All Chapters of Forsaken Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
84 Chapters
Locked Away - 2
Like father like son, the Wrest’s insanity knows no end.At the bonfire, I believed Wesley was toying with me, playing some game that would eventually end with everyone slinking out of the shadows to laugh at me while beating me senseless. That was more believable than his proposal to make me Luna being genuine and sincere.But here he stands, spewing the same nonsense, and there’s no one around but us. And whoever else is loudly whimpering and locked in this prison. His brown eyes catch the light of the bulb, warmth spreading across his features. Again, just like before. Does Wesley actually like me? This isn’t a power play to humiliate me; he truly wants me to be his Luna?!Steadying my nerves, I asked, “What does Quinn think about this?”The prisoner beside me sniffles loudly, and Wesley’s expression grows dark. He snatches their cell door open and slams their head into the hallway’s cement floor until they stop moving. Satisfied by the silence, he stands in front of me, blood spla
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Locked Away - 3
A few seconds of silence pass before the smoke clears and the hazy figure is revealed. Alpha Nolan stands panting furiously in the doorway, his blond hair a jostled mess across his head and a fresh gash oozing blood down his cheek. Whatever happened between him and Alpha Thane, I have a feeling he wasn’t the victor. But I can’t count anything out. If Nolan did contend with Thane, how is he standing here if he didn’t win? Then does that mean Thane lost? Did he slay our ally’s Alpha? Are River Crest and Io at war? I have too many questions and enough sense not to ask. Alpha Nolan limps as he enters the prison hallway; the scent of his blood mixes with the already thick air and chokes in my throat. He’s more injured than he appears, but he’s still holding his head high while glaring at his son. “So,” he snarls, his voice deep and rough. “You think you’ve got the balls to overthrow me? You and your ragtag group of mouth-breathing idiots are going to stage a coup and remove me as Al
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Alone Again
Two days. I spent two days locked away in those cells. Io vacated the territory during that time after Alpha Thane was pried away from Nolan’s unconscious body. Alpha Nolan had only just regained consciousness when he came storming into the cellar looking for me. The pack doctors and healers did their best to help him recover, but he still looked half-dead when I last saw him. I’m surprised he still had the energy to go after Wesley after Thane almost sent him to the Moon Goddess, express shipping. But he was apparently sound enough to strip Wesley of all authority over the pack warriors, guards, and militia. Quinn was removed from the packhouse and forced to return home to her parents. And all talks of my entering the harem have been halted while Alpha Nolan finishes recovering. It’s been three days since Nolan released me, and I returned to my empty trailer. I’ve been hiding here since then with no news of what’s happening or why. My only aim is to stay out of sight and pray that N
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Split Second
They’re actually going through with it.After Io pulled out of the alliance, the delegation and the accompanying guards left the territory immediately. Talks of war spread through the packs despite the remaining conscious leadership doing their best to foster peace. Apparently, my father met with the Io delegation just outside of River Crest’s territory to discuss negotiations and peace talks.I don’t know all the details and can only catch pieces as Marc and Arlo grumble and hiss about the situation. Meanwhile, Remy remains brutally silent on the matter. But I do know that Deadrick Pride returned to River Crest looking like a man who lost everything. He was seen storming off from the packhouse a few hours before Nolan released me.No one has heard from him since.Or if they have, they aren’t telling me. Why would they? As far as they’re concerned, I am responsible for the state of things.According to the rumors and insults spewing continuously out of Marc, I seduced Alpha Thane and
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What Have I Become?
How did my absolute last resort become the only option I had left?I did everything right. Or I tried to, at least.I accepted beatings, insults, mistreatment, lies, scandal, ridicule, harassment, and assault. I took every lick and kept on bowing and thanking them for it. I learned the laws, the customs, the proper way to show appreciation for being told to lick their boots, and for what?Had I known I was going to end up like this, running through the woods with blood on my fur, the wind in my hair, and a laugh tickling in my throat, I wouldn’t have wasted time with any of it.Why did I try so hard? Why did I bother being anything else?I feel so free with Milla taking the lead; she charges effortlessly through the trees and carries us to the river. Leaping into the cool waters, we rinse the blood of the warriors from our fur, paws, and mouth. I catch sight of my reflection in the water, mentally tallying the ways we’ve changed since the last time I was allowed to shift.Our eyes are
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Graveside Talk - 1
As I near my mother’s burial mound, I hear my father’s muffled voice. It takes me a few seconds to understand what he’s saying, but I’m not surprised when it’s a string of vile insults against her and me. Whore, traitor, disgusting, worthless. I’ve heard these words time and again. They mean nothing to me now.But his voice.It lacks a particular venom that I’ve grown accustomed to. There’s no punch to his slurred hatred this time. But the pungent smell of liquor lingers heavy in the air surrounding him. At least that’s consistent. This wouldn’t be a Deadrick Pride rampage without the whiskey. Though I must admit, I don’t appreciate the venue change.I didn’t think he’d remembered where she was buried. Then again, he hated her so much it would be impossible for him to forget. If it were Wesley or Quinn, I’d forever have their grave site ingrained in my memory. I’d visit every week, just to make sure they’re right where I left them.“I hate you so much,” Deadrick groans into the soil, p
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Graveside Talk - 2
And there it is. The grand scheme.Regardless of Io’s demands during the alliance talks, River Crest never intended to honor them. Alpha Nolan and the rest of the pack leaders were going to take the resources from Io, use them to strengthen our military force, and then suppress Io and any other pack they could. That was their real plan and why Nolan tolerated Alpha Thane’s brazen disrespect and disregard.Disgusting isn’t a strong enough word for these cowards. But now Deadrick is trying to rope me into their plans as a pawn. This, I cannot excuse.“You want to sell me to Io to swindle them?” I ask, sneering.The blow came hard and fast, sending me to the ground. The smack echoes through the trees, followed by my father’s panting breaths. Every exhale sends a cloud of alcohol breath down on me. Familiar. This is the Deadrick Pride I know, not that smiling, hugging bastard from before.“You should be thankful for the opportunity!” he shouts. “You can finally be useful for once and not
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Out of Darkness
It’s dark and quiet. And strangely warm.I thought death would be cold for some reason. Empty and cold and still. But it’s none of those things. I feel someone beside me in the dark, pressing warmly against my body. And a rhythm, a rising and falling, keeps me from being still.“Makayla?”Milla is here? I thought she would split and return to the Moon Goddess when I died. That’s what the legends say. But I feel her and… see her?She stands before me in the darkness, light gently emitting from her dark fur. Her green eyes glow in the dark as she stares from the shadows.“I’m sorry, Milla. I couldn’t…”How can I explain what I did and why I did it? She probably hates me for taking us away from our mate. But I just couldn’t do it anymore.Hearing my father discuss River Crest’s plans to betray Io and use me as a pawn pushed me over the edge. After everything I’ve suffered, I couldn’t keep pressing onward. Even if I ran away and became a rogue, I couldn’t outrun River Crest and Io. War wa
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New Fear Unlocked
Six hours later, the fog has worn off and the missing pieces of the puzzle fall into place. Rafe patiently explained everything leading up to his appearance at my mother’s grave when I “took matters into my own hands.”Apparently, when Alpha Thane sent me out of Nolan’s study, he mind linked Rafe everything that was about to happen. He instructed Rafe to pack me up and get me out of the territory as soon as I arrived at the trailer. But I never showed. It was only after Rafe brutally interrogated one of the guards at the packhouse that he discovered I was locked away in the dungeons. It took Alpha Thane and three other Io delegates to subdue Rafe and drag him out of the territory before he could tear the packhouse down.He made sure I knew that. Repeated it twelve times to be absolutely sure.“I didn’t leave you behind. I would never leave you there,” he repeated, holding my hands against his heart as if swearing an oath to me. “They dragged me away and chained me to a tree right outs
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It takes two days for Rafe to move more than three feet from my side and let someone other than the doctor and a single nurse near me. My recovery is taking a while, slower still because of the weakened mate bond, the severe blood loss, and how deep I gouged my neck. The pack doctor has said repeatedly that it is a miracle I survived. Miracle. I think I’ve read that word once or twice in my life. Never has it been used to describe any part of my existence.Now, I’ve heard it probably three dozen times.Miracle. Miracle. Miracle. Goddess’s Blessings.“If your mate hadn’t been there, you wouldn’t have survived, Ms. Pride.”“The Goddess is smiling down on you that you are still here with us.”“Your bond must be incredibly strong. It seems Rafael willed you back to life.”Every update on my health comes is peppered with these statements. And Rafe squeezes me tighter every time, nearly purring into my hair or shoulder. Wide awake, recovering in his arms, I don’t doubt the doctor’s words. I
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