All Chapters of In The Heart Of Cedric’s Affection: Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
538 Chapters
Chapter 311
Sophie believed that if she felt this way, Cedric must feel it even more.Silently, Sophie left the ward, dodging the relentless barrage of camera flashes from the journalists. At a signal, all Paramount journalists packed up and departed, having completed their assigned tasks.After the ward door closed behind her, Cedric looked at the still-kneeling Vivienne and Tristan, his expression tightening. After a moment, he addressed the tearful Vivienne, "I will hold a press conference to announce our engagement's termination and the custody issue regarding Tristan. Not calling the police today is the largest concession I can make."Cedric knew he had made a significant mistake five years ago amid his internal conflict. This time, he couldn't afford to repeat it. Especially with Tristan's case, he was more convinced than ever that allowing Vivienne to remain by Tristan's side would only lead to ruin."Cedric, I was wrong. Please, I promise it won't happen again," Vivienne pleaded, fear
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Chapter 312
The next morning, the public was abuzz with the news. The tide had completely turned in Sophie's favor, and it could aptly be described as a case of justice finally being served."Are you just going to let her off like that? People like Vivienne should be thrown in prison, sentenced to at least a decade, and forced to eat prison food."Despite the truth being revealed, Jeanna was still furious. Vivienne's actions—mistreating her child and deliberately framing Sophie—were deplorable. If Sophie had been less resilient, she might have crumbled under the half-month of slander and vitriol. Now, just exposing Vivienne's deeds seemed too lenient.Sophie smiled faintly and reconnected her computer's internet cable. "She will be punished.""What punishment? If Vivienne isn’t imprisoned, I bet she’ll continue her mischief.""Jean, there must be a reason for Ms. Luxford’s decision. Stop complaining. Let’s go to the design department. I have something to attend to there." Linda quickly dragge
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Chapter 313
The press conference commenced with a standard introduction, yet the journalists' patience swiftly waned.Before Evander could finish, a journalist rose, eager to delve into the heart of the matter. "Mr. Carlson, are you holding this press conference to defend your fiancée?"Cedric’s steadfast loyalty to his fiancée, despite swirling scandals involving the recent Valerie incident, led everyone to anticipate his support for Vivienne and Tristan."Mr. Carlson, your ex-wife has been grievously wronged. How do you respond?"The room crackled with anticipation—a clear showdown between Cedric's past and present loves. All awaited his thoughts eagerly.As the room erupted with more questions and flashing cameras, Evander tried to regain control. However, Cedric’s commanding voice suddenly dominated the room."I have annulled my engagement with Vivienne."The room buzzed with energy as journalists scrambled to grasp the implications—Cedric was announcing the termination of his engagemen
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Chapter 314
Cedric had just wrapped up the shortest press conference in history, yet its impact rippled far and wide. Within an hour, the story had gone viral.-As Sophie watched the news unfold on her screen, her face betrayed a mix of emotions, stirred by Cedric's reference to her as "Mrs. Carlson.""That jerk," Jeanna exclaimed. "He announced his engagement to Vivienne himself, and now he's retracting it like it's nothing. Calling you the only Mrs. Carlson. What's his game, eating his own words?""Jean, calm down," Linda intervened soothingly."How can I stay calm? You know how Cedric treated Sophie back then. His actions nearly cost Sophie and Cherry their lives!""But, remember, Cedric dove into the water to search for Sophie. He ended up unconscious and was rescued by the team," Linda interjected, pausing as Sophie looked at her in surprise.Sophie was visibly shaken. "He did what?""Yes, Ms. Luxford. He dove in right after you fell but couldn't find you. They pulled him out, uncons
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Chapter 315
"Hello, Mommy. Why aren't you home yet?"Upon hearing Cherry's sweet voice, Sophie's eyes welled with tears as she tightened her grip on the phone. "Cherry, Mommy has to work late tonight. Be a good girl, have your dinner, and go to bed by nine, okay?""Working late? Okay, then. Come home soon, Mommy. Love you.""Yeah, Mommy loves you too." Sophie forced a smile, ended the call, and stood, her thoughts heavy'Cedric, do you know how hard it is to hate someone? Why can’t you just let me hate you!'-Driving aimlessly, Sophie found herself at the Crimson Bar.Upon seeing her, the valet stuttered, "M-Ms. Lux—"He corrected himself in light of recent events, saying, "Mrs. Carlson?""Is Sean here?" she asked.The valet cautiously assessed her demeanor, which didn't appear confrontational, and nodded. "Our boss is here."Sophie handed him the keys and walked inside.In the room, Sean was bantering with a bartender but froze at the sight of Sophie. His face tensed as he contemplat
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Chapter 316
"There's something else you should know," Sean remarked casually, but his words struck Sophie like a series of bombs detonating in her already turbulent heart."Actually, Cedric’s past escapades were all a facade, designed to irritate and provoke you, the proud peacock. An arrogant man still resorting to childish tactics."As for Vivienne, their relationship had ended long before he agreed to marry you. Tristan was the only unplanned part."Sometimes, men couldn't foresee everything. Tristan's unexpected arrival led the normally calm and decisive Cedric to make a wrong decision, resulting in all the subsequent chaos."Now, I've told you everything. Just don't let Cedric know it came from me," Sean added with a nonchalant shrug, his words sending ripples through Sophie's mind, further complicating her thoughts."I need a drink.""Coming right up. I'll have the bartender whip up our Crimson Bar's signature drink," Sean said. He signaled the bartender to prepare their signature cock
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Chapter 317
Sophie was significantly affected by just three drinks."Mrs. Carlson, are you alright?" the bartender asked with concern."I'm fine, just heading to the restroom." Sophie staggered slightly and mistakenly walked toward the men's restroom instead of the women's.The bartender tried to correct her, but the loud music drowned his voice. He was about to go after her, but another familiar person approached her. He then returned to his duties at the bar.Sophie stumbled to the restroom door, squinting at the sign before accidentally entering the men's room. Inside, a man was surprised by her presence and fumbled to cover himself. But it was too late to prevent an embarrassing wet spot on his trousers."Damn it!"Sophie tried to understand what was happening, but a pair of strong arms suddenly enveloped her, and her head was pressed against a familiar chest. The familiar scent and the resonating heartbeat disoriented her further, and her attempts to look up were thwarted by the hand ho
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Chapter 318
Cedric once believed marrying Sophie was an act of vengeance. However, when she vanished into the sea, he realized he desired her as his lifelong partner.Surrounded once more by his familiar scent, which intoxicated her like a potent aphrodisiac, Sophie bit her lip and summoned all her strength to push Cedric away. She needed to catch her breath.With shaky legs, she stopped at the door and said, "Cedric, if only everything could be undone with a rewind button…"'If only we could return to the beginning. I wouldn't have been so proud, he wouldn't have been so domineering, and there would be no Vivienne, no Tristan, no subsequent heart-wrenching pain. I would still be Mrs. Carlson, fervently yearning for happiness.'But that possibility had ceased to exist since that day over five years ago.Cedric suddenly grabbed her hand, thwarting her attempt to open the door. His urgent, cold breath left no room for escape. "No need for a rewind button, Soph. Let’s start anew from here and bu
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Chapter 319
Mrs. Carrie was puzzled when Cherry abruptly ended the call. "What's wrong, Cherry?" Still reeling from shock, Cherry gazed blankly at Mrs. Carrie for a while before mumbling, "Mrs. Carrie, who is my daddy?""Naturally, your daddy is Mr. Carlson."There had been wild rumors before, but Mrs. Carrie was certain Cherry was indeed Cedric and Sophie's child."Why him? Really him? Why him?!" Cherry babbled non-stop, her mind reeling from the revelation of Sophie spending the whole night with Cedric. Being young did not mean she was unaware of what could transpire over such a long night."What are you trying to say?" Mrs. Carrie was concerned by her unusual behavior."I need to talk to Godmother Jeanna," Cherry declared, dialing Jeanna’s number.Jeanna’s affectionate voice came through the phone. "Sweet Cherry, missing your godmother so early in the morning? How about I buy you a cherry cake tonight?""Godmother, my mommy... She seems to have lost her phone. If you see her, please te
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Chapter 320
After leaving Cedric's place, Sophie had intended to return home to change clothes. However, she worried about encountering Cherry, who had not yet gone to school, and didn't want to cause her any worry. Thus, she headed to the office instead, remembering that Linda had prepared a spare outfit for her there.As she hurried toward the elevator, she was stopped by the gasps and whispers of her female colleagues."Oh my God, that's really Mr. Carlson.""Did Ms. Luxford arrive together with Mr. Carlson?""Silly girl, Mr. Carlson's company is right next to ours. They commute together! How romantic is that?"Hearing "Mr. Carlson" mentioned repeatedly made Sophie tense up, her heart racing."Soph, you left your phone under the bed." Cedric’s low, seductive voice echoed from behind her, startling her and causing the gossiping employees to lose their collective cool.'The phone was under the bed? Doesn't that imply she spent the night with Mr. Carlson?'Sophie's face reddened instantly.
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