All Chapters of His Broken Ex Wife : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
251 Chapters
Chapter 0141
Joe shrugged. “A whole weekend of keeping an unsuspicious distance just doesn’t sound real great, I guess.” he said. Looking back at him, D could clearly feel the effects of that look he was giving her and the thing he had just said He shrugged again. “But then that’s just me, of course…” D stare
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Chapter 0142
How in the world had she gone from initially really looking forward to this weekend, to dreading it because she had found out that Joe was going to be there, to now almost wishing it could be only him and her? This was just sick. Really! And it was crazy and totally unfair to all the nice people do
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Chapter 0143
The dining room was bustling. There seemed to be quite a few people from town who came just for Saturday dinner. A lot of couples, some families. D tried to stay around Tony and Kim while, from the corner of her eye, she was aware of Joe talking to Gerry. She just couldn’t seem to get him off her r
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Chapter 0144
“Just say it,” he told her darkly, “since we’re all here. I’m sure that was the whole point…” Anja shook her head again, obviously still in awe at what had just happened. “I can’t believe she drags me into this!” she said, “All of us, actually. But - she wants me to tell you…” For a moment she hesi
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Chapter 0145
It was now that Sarah’s brain finally kicked into gear again. Just like Rick, she had no idea where D could have gone, but the reason for her disappearance was crystal-clear to her. And so was the fact that there was no way, D was going to come back and actually still finish her food. “Yeah, I’m su
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Chapter 0146
“All I’m saying is that she may have tricked him,” he said, “or it might have been an accident. It’s crap either way.” “No kidding!” For a moment she just watched Jack pass the glass ball from one hand to the other. “It just drives me crazy, though,” she moaned. “Here he comes, with all this Liz
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Chapter 0147
Half blind already with tears, she had stumbled through the bathroom door that someone else was holding open for her. There had been a free stall and she had fled inside. She had locked the door behind herself, closed the lid over the toilet and sunk down on it. Breathing shakily, she tore off a p
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Chapter 0148
Joe had walked out of the hotel and followed a sign towards the lakeside promenade. His mind was racing. He felt sick to his stomach as the bizarre situation at the dinner table kept flashing through his head again and again. He had caught a glimpse at Danny right before she had gotten up. She had h
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Chapter 0149
She clicked her tongue in this annoying too-bad-for-you kind of way. “You better change your attitude, Honey,” she said then, “because I’m pregnant.” Joe closed his eyes and sucked in a breath. “You have to come back to me…” she announced in a tone mothers use with misbehaving children. Joe grou
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Chapter 0150
He tapped on the display of his phone, opening the contacts. He scrolled down. For a moment he hesitated. Then he tapped on the number he was looking for and put the phone back against his ear. It rang three times and then Steve picked it up. “Joe? Hi! How are you doing?” Steve sounded surprised.
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