All Chapters of His Broken Ex Wife : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
251 Chapters
Chapter 0151
When Joe returned to the dining room, their table was deserted. The others had obviously moved to the other room with the projector that Rick had been talking about earlier. At the reception Joe asked for directions. He needed to head to another wing of the building. Walking down a long corridor
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Chapter 0152
The waiter came to take their order. “Just order anything,” he told Sarah. “I really don’t care what I have…” Sarah ordered two cocktails that she knew they both liked. For a moment they just sat in silence, Joe gloomily staring at the table between them, his arms crossed. “I can’t believe she d
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Chapter 0153
“The password’s not all that hard to figure out,” he said, “And the e-mails I get really aren’t all that exciting. At least I thought so.” “Okay,” Sarah said slowly. “Guess she found an interesting one after all… But why do you have to go back to the house? The damage is already done anyway. And yo
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Chapter 0154
Joe threw his bag into the trunk and the small backpack on the backseat and then got on his way. He realized too late that he had left his glasses in the backpack. How confused was he already that he didn’t even remember the most basic things? His vision without the glasses wasn’t too bad, but th
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Chapter 0155
Thankfully, everyone who had contributed photographic material seemed to have – consciously or not – avoided including anything that would show Joe and her in a way that would indicate romantic involvement. Maybe it wasn’t so much that they had avoided it, but more that there simply wasn’t a lot of
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Chapter 0156
He shook his head. “No, not really,” he admitted. “I kind of wanted to have a quick word with you.” “Yeah, me too, actually,” she said. “It’s hard to tell you anything with everyone around.” Her very short whispered summary in the conference room had probably left him more confused than enlightened
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Chapter 0157
When Joe reached the house around eleven-thirty, he was relieved that the drive was finally over. He felt exhausted and the Jazz had really started to get on his nerves towards the end. As he carried his stuff in and closed the front door behind himself, he realized how weird it felt to be here all
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Chapter 0158
Thinking about it now, he was almost surprised that Liz had called Anja and not Danny. She could have. The number was on the list. But she had probably realized that, if she called Danny, she would undoubtedly get cut off by Danny hanging up on her, long before she could get the delightful news out.
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Chapter 0159
Around her, the conversation carried on. Sun was talking about a new next-door neighbor that had just moved in and seemed to be Mr. Grouch himself. This prompted Jack and Rick to dig out their best neighbor stories, some of which D had heard before. Already familiar with the stories, she couldn’t k
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Chapter 0160
Joe was blasted awake at two in the morning by an ambulance racing by outside his open window with the sirens howling. It took him a moment to recall that he was in his bed in Innsbruck. He sleepily opened his eyes and stared into the dark. He felt weird. Usually, when he woke up, he didn’t have
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