All Chapters of In The Heart Of Cedric’s Affection: Chapter 351 - Chapter 360
538 Chapters
Chapter 351
"You're now part of Paramount," Sophie informed Valerie in a professional tone. "As your boss, I hope to see your value increase. However, I must remind you not to be too optimistic. The entertainment industry is brimming with fresh talent now, and it's quite different from what you knew before. Make sure to seize this opportunity."Although Sophie warned her, she was confident that Valerie was astute enough to leverage her strengths."Yes, boss." Valerie chuckled, pleasantly surprised by their smooth collaboration. "Who would've thought we'd mesh so well?"Once, Valerie had found it difficult to even tolerate Sophie."By the way, is it true about Vivienne being pregnant with Cedric's child? Or is it just a publicity stunt?" Valerie shifted the conversation to gossip after their serious discussion. The news had been all over her phone for days, yet something seemed off.'How could Cedric have let Vivienne become pregnant?'At the mention of Cedric’s name again, Sophie felt a head
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Chapter 352
"Ms. Luxford, is everything okay?" Linda asked, noting Sophie's serious expression and growing worry."I just came from the hospital where I visited Valerie. As I was leaving, I saw a man entering Vivienne’s room. What if her pregnancy is..." Sophie's voice trailed off, suspicion clouding her thoughts.Was she doubting her instincts, grappling with Vivienne’s pregnancy, or unconsciously seeking excuses for Cedric?Although she left her sentence unfinished, Linda quickly caught on. After pondering for a moment, she remarked, "I've heard rumors that Mr. Carlson intended to send Vivienne abroad until Tristan was older. Given her desperation to stay, she might resort to anything. And using a child has always been her tactic."Sophie's troubled expression deepened. 'Could that really be true?'-At X Corp.Cedric's expression was unreadable. He glanced up as Evander entered. "Any progress?""The hospital surveillance has been wiped clean, quite thoroughly. It'll take specialists to
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Chapter 353
'The Carlson heirs…'Ironically, neither of her children belonged to the Carlson bloodline.Vivienne pressed down on her stomach, her fingers curling involuntarily with emotional turmoil. Tristan was a stain in her life she could never erase, and now, she was burdened with another revolting presence inside her.She wished she could rid herself of the fetus but understood the harsh reality. As long as the child was alive, Cedric could not harm her. Without it, he would have no hesitation in sending her away.A sharp pain shot through her lower abdomen as she pressed too hard, deepening her frown."Ms. Kerrigan, are you feeling alright?" The nurse noticed the sudden change in Vivienne's expression and felt her own heart race. This job was turning out to be more challenging than she had anticipated."I’m fine," Vivienne muttered, the pain intensifying her frown. "Take me back to my room."As the nurse wheeled her back, Vivienne's peripheral vision caught a shadowy figure, sending a
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Chapter 354
The nurse observed Vivienne clutching her stomach, growing increasingly worried.Cedric had made it clear that the child must remain unharmed. Could something already be wrong with the baby?"Ms. Kerrigan, are you feeling alright?" she asked.Vivienne bit her lip, praying the sharp pain in her abdomen would subside. Instead, it worsened, and suddenly, she felt a warm trickle down her legs. Looking down, she saw a fresh stain of red blood."Ms. Kerrigan, you're bleeding!" the nurse exclaimed, dropping her clipboard in shock and dashing to summon medical help.Soon, Vivienne was rushed into an examination room. As the cold ultrasound probe pressed against her belly, turning her face even paler, she kept her eyes glued to the screen."Doctor, is my baby okay?""Ms. Kerrigan, try to stay calm. There's some bleeding, but the embryo is still viable for now. However, there are signs of a threatened miscarriage."Ms. Kerrigan, you are less than three months pregnant, and certain activi
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Chapter 355
"Right away!" Evander carefully closed the office door, his mind swirling with thoughts of Cedric's shocking day.Cedric was drugged into fatherhood and now bore the stigma of a cuckold—his fate seemed exceptionally cruel today.Alone in his office, Cedric set down his pen and approached the panoramic window. His typically stern face softened, a faint smile gracing his lips. 'Soph, just a little more time, and I'll resolve everything. No obstacles will hinder us again.'-Not far off, Sophie sneezed, prompting Jeanna to jest, "Didn’t you just come back from the hospital? Why are you still sneezing?""Diseases arrive quickly but leave slowly. How could the medicine work instantly?" Sophie countered, wiping her nose. She was puzzled by her persistent sneezing despite feeling better after two days of treatment.Suddenly, Linda burst into the office, her anxiety evident."What's wrong?""I just received a call from the hospital. Vivienne is bleeding.""Did she miscarry?" Jeanna's
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Chapter 356
Since the bleeding, Vivienne had been especially cautious, taking medication and receiving progesterone injections on time every day. Although the cast on her leg had been removed, she dared not move around too much. Fortunately, there had been no further instances of bleeding.The doctor wiped the probe clean, set it aside, pointed at the small lump on the ultrasound screenshot, and said with a smile, "Ms. Kerrigan, look, the fetus looks quite healthy. As long as you get through the first trimester, there shouldn't be any major issues."Upon hearing that the baby was healthy, the tension in Vivienne's heart finally eased. Although Cedric had not visited during this period, he also had not mentioned anything about sending her abroad.'But... If this child is born...' Vivienne's expression changed as she thought of William, who clung to her like a detection dog. 'No, Tristan has been turned into his leverage, I mustn't let him get hold of another leverage.'Seeing her expression gro
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Chapter 357
'All my money?' Vivienne thought and bit her lip.After a momentary silence, she shook her head and said, "I don't have any money."After uttering those words, a heavy slap landed on Vivienne's cheek. Despite her cast being removed, she hadn't fully recovered, and William was powerful. With that single blow, she tumbled onto the bed, a fresh red mark instantly marring her cheek."Even if you hit me, I won't give you the money," Vivienne declared, her hand now covering her burning cheek, unable to conceal the hatred in her eyes. This wretch had destroyed her life, and she vowed not to give him a single penny.William withdrew his hand and took another bite of the apple before disdainfully looking at Vivienne, "If you don't pay me, I'll tell Cedric that Tristan is my son. I'll also tell him about how you willingly climbed into my bed and asked me to take you away back then. Let's see if Cedric will still keep you here."The threat struck a chord, igniting Vivienne's fear. Her resolu
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Chapter 358
Vivienne instinctively lowered her head. A sharp pain pierced through her momentarily, but finding no blood on her pants, she sighed in relief before collapsing onto the bed.'William won't show up for a while after getting the money. But with Cedric investigating his affairs, he must suspect the baby.' She gently caressed her flat abdomen, devoid of sensation. Soon, the panic in her eyes eased into calmness. 'I can't keep this baby. I must find a way to dispose of it without Cedric sending me away.'-At X Corp.Cedric stood before a wall, lost in thought. He didn't even hear Evander push the door open and enter until Evander called to him.His outstanding facial features gained a touch of sinister, seductive allure due to his raised brow, but his voice carried a faint chill. "Has everything been taken care of?""Yes, but... There's something you might need some time to digest first." Evander said, looking somewhat uneasy. He then lowered his head and handed over a brown paper b
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Chapter 359
"Yes, I had my friend inElmenia check. The man named William is Vivienne's ex-husband. But he was later sent to prison for domestic violence and attempted homicide. He then escaped from prison after serving six years." Linda replied.'He was locked up for six years?' Sophie counted the days while listening."So, it means Vivienne returned to Carlosia as soon as her ex was imprisoned," she concluded.'And proceeded to shatter the last hope I had for my marriage and almost killed me.'Linda nodded. "Ms. Luxford, by willingly transferring all her money to her ex, there must be something he's holding over her."'Vivienne can't possibly want to reconcile with a man who's been abusive to her, let alone hand over all her money to him. The only possibility is that William has something on her, and it's not just some minor leverage.'Sophie's and Linda's thoughts aligned perfectly.A preposterous idea flashed through Sophie's mind, its absurdity evident in the change of her expression. "
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Chapter 360
Linda couldn't help but feel worried as she watched Sophie staring at the report with a vacant expression. "Ms. Luxford, are you okay?"'Why does she look so distressed if Tristan isn't Mr. Carlson and Vivienne's son? That should be a reason to rejoice for her,' Linda pondered.Sophie snapped back to reality and forced a smile. "Linda, maybe it's not just him who's got it wrong."'I'm in the wrong too!'She had always believed that Vivienne and Tristan's appearance had ruined her marriage and happiness with Cedric. But now, she suddenly realized that all the misfortunes in her marriage were because of her and Cedric.Even without Vivienne and Tristan, they still wouldn't have been able to hold on until the end because something was missing from their marriage from the beginning. Even if there were no third person, it would have fallen apart on its own.Although Linda was rational and analytical, she lacked experience in the marriage department. There were some things she didn't q
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