between us in one slow, deliberate movement. Heat rolls off him in waves, and my skin prickles all over. I try to tear my eyes away from his, but I can't."Do you really want to pretend I don't have any sway over you?" he asks in those rich, deep tones of his. His voice is like a caress, sliding up and down my body. "Do you want to pretend that you don't want me as much as I want you?"It takes a moment to find my voice."It's...just physical," I manage. "It's lust. People feel it all the time. With lots of other people.""So this is ordinary to you?" he says. "This heat between us? You feel this all the time for other men?""No," I say quickly. "I'm not... I mean, that's not what I meant. Do I feel lust for you? Yes." Just admitting that out loud makes me ache between my thighs. "
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Chapter 49: The Discovery
This is dangerous. I need to take care of myself - need to guard myself against him somehow. But how? He can completely undo me with a single touch.When we reach Rafe's house, I'm still a little light-headed. Hot and heavy sex will do that to you. As I try to clear the brain fog, Rafe puts a warm, steady hand on my waist."I'm going to go hop in the shower," he says. "Care to join me?"It will be more than a shower, I know."I'm going to go grab a glass of water first," I say. "I'll join you in a minute."He dips his head and bites me right where my neck meets my shoulder. I gasp in pleasure, and he releases me with a devilish grin on his face. He wants to make sure I'm still aching for him before he walks away.It's on wobbly legs that I make my way to the kitchen. I grab a glass of water and fill it at the faucet, wondering why I can't seem to escape this complicated mess. As I wait for my glass to fill, I look down at my belly. I spread my fingers and press my hand against it
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Chapter 50: I Have To Be Stronger
I stumble into one of the downstairs bathrooms, my stomach heaving. But when I bend over the toilet, nothing comes up.It actually explains a lot, the drugs. It explains why Rafe has been so secretive about who he is outside of the time he spends with me. And why he got so upset that I'd researched him online - maybe one of his arrests was drug related, or maybe his habit was openly discussed in the tabloids. Why didn't Cynthia warn me about that? Why didn't Ashlyn?It also may explain the mysterious man who keeps showing up where Rafe is. What if he's Rafe's dealer? He certainly looked the part. Or worse - what if Rafe is his dealer? Maybe acting and modeling isn't wild or dangerous enough for Rafe and he started a little side business just to entertain himself.I understand now why he's been so closed-mouthed about all of this. He knew it would be a deal-breaker, that I'd never agree to raise my baby around someone actively involved with drugs.I'm so sorry, sweet one, I think. I
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