All Chapters of In The Heart Of Cedric’s Affection: Chapter 361 - Chapter 370
538 Chapters
Chapter 361
"Mr. Carlson, are you here to pick up Ms. Kerrigan upon her discharge?""The second baby should be about three months old now. How do you plan to handle your relationship with Ms. Luxford and Ms. Kerrigan?"Previously, Cedric had announced to the media that Sophie was the only Mrs. Carlson. However, now that his former fiancée was pregnant with their second child, it was uncertain who would become Mrs. Carlson.Cedric's indifferent gaze swept over the journalists' faces. His lips parted lightly, delivering the answer they least wanted to hear, "No comment.""Mr. Carlson, do you not plan to acknowledge Ms. Kerrigan's status? Without a status, the two children might become the subjects of gossip as illegitimate children. Are you not concerned about that?"The mention of the phrase "illegitimate child" caused Cedric to frown in displeasure. His icy gaze immediately fell on the journalist who had just spoken, and the previously bustling scene fell silent instantly.'Jesus, his glare
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Chapter 362
"Aaah!"Cedric only tried to pull her away, but Vivienne seemed to have lost her balance. Her body tilted, and she rolled down the steps.Although the steps at the hospital entrance were not as high as those before courthouses and hotels, they were still designed to look elegant. Rolling down more than a dozen steps could land an ordinary person in the hospital for some time, let alone a pregnant woman recently injured and not fully recovered.The journalists surrounding them instinctively stepped back, none daring to move forward to help. They feared Cedric's potential blame if something happened to the child in Vivienne's womb.They knew Cedric's wrath would be unstoppable if they were held responsible. However, if Vivienne got hurt on her own, Cedric couldn't fault them.As Vivienne tumbled down the steps, her careful movements spared her still-recovering leg, transferring the impact to her abdomen.When her body finally stopped, the pain in her abdomen became unbearable. Her
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Chapter 363
Vivienne was rushed into the emergency room.After a short while, a nurse approached Cedric. "Mr. Carlson, Ms. Kerrigan's uterus has ruptured, and the baby no longer has a heartbeat. We need to perform cervix dilation, uterine curettage, and suture surgery. Please sign here."Cedric took the pen and signed his name."Don't worry, Mr. Carlson. I've informed the doctor," Evander reported."Okay," Cedric replied faintly, finding a chair and sitting down.His cold eyes narrowed as he stared at the operating theater's door. 'She's staged and directed such a great drama by herself. It'd be rude not to give her more spotlight.'"After the operation, let the journalists in," Cedric instructed."Understood," Evander accepted the task.-Three hours later, the operating light finally dimmed, and the doctors and nurses wheeled Vivienne out. She was awake but extremely weak, bursting into tears upon seeing Cedric and the journalists surrounding him. "My baby, my baby!""Mr. Carlson, Ms.
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Chapter 364
Vivienne's expression changed, and her already pale face took on a more alarming hue, reflecting her inner turmoil. How could Cedric know?'Before I returned to Carlosia, I took steps to erase all traces of my marriage to William, just to make Cedric believe that Tristan is his child. How could he still uncover the truth?'Pushing aside the fear gnawing at her, she struggled to regain composure. "Cedric, what are you suggesting? I don't have an ex-husband. The baby we lost is truly ours."Seeing her attempts at defense, Cedric responded with a cold smirk, his gaze tinged with mockery. "We'll soon find out whether the child is ours.""W-What do you mean?" Vivienne's panic was palpable.'What answer could there be when the baby is already lost?' She instinctively covered her aching abdomen. 'Could it be...'The journalists exchanged bewildered glances, their minds reeling from the sudden stream of conflicting information.Vivienne was meant to leave the hospital today but ended up
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Chapter 365
Vivienne, her face streaked with tears, pleaded desperately, "Cedric, please! I'm begging you! I don't want to go back to Elmenia! I was wrong. Please don't do this to me!"She clutched Cedric's sleeve, half her body hanging off the hospital bed to keep him from shaking her off."You were wrong? A person like you will never understand right from wrong," Cedric retorted.She had disregarded Tristan's well-being and even schemed to miscarry the baby. How could such a woman comprehend the concept of being wrong?The journalists suddenly realized what had happened, connecting this incident to Tristan's incident. Even those who were slow to catch on now understood. The sympathetic gazes toward Vivienne turned into shock and contempt.'She has such audacity! She not only cuckolded Mr. Carlson but also plotted against him using the baby. What a vicious woman!'"No! I know I was wrong! It was William who forced me. If I didn't agree to his scheme, he would've killed me. It's him, he want
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Chapter 366
Once inside the elevator, Cedric frowned.Evander could tell what Cedric was thinking and comforted softly, "Mr. Carlson, you've been quite merciful to Vivienne."'While rendering her unable to conceive again sounds cruel, it prevents innocent children from becoming her bargaining chips. And as for Tristan... Despite being deceived for over five years, Mr. Carlson didn't announce his true identity, shielding him from criticism and harm.'Just on these two points, Evander believed Cedric had shown remarkable kindness and mercy.After listening to this, Cedric's frown did not relax but further tightened. Even his gaze reflected a silence heavy with suppression.If possible, he would rather spare Vivienne and turn back time to the moment five years ago.-News about Vivienne had never stopped, but this time, the scandal was far more damaging than the previous ones.Even the Luxford employees could not help but openly discuss it during work hours."I heard Vivienne's going into po
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Chapter 367
Cedric's deep, seductive voice echoed in her ears, draining the last ounce of strength she had mustered. He enveloped her in his arms, leaving no space between them.Cedric pressed his chin against her forehead as if he had found the most cherished support of his life. Although his lips parted, his voice was barely inaudible. "Soph, I suddenly realize that compared to hating Vivienne, I hate myself even more.”The soft spot in her heart was tenderly touched, overwhelming her with pain and powerlessness.Sophie instinctively wanted to push him away, but his strong arms held her firmly, her face pressed against his chest where his heart raced uncontrollably."Soph, can we give each other another chance to start over?"This time, he would not let anything or anyone come between them. He would simply stand by her, love her, and protect her.Sophie's already unsettled heart was thrown into turmoil once more, and her panic intensified. 'He wants another chance to start over? It might s
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Chapter 368
Vivienne was stunned by Tristan's question, unable to hide the shock on her face. She lowered her voice and said reproachfully, "What nonsense are you talking about? Of course, he's your father. Everyone knows you as Tristan Carlson.""No, I'm not Tristan! I'm Ricky!" Tristan suddenly roared, his white teeth biting down on his lower lip. He tried to contain the emotions building up inside him for too long with every fiber of his being.The name "Tristan Carlson" had always felt like a shackle, binding him from a very young age. He had assumed becoming Tristan would mean having a father but realized he was still fatherless, even without a mother now."No, you're Tristan Carlson! You are!" Vivienne shook her head desperately, almost as if she was trying to hypnotize herself.The frantic behavior caused Tristan to release his lip, which had turned purple from the bite.Unexpectedly, he chuckled. "None of you have ever asked me whether I prefer being Tristan or Ricky. Mom, I hate you!
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Chapter 369
The police convoy transporting Vivienne cruised steadily along the spacious road.Vivienne's hands were cuffed, her face pale, and she looked disheveled.As the car hit a speed bump, causing a slight jolt, it quickly regained stability. However, Vivienne clasped her stomach with both hands, her face contorted in pain. "Ouch, my stomach hurts.""Why does your stomach hurt?" The officer in charge of escorting her looked tense. Although she was a criminal, he could not afford to be careless with her."Maybe because my wound hasn't fully recovered yet. The bump just now might've torn the wound. Officer, could I use the restroom?" Vivienne shed tears from the pain, her vulnerable appearance tugging at the heartstrings of the escorting officer.However, there was still a hint of hesitation in his gaze. "We're almost reaching the precinct. Just hold on a little longer.""Officer, I'm in so much pain right now." Vivienne clutched her stomach with one hand and tugged at the officer's slee
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Chapter 370
Realizing he had driven someone who did not plan to pay, the driver cursed loudly through the open window, "What the fuck?! Don't fucking take a taxi if you're fucking broke!"Eventually, he could only accept his luck and drive away.Mrs. Carrie stood at the school gate, holding a large bag and constantly checking the electronic clock in the security room nearby. 'Ms. Cherry's about to finish school.'As the school bell rang, Cherry came out bouncing soon after, her face beaming with sweetness. "Mrs. Carrie, make something delicious for dinner tonight. It's a day worth celebrating."'The bad woman is going to prison today, and Mommy won't have to be unhappy because of her anymore.'"Sure thing," Mrs. Carrie indulgently replied, held her hand lovingly, and got into the car parked nearby.The car started, but suddenly, someone yanked open the door.Before Mrs. Carrie could react, she was struck hard on the back of her head with a solid object, causing her to lose consciousness ins
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