All Chapters of In The Heart Of Cedric’s Affection: Chapter 321 - Chapter 330
538 Chapters
Chapter 321
"Sean, what have you done this time?" Jeanna asked, her tone sharp and suspicious.Sean cautiously stepped back to keep a safe distance and replied with a wry smile, "I... I just helped to pair up a prideful duo of the animal kingdom.""You jerk!" Jeanna was upset that her suspicions were confirmed.Cedric was a fire pit, and she would have accepted it if Sophie had willingly jumped in. But Sean had gone behind her back to give her a push!Seeing Jeanna holding back her anger, Sean grinned cheekily and leaned in again. "Jean, it wasn’t blind matchmaking. Sophie still has feelings for Cedric. The past is the past. Why not give them a chance to start over?"Happiness isn't guaranteed, but they might find it this time. Love doesn’t always bring happiness, but without love, there’s no happiness. Can you bear to see Sophie missing out on happiness forever?"He began playfully, but his tone grew serious, "True friends seize every opportunity to bring happiness to those they care about.
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Chapter 322
The two men emerged from the Luxford Group building, their expressions radiating satisfaction.Sean nudged Cedric with his elbow. "So, about last night, I played a crucial role, didn't I? How much are you planning to spend at my bar?"Without Sean's clever intervention, Cedric doubted that he and Sophie would have reconciled, even after several more months.Cedric halted in his tracks and turned, his expression proud. His tone turned chilly. "I warn you, if you ever get her drunk again, you can forget about running the Crimson Bar."He couldn't risk her getting intoxicated and mistakenly wandering into the men's restroom again, witnessing things she shouldn't."Oh, come on. You can't deny you enjoyed last night. I don’t care, you’re responsible for my bar's revenue this year.""Return to your Crimson Bar and preserve your virtue," Cedric retorted, smiling disdainfully."Please, don’t pretend like you didn’t spend half the night doing... you know what and then smiling about it."
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Chapter 323
Cedric leaned casually against his car, his presence more magnetic than ever, starkly contrasting the man who once captivated countless admirers. His experiences over the years had lent him a deeper, more intriguing aura.Cedric was intently watching the building's exit, his patience resembling that of a predator in wait.As time passed, the crowd of employees thinned out, and Cedric glanced at his watch, estimating how much longer Sophie could resist.When Sophie finally appeared, he smiled faintly, betraying his anticipation.Sophie moved briskly toward the lot, bypassing Cedric, but he swiftly blocked her path."Let me drive you home.""There's no need, I have my own car," she said coolly, trying to sidestep him but stopping abruptly. Confused, she turned to him. "Where is my car?""One of your employees accidentally hit your car while reversing. I've sent it to the repair shop for repairs," Cedric explained nonchalantly.'My employee hit my car? And they didn't even have th
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Chapter 324
As the modest car swiftly passed Cedric, a shadow of anger crossed his face, tightly contained.Inside the car, the young driver stole glances at Sophie in the backseat, hesitant to initiate conversation."Mrs. Carlson, it seems like Mr. Carlson is following us," he finally said, breaking the silence.Looking back, Sophie saw Cedric's Bentley close behind. Worse, he even waved at her. Irritated, she urged the driver, "Excuse me, could you please go a little faster?""Sure."-Arriving at her apartment minutes later, Sophie quickly got out and thanked the driver.The driver peeked out with a smile and asked, "Mrs. Carlson, could you give me a good review for your ride?""Sure thing." Sophie nodded. Jeanna had introduced this ride-hailing app. It was said to be popular in Carlosia now. She did not think she would need it, but it came in handy today.The driver was thrilled to have served the city’s richest woman and drove away elated.Soon, Cedric’s car pulled up. He stepped
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Chapter 325
Cherry hesitated but stepped to the side with a slight motion, using her petite frame to subtly shield herself from Cedric while playfully chiding, "Mommy, the teacher said not to bring strangers home. You're being naughty."Cedric arched an eyebrow, amused and slightly taken aback by her words. 'A stranger, am I?'Mrs. Carrie chuckled to herself and resumed cooking, sensing Cherry's playful challenge to Cedric.Sophie felt awkward and unsure how to explain Cedric’s presence without admitting he had invited himself. Her gaze landed on the half-eaten cherry cake on the coffee table. She tapped Cherry lightly on the forehead before turning to Mrs. Carrie in the kitchen. "Mrs. Carrie, did Cherry trick you into buying her cake again?"Turning off the faucet, Mrs. Carrie asked in surprise, "Isn’t this cake the one you ordered for delivery?""Me?" Sophie was bewildered, her mind elsewhere today."Not Mommy? Then perhaps Godmother Jean bought it? We should ask her where she got it; it’s
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Chapter 326
"Cedric, can you please leave?"Mrs. Carrie had already started preparing the dishes, but hearing her sudden eviction order, her hands stopped moving. 'If she has allowed him into the apartment, it means that the two of them are on good terms. Why is she suddenly kicking him out?'Cherry could not help but smirk. However, when she glanced at the cake she had not finished, she felt a little embarrassed. 'Oh no, I'm in no position to drive him away now that I've eaten a cake he bought.'Cedric frowned slightly. "Soph, I only want to give you and Cherry—""What you've given us so far was nothing but harm and fright," Sophie cut him off before he could finish his sentence.She closed her slightly moist eyes, his expression reflected in her pupils. Then, her pale lips parted. "Please leave!"Cedric looked at her pale face, still in shock. His lips twitched for a bit, but he did not say a word in the end.As the door opened and closed, Cherry glanced at the door and then at Sophie whi
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Chapter 327
"I've asked Dr. Zegler regarding Tristan's condition. Tristan will be discharged in another two or three days. Once he's discharged from the hospital, I'll have someone send Vivienne abroad and keep an eye on her." Cedric explained his plan.In this way, Tristan would no longer be hurt again under the guise of love, and Sophie would not have to worry anymore."That's one solution. On the one hand, you have a son who emerged out of nowhere and had been neglected for three years. On the other hand, you have a woman you love but deep misunderstandings exist between you two. Brother, you're in quite a tough spot." Sean sighed, refilled Cedric's wine glass, and clinked their wine glasses together.The media, never content with the truth, had managed to portray a conflicted yet principled man as a despicable and indecisive scumbag. What was worse, every time they wrote about Cedric, they would drag him into it too, tarnishing his sexual orientation along the way.'Damn it!' Cedric frowne
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Chapter 328
After waiting for one whole day without receiving a reply, Vivienne had no choice but to come up with a solution on her own."Ms. Kerrigan, Tristan needs to undergo a pre-discharge examination," the nurse said with a smile, though the contempt in her eyes could not be concealed.A woman who could even harm her own child for personal gain truly did not deserve to live.Vivienne could only pretend not to notice and reached out to help Tristan on the hospital bed, but he dodged her hand before it could touch his arm."Mommy, it's fine. The nurse will accompany me," Tristan said.Vivienne's expression changed slightly. Ever since Tristan woke up from his coma, he seemed like a different person. Every time he looked at her, his gaze was cold and distant. He even started resisting her touch.The nurse assisted Tristan out of the ward, and Vivienne's simmering hatred was finally unveiled without any pretense. Her hands, hanging at her sides, clenched tightly into fists, and her entire b
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Chapter 329
"You still smell the same. Vivienne, do you know how much I longed for you during those six years in prison? Every time I thought of you, I wondered what new things I could do to satisfy you even more."Accompanied by a lewd chuckle, the hand pinching her chin suddenly moved downward, slipping over her collarbone and into her clothes.Vivienne struggled desperately, but her limbs were bound, and she could not break free."I just love a woman who knows how to have fun like you. Let's see what I've brought you." William giggled as he pulled out a long whip from the drawer.The whip's appearance caused Vivienne's face to pale. "Please, no! I beg you, don't do this!"The fear deep within her soul made her burst into tears.In the past, when she was known as Cedric's girlfriend, other women envied and admired her. However, behind closed doors, Cedric remained indifferent, his thoughts inscrutable.William's arrival had prompted her hesitation, ultimately leading her to accept the Car
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Chapter 330
Vivienne had set him up back then because she couldn't bear it anymore, intending to ensure this abuser spent the rest of his life in prison. Yet, he managed to escape."What exactly do you want?" Vivienne tried to calm down, knowing that if William only wanted to retaliate against her, he wouldn't have mentioned Cedric earlier."Heh, it seems you've grown smarter. I can let you go, but you have to agree to work with me," William said with a smirk.Seeing William's sinister appearance, Vivienne gulped subconsciously out of fear. "As long as you let me go, I'll agree to anything."'If I don't, he'll surely torture me to death.'-At Luxford Group.Jeanna rolled her eyes in disapproval. "How was the interest class you took Cherry to try out yesterday? I don't have kids, so I don't understand what's wrong with parents nowadays. Isn't it better for kids to grow up happily without having to attend various interest classes when they're this young?"When she had children in the future
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