All Chapters of Forsaken Mate: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
84 Chapters
Crisis Averted
Thane stands firm, unfazed by Rafael’s objection to being forcefully removed from my side. The growl that shook me to my core, he simply shrugs off as he shoves Rafe toward the door. That’s the last upper hand Thane gets.Rafe plants his feet and roots himself in place, refusing to budge even as Thane shoves his shoulder roughly.“Come on, kid. Move it,” Thane grunts, toe-to-toe with the younger man.Rafe’s scent shifts, and I smell Reign rising to the surface. His golden eyes flicker for a moment, and the hair on the back of my neck bristles. Milla wants to surge forward and wrap around him. As hard as I’m wrestling to control and contain her, I can’t imagine how difficult it is for Rafe to keep his wolf in check.“I know you’re worried about her, and I can understand you don’t want to leave her side—”“You understand nothing, Thane,” Reign growls, taking over Rafe’s voice. “You have no mate. You know nothing.”“Reign, calm yourself,” Thane sighs. I don’t understand how he can keep a
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Taking A Walk
Christobel’s question comes out of nowhere. A walk? Me? Am I even allowed to leave the hospital room after the stunt I pulled? I’m sure Rafe had a pointed conversation with Dr. Juniper. No doubt, I’m under constant surveillance now. I’ll be lucky to get two steps out of the door before guards are on my ass. And she’s asking me if I want to go for a walk?I almost laugh at the suggestion until I see she is dead serious.“A walk?”“Mmhm.” Christobel beams, pulling me up to my feet. “I think a little fresh air is just the thing to help you recover.”“I don’t know if I—”“Don’t worry about Rafe. I’ll let him know what’s happening through the mind link. He’ll have no problem as long as I’m your chaperone.”Did she just read my mind? And chaperone? It really is like I’m under house arrest. Now, I have to have a chaperone to walk around. The whole situation is crazy enough to be comical.To think, Makayla Pride, the outcast of River Crest, is so highly valued and protected that she’s not eve
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If I had known what I would face when I returned to the hospital, I wouldn’t have left in the first place. The second Christobel and I open the door to my room, Rafe charges over and wraps me up tight in his arms. His heartbeat thumps wildly in my ears, and I can hardly hear what he’s muttering in my hair over the sound of it.“I was so worried,” he grumbles against the side of my head. “Christobel didn’t check in with me for fifteen minutes, and I thought—”“Rafael Crane, you unhand that girl this instant.” Christobel’s stern, maternal voice rings clear from behind, and Rafe obeys immediately, squeezing me tight before releasing me.“I swear on the moon above, you’ve become a clingy pup all over again!” she sighs, stepping between me and my mate with her arms crossed over her chest. Seeing her stare down a man who’s easily a foot and a half taller than her is almost comical. Almost.Because I still hear Rafe’s heart pounding in his chest, the sickly sweet scent of his fear and panic l
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I Am Yours
The room falls silent the moment the declaration leaves my lips. Time slows to a crawl, and I see everything with intense clarity. It’s subtle, but there’s a soft glow radiating off Rafe’s skin—a faint halo. His dark lashes are thick and shiny. There’s a single silver-white hair growing from his temple. And there are flecks of green and gold in his blue eyes that I’ve never seen before.I always believed him to be the most beautiful person on the planet. Now, even those words are inadequate.“Makayla…” His voice trails off as he says my name, but I know what he thinks and wants. Heat radiates from his body, rippling through me in warm waves.I kiss those perfect lips and run my fingers through his luscious locks, and he growls softly, deepening the kiss. The door closes in the distance, and Christobel’s presence is gone. Nothing is stopping him now.“Makayla,” he says as he breaks the kiss, his gaze burning through me. “You mean it?”“Do you want me to say it again?” I ask, draping my
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Home Sweet Home
The next few hours are a blur.Rafe left the room after my declaration and returned fifteen minutes later with the doctor. They bickered for a while about my discharge and the stage of my recovery. Much to Dr. Juniper’s surprise, I was at 95% recovery. I’ll never forget the proud look on Rafe’s face as he stood tall behind the doctor, announcing that I accepted the mate bond.Dr. Juniper wasn’t so easily impressed or swayed and refused to discharge me before running more tests and keeping me for observation until the evening, just to be certain. I thought Rafe was going to tear the poor man apart, but Dr. Juniper must be used to his moods. The young doctor didn’t bat a lash at all of Rafe’s fuming and grumbling.By the end of all the bloodwork, vitals, and scans, the sun had long since set. In just that short amount of time, my condition improved even more, and there was no further pretense for Dr. Juniper to deny Rafe’s demands. If I hadn’t heard the doctor’s admissions myself, I wou
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Dodging the Question
Light really does make all the difference. For instance, when we were rolling around in the dark, I had no idea that Rafe and I were frolicking on a king-size mattress in a massive room that dwarfed Alpha Nolan’s study. I was also blissfully unaware of how beautifully decorated the space was. In fact, beautiful is an understatement.As I scan the area, now bathed in sunlight, I’m gagged.This is his home? How can it be?This room looks like something out of a palatial tour pamphlet. I’ve only seen places like this in magazines and picture books at the library, and that was nearly two decades ago.“It’s a bit much, isn’t it?” Rafe laughs, snuggling against me from behind. His arms trap me against him, so I can’t get a full view of just how decadent the room is. But the parts I can see are enough to confirm a few things for me while raising countless other questions.“A bit much?” I scoff, pursing my lips at him and his underwhelming comment. “I think the word you’re looking for is opul
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More Lies?
My mate is insatiable. And his audacity, ugh.To claim that he wants me to rest and recuperate, and then to spend all morning doing his best to leave me breathless and exhausted. I lost count of how many times we did it. All I know is, by the time he was finally satisfied, I was a mess. My back is sore, my legs are like jelly, and I have no idea what time it is.I manage to get to my feet and wash off in the on suite bathroom, which, again, is larger than any bathroom I’ve ever seen.Must everything be gilded in golden scrollwork? Must every surface reflect impeccable skill and craftsmanship? Must even the toilet call me poor?I’m not actually bothered by how nice everything is. Especially considering Rafe declared, in no uncertain terms, that this is just as much my home as it is his. I’m just pissy because he dodged my questions earlier and had his way with me for most of the day. Not that I mind that much either.Warm water cascades down my body, soothing my aching muscles and stre
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Flower on the Third Floor
He wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder.“I don’t know,” I mutter, twisting in his arms to face him. “I didn’t hear you come in.”“I’ve been back for a little while.” Rafe kisses my cheek and breathes into the curve of my neck. “I called out to you, but you were staring out the window so intently, I didn’t want to disturb you.”Back for a few minutes? What is he doing back so early?The light in the room is different. And a chill hangs heavy in the air. I face the window again, expecting bright sunlight and green grass fields filled with passersby, only to find the sun setting at the horizon and the lawn outside abandoned. But… It was just around high noon. I could tell from the light and the sun burning in the sky.What is happening? Am I finally going insane after all these years?“I noticed the flower in your hair when I came to hug you.” Rafe plucks the flower from my hair and twirls it in his fingers in front of us. “It’s beautiful. Where did you say y
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Three More Days
Another three days passed with me confined to the room. The only people I interacted with during that time were Rafe, Christobel, and occasionally Alpha Thane when he would stop by to pry Rafe away from me.Three days.I haven’t dared stare out the windows since the little girl last appeared. I haven’t done much of anything aside from eat, bathe, and, well, Rafe. And I’m pretty sure the mate bond isn’t the only reason he’s so… intense. I mean, yes, I feel this unending, burning attraction for him. Every day, it gets more potent, and I find myself pacing while I wait for him to return to the room.And he’s even more passionate than I am.We hardly get more than a few sentences spoken between us before he lifts me up and I straddle his waist. He adores me; he can’t get enough. That’s what he says when he covers my mouth with his, stifling my questions and requests. Every time I mention touring Io or leaving this blasted bedroom, he shuts me down in the most infuriatingly pleasant ways.
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I Will Protect You
Rafe laughs at my question as if it is the most absurd thing he’s ever heard. It’s the kind of laugh that shakes the room but still sounds hollow. I’m probably projecting. “Protect you from Io? Is that really something that I have to do?” he asks after catching his breath. “Why on earth would I have to protect you from your own people?” My own people. It’s only natural that he looks at Io that way. I’m his mate who abandoned her “birth pack” to join him. That makes Io my new home, and these wolves are my people. Technically. Off the record, though, I’m sure that I’ll be considered public enemy number one the second everyone discovers who my mother is. Goddess, I jumped out of the frying pan and into the pits of hell. “I’m not from here. I don’t know the ways of your people. I’m sure I will rub someone the wrong way eventually,” I mutter my half-truth, trying my best to keep my composure and not let anything else slip. I jump when his warm fingers gently rub between my tented brow
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