All Chapters of In The Heart Of Cedric’s Affection: Chapter 331 - Chapter 340
538 Chapters
Chapter 331
In the blink of an eye, the day arrived when Tristan was discharged from the hospital.Cedric drove to the hospital. When Tristan spotted him, his gaze flickered for a moment before returning to silence. There was no hint of joy on his face.Vivienne quickly wrapped her arms around his shoulders and said gently, "Tristan, Mommy and Daddy will take you out to have some fun today. Where do you want to go?"Tristan kept his head down, staring at his toes for a long time before looking up again. "I want to go to the amusement park."Cedric's gaze looked a little complicated, but he nodded nonetheless. "Okay, we'll go to the amusement park then."-Soon, the car stopped at the entrance of the amusement park.Tristan gazed blankly at the other children, happily holding hands with their parents, his eyes involuntarily moistening.He reminisced about the first time he felt the presence of a father figure at an amusement park. If he could, he'd go back to that time and never grow up."
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Chapter 332
Staring at the movie schedule board, Tristan found himself unable to settle on a movie choice. It wasn't due to indecision but rather a mix of anticipation and fear. This outing marked his first and final trip to the cinema with his parents.Seeing him hesitate, Vivienne could not help but feel anxious. "Tristan, which one do you want to watch?"After being pressed by her question, Tristan snapped out of his thoughts and pointed randomly to an animated film. "Let's watch this one.""I'll go buy the tickets." Cedric glanced at the movie title and then strode toward the ticket kiosk.After a while, he returned with a popcorn bucket and an ice cream.Vivienne felt a little conflicted. "Tristan just got discharged from the hospital. He shouldn't be eating these.""It's okay, just eat a little." Cedric handed the ice cream to Tristan without even looking at Vivienne.Tristan stared at the ice cream in his hand, his lips slightly pursed. He suppressed the urge to cry and gently licked
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Chapter 333
"Okay," Tristan nodded obediently but didn't rush to leave. Instead, he stood still for a moment, then suddenly stepped forward and hugged Vivienne and Cedric, burying his face between them. "Mommy, Daddy, I'm very happy today."I'll go to bed now," he said quickly after releasing them, lowering his head and hurrying upstairs.Tears dropped uncontrollably onto the stairs—happy days like this would never happen again.After watching Tristan return to his bedroom, Cedric turned to Vivienne. "I've fulfilled my promise to you. Someone will take you to the airport tomorrow, and a sum of money will be deposited into your account. It should cover your daily expenses for the rest of your life."Having said what needed to be said, Cedric no longer glanced at Vivienne and prepared to leave. But she grabbed his arm."Cedric, I know you despise me. I also admit I'm wrong and won't ask for your forgiveness. But please, for Tristan's sake, for my genuine love for you, could you leave me with so
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Chapter 334
Cedric tightened his lips, his wrist lifting the watch, his Adam's apple bobbing twice as he downed the wine in one gulp.Placing the empty glass on the coffee table, he rose, turned, and declared as he headed towards the door, "Stay away from Tristan until he comes of age."Just as he walked to the doorstep, a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around his waist, and Vivienne did so with every fiber of her being. "Cedric, I really, truly love you."Cedric did not expect her to keep clinging to him. His expression dimmed as he tried to pry the arms around his waist. But as soon as he lowered his head, he felt everything before him swaying.His look turned serious instantly. "What did you spike the wine with?!""You saw it yourself. The bottle was not opened, so how could I have spiked it?" Vivienne replied as her cheek and body's curves pressed tightly against his back.Cedric felt a warm sensation surge in his lower abdomen, and his face's complexion changed rapidly. 'Damn it! She act
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Chapter 335
Cedric had numerous ways to bypass the law if he wanted to get rid of Vivienne for good. He only refrained from doing something so heartless out of consideration for Tristan. He had not expected her to challenge his limits, even daring to drug him!"You don't need to do so yourself, I'll do it myself!" Vivienne did not defend herself. She got up from the floor, opened the bedroom's French window, and jumped out."Mommy!" Tristan's heartbreaking voice echoed from the door.While looking at the balcony, Cedric's face betrayed his astonishment. 'She actually jumped?!'"Mommy! Mommy!" Tristan dashed downstairs barefoot, finding Vivienne already unconscious.Cedric frowned and quickly dialed 911.-Vivienne was immediately rushed to the emergency room when they arrived at the hospital.Meanwhile, news of her attempted suicide had already spread online at this time.Sophie stared at the news article on her laptop, the emotion in her gaze transitioned from shock at the beginning to c
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Chapter 336
"Daddy, are you going to send her away?" Releasing his fists, Tristan lowered his head. His long eyelashes shielded his eyes, but they could not conceal the sadness within.Seconds later, tears started rolling out of his eyes and onto his white shoes. "Can we wait until her legs are healed before sending her away?"As he asked softly, he knelt before Cedric.Cedric had intended to reach out to comfort him, but he had not expected this. Thus, his hand hung mid-air as he stared at his kneeling son.The more withdrawn a child was, the more sensitive and mature they tended to be.Cedric's frown deepened, feeling a mix of shock and heartache. "Tristan, do you understand what you're saying?""I want to watch her legs heal," Tristan replied.Cedric's eyes narrowed subconsciously, and every muscle on his face was tensed up. His thin lips pressed into a straight line.Seeing the change in his expression, the medical staff were too afraid to make a sound. They feared he might erupt in an
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Chapter 337
As Cedric desperately tried to correct his mistakes, all he had done was make things worse.He subconsciously gripped the steering wheel tightly. Because of the excessive force, the veins on the back of his hands faintly bulged. He then loosened his grip, closed the car door, and slumped back in the chair, exhausted.'Soph, is it true that if I make one mistake, God won't give me another chance?'-The news of Vivienne's suicide attempt had stirred up a storm.In the hospital, she had already regained consciousness.Moving her body, she realized only her right calf was in a cast, which relieved her. 'That was close!'The moment she jumped off the building, she genuinely feared she might end up partially disabled. Thankfully, it was only her calf that got injured.Her pale lips formed a faint smirk. 'Even though Cedric doesn't love me, I still understand him after all these years of loving him.'She had intentionally brought out an unopened bottle of red wine to dispel his doub
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Chapter 338
The fervor surrounding Vivienne's suicide attempt gradually subsided after half a month.Sophie continued her work as usual, maintaining a calm demeanor as if the suicide attempt was the act of a stranger. Apart from standard reports from the company's perspective, she seemed completely detached from the incident.Jeanna propped her arms against the desk, her eyes fixed on Sophie, who was engrossed in her work. "Sophie, what's on your mind? I'm almost dying of anxiety here."Every time she wanted to ask for clarity, Linda would vehemently discourage her. But there must be an explanation for this matter, mustn't it?What was more frustrating was Cedric. It had been so long, and he still had not made any statement. Before this, he had even come to Luxford Group to deliver Sophie's phone or ask her out in the evening. But now, he was nowhere to be seen."What do you need to think about?" Sophie lifted her head and closed the contract she had been reviewing. Her gaze was so crystal cl
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Chapter 339
"You're indeed very punctual, Ms. Luxford," Vivienne said with a faint smile.If Sophie did not know what she had done, she would have been deceived by the harmless and gentle expression.Sophie took the empty seat across from her, elegantly crossed her legs, and got to the point indifferently, "What do you want from me?""It's something very important. Do you know why I attempted suicide two weeks ago?" Vivienne asked."That's your business," Sophie replied, not bothering to glance at Vivienne's pretentious face. She had only come to let Vivienne know she was not afraid of anyone and did not need to avoid anything.Whether Vivienne jumped off the building or not, and whether she lived or died, it did not matter much to her."That's true. It's indeed my business. However, I think I must tell you what happened two weeks ago to spare you from deception and prevent you from repeating the same mistakes of over five years ago."I attempted suicide because when I was about to leave th
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Chapter 340
Vivienne's smile froze momentarily, and it soon returned to normal. "It doesn't matter if Grandpa doesn't like Tristan. I still have this one in my womb. As long as Cedric is by my side, I'll just give birth to more grandchildren and eventually win his heart.""Then I wish you good luck." Sophie did not want to waste more time with her, so she got up, unzipped her purse, pulled out a few hundred-dollar bills, and placed them on the corner of the table. "Raising children is already expensive enough, let alone the hassle of getting them recognized by the Carlsons. I'll treat you to today's coffee."Vivienne stared at the bills on the table, her face contorted with rage. She gnashed her teeth and glared at the figure who had already left gracefully. 'Sophie, who do you think you are, being so proud? If I'm not destined to get Cedric, then you won't either."-Sophie stepped out of the cafe and walked steadily to her car, only to suddenly twist her ankle, causing her to wince in pain.
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