All Chapters of Forsaken Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
79 Chapters
I don’t remember how Rafe and I got back to my trailer, but here we are. I’m only now realizing how exposed I am as I lie shirtless on my beaten-up mattress. A water-stained ceiling above me, Rafe’s careful hands remove the rest of my clothes, his mouth placing tender kisses along my collarbones. “Beautiful.” Rafe’s breath heats my skin as he mutters the word over and over between kisses. I don’t think he’s even speaking to me as much as he’s repeating a fervent prayer. His hand slides down my thigh, pushing my pants and underwear down with it. Strange and instinctual, I lift my leg from my garments, and he does the rest, pulling them from me completely without ever lifting his lips. “You smell incredible,” he sighs, pressing his face against my bare shoulder. He draws in a deep breath, and a low growl follows. “Even when it’s muddied by the scent of that bastard. I can’t get enough of you.” “I should shower first.” Embarrassed, I shift away from under him and move to get up. But h
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The Bond Remains
I’m warm. Heavy and warm. And a little sore. My muscles ache like they did when I trained for the guard position for twelve hours a day. I didn’t know I could feel like this because of…Light cuts through my sleepy haze, refracting through the broken windows. Rainbow slivers splinter across my ceiling. It’s pretty. The colors, the light, the warm. Has my bed always been so comfortable?No.I can’t remember a single time in my life when I woke feeling content and safe and warm like this. There is only one reason this dawn is better than all the rest. And his steady breathing heats my shoulder even now.Rafe’s face rests against my shoulder blade, his arm hugging me tightly around my waist. Stubble scratches at my skin, but even that feels amazing. I never want to move again. Can’t we stay like this forever, legs entangled, nestled beneath these blankets?The room smells like us, our scents perfectly combined and balanced. It’s wonderful. He’s wonderful.“Do you accept him?”Milla perks
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Never A Moment Alone
It’s a conspiracy.A damn conspiracy, I tell you. No sooner than I turn on the shower and it warms above freezing, I step in and the stream fades to a drizzle. I thought I refilled my water reserves earlier this week.But no.The night I was supposed to take my tanks to the river to refill, Deadrick stopped by. I was so busy trying to avoid him that I completely forgot everything else that had happened. It’s my fault, but I feel better blaming Rafe, Milla, Alpha Thane, and everyone else that bothered me.If they had just left me be, I would have full water reserves to bathe in and wouldn’t be slightly damp, sticky, and sweaty. Unfortunately, pawning off responsibility on someone else doesn’t change the fact. My shower is useless, and I’ll have to bathe in the river.Frustrated and soggy, I slide an old set of clothes on and grab a change of clothes, my bathing supplies, and one of my water containers. Ignoring Rafe’s offer to help and his attempts to coax me back into bed, I race out
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I'll Save Myself
I’m not this pathetic. To wait for someone else to rescue me from Alpha Nolan. I’ve never waited to be saved before. Because of one simple truth: No one is coming to help. Not me. Not ever.Despite Rafe being my mate and Alpha Thane having a strange attachment to me, I am alone. I have always been alone. And I will always be the only one reliable and capable enough to look out for myself. So think, Makayla. Think.“Alpha Nolan, sir,” I start, ignoring the sour turn in Alpha Nolan’s expression when I address him formally. “I ask you to reconsider welcoming me into your harem.”Quickly, I add, “Not because I am not deeply appreciative and grateful for the offer. It is truly an honor for you to consider elevating one as unworthy as I am to such an important and cherished position.”“Then why, pray tell, should I reconsider, hm?” Alpha Nolan grabs my throat swiftly, squeezing until my heartbeat pounds in my ears louder than the roar of the river. “You recognize your inferiority, and what
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Tightrope Tension
Yes, sir. You don’t have to tell me twice.I don’t think. I just obey. Grabbing up my clothes, I slip my shirt on and jump into my pants and shoes with lightning speed. It only took a few seconds for me to go from half-naked to fully dressed, a personal record. I’m halfway through gathering the rest of my supplies before Alpha Nolan can react.“What the hell do you think you’re doing, Pride?!” he snarls, snatching me to him by the arm. “How dare you follow the orders of another Alpha in front of me! Like I’m not even here!”Alpha Nolan shakes me roughly and shoves me to the ground, kicking my water container and bathing tools out of reach. He laces his fingers into the waistband of my pants and starts pulling them off me.“I didn’t give you permission to get up! I didn’t tell you to get dressed!” My pants rip as he furiously tugs against the fabric, clawing like a wild beast. “You don’t move unless I say so. I am your Alpha. You are mine!”He roars the last word, but it sounds small
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Comfort in His Arms
“Makayla?”Just a little longer. I want to stay like this a little longer. Please. Don’t ask me why I smell like another wolf. Don’t ask me why I’m clinging so tightly to you as if I’ll become submerged and drown without you. Please.Rafael strokes my hair, planting gentle kisses on top of my head. And he doesn’t ask me anything. He doesn’t question my disheveled state or why my body won’t stop trembling.He lifts me into his arms, cradling me like a new bride, and carries me into the trailer. And we sit on my mattress, entwined in silence. No words or tiresome placating quips. No threats to destroy River Crest and Alpha Nolan for daring to touch me. Nothing but his steady heartbeat and incredible scent, the warm pressure of his arms around me.This is all I need, and he knows. How does he know? Is it the bond? Is Milla whispering my secrets to Reign even now? If she is, I’ll have to remember to thank her later.I don’t know how long we’ve been in this position, me tucked in on myself
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A Few Days More
Rafe didn’t let me in on his and Alpha Thane’s plans. Even when I whined and begged, he just kissed my temple and told me to rest while he got his hands dirty. Does he even realize how frightening that is for me?All my life, I’ve done whatever I could to keep the heat off my back. I flew under the radar, bent and broke myself in half to please others and keep the peace. And now… now I have no idea what’s going to happen. I know it will undo all that work and make me an even bigger target.Then again, Nolan and Wesley already have it out for me. There’s no telling what Quinn will do when she’s off of house arrest. My father has all but sold me to Nolan and will no doubt find some other way to punish me for simply being alive and “causing all this trouble” with Io. I doubt Rafe and Alpha Thane could do anything to make matters that much worse.That’s what I honestly believed. It’s what I hoped for beyond hope.I am, of course, completely wrong. And the new rumors circulating around the
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Nolan's Secret - 1
Deadrick and I aren’t three feet into the packhouse gardens before Alpha Nolan comes strolling up to us. Blessedly, he looks and smells like himself and not a cheap imposter. Shadows linger beneath his eyes, even as the sun shines boldly on his face. And red tinges at the outer corners. With his golden halo of hair glittering like a crown in the light, he indeed looks the part of a mad king. Alpha Nolan smiles, approaching me and my father with his arms stretched wide. The silk of his robe slips open, revealing his bare chest. “Ah, my dutiful Beta has come to fulfill his orders. What a prize he’s brought me.” I was wrong. Nolan isn’t himself at all. He’s worse. “Thank you, Deadrick.” He wraps my father in a tight embrace as if they were brothers to be separated by war. Even his expression is pained when the hug ends. “I’ll take her from here.” “Am I not joining you and Makayla inside?” Confusion arcs Deadrick’s brow as he studies Alpha Nolan’s face. Nolan grasps my father by h
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Nolan's Secret - 2
Milla growls through me, biting at Nolan’s fingers as he caresses my brow and temple, completely unphased. He looks at me like some hidden treasure, finally uncovered after decades of searching. “We’ll have plenty of time to get to know one another. I think you’ll find my wolf to be amenable and courteous,” he muses. My breathing’s ragged and out of control. Milla’s pulling against me so hard that I can barely keep my focus. It’s taking everything just to hold her still and keep my mouth shut. “Let me speak, Makayla. I have so much I want to tell this monster!” she demands. “You can’t. If he finds out about Rafe—” “Our mate is strong! We are strong! We do not have to bow and accept this from the likes of Nolan. Let everyone know about Rafael Crane. Let them talk and then watch them go silent in his presence. The weak are like that.” “Milla, please.” She lets go, settling deep into the quiet of my mind. I’m in control again and exhausted. Too exhausted to struggle against Nolan’s
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Locked Away - 1
I was a fool. I believed I could escape from the packhouse and run away with Rafe that day. I should have known better than to think Nolan would let me go so easily. Not after all he confessed and his plans to block my mate bond with Rafe. The threat of that alone infuriates me more than what happened after Thane escorted me from the room. Three steps. I didn’t make it three steps before Nolan’s personal guards descended on me like I was a criminal. No questions asked, no directions given, and the guards dragged me down to the basement. They threw me into one of the holding cells for interrogations. And here I remain. Hungry, cold, tired, and sore from being tossed around like a ragdoll by the guards. I’m confident they took extra care to make the trip to the dungeon as painful for me as possible. I run my hand along the cold bars of the cell, rust, and dust collecting on my fingertips. The scent of blood lingers, rising from a nearby cell that shows signs of recent… and frequent
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