All Chapters of In The Heart Of Cedric’s Affection: Chapter 461 - Chapter 470
538 Chapters
Chapter 461
Sophie knew the villa's layout intimately, having lived there for three years. As she briskly walked to the room Jeff had prepared for her, her hand had just touched the doorknob when another hand covered hers.The unexpected warmth of the hand sent a flutter through her heart, and she looked up, avoiding direct eye contact."You...""This is my room. Yours is further down.""Your room?" She glanced at his face in surprise, realizing they had just passed what used to be their shared bedroom.Cedric seemed to read her thoughts. He smiled with a mischievous sparkle in his eye. "Our bedroom. I'll wait for you to move back in willingly."That room had been left vacant for five years. Unable to face a space filled with her presence yet devoid of her, he had occasionally stayed next door during his infrequent visits.The word "bedroom", already laden with intimacies, was emphasized by his tone, causing Sophie’s cheeks to flush. She struggled to suppress the indescribable feelings stir
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Chapter 462
Sophie looked up from her pile of files, her brow furrowed in frustration. She and Cedric were like players navigating a minefield. Over the years, they had set too many traps for each other, and any misstep could trigger an explosion.Just like last night's 'goodnight'. For three years, she had maintained this routine. Even when he was out with other women, she always called to say goodnight. She believed true love meant saying 'good morning' upon waking and 'goodnight' before sleep.But now, this idealized love felt like a horrifying mirror, reflecting her past naivety and the painful wounds it left behind."Taking a holiday is fine, but first, tell me, did anything happen between you and Cedric?" Jeanna leaned forward on the desk, unable to contain her curiosity.Feeling pity for her friend's sore neck and back, Sophie sighed. "Really, nothing happened. He stayed in his room, and I stayed in mine, that's all. Now, dear, why don't you turn right, put on some lovely makeup, and go
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Chapter 463
Sophie glanced at Charlie, who, despite signing the contract, still refused to be cordial. After he "reviewed" all the scripts, she smiled and asked, "Did any of these scripts appeal to you?""Appeal? What are these scripts? They're all mindless drivel. Ms. Luxford, surely you didn’t sign me to Paramount just to make me star in this kind of trash, did you?""Charlie, how can you talk to Ms. Luxford like that? These scripts are from top directors with huge investments, each worth several hundred million. I think they’re quite good, especially this one by Director Ali Xavier, 'The Grand Life'. It's a major production with a strong team, and the script seems tailor-made for you. I think you should take this role."His meticulous agent, Florence Rivers, picked up a script with a professional's satisfaction. This role would surely secure Charlie the Golden Reels Award next year if he just performed decently."What kind of taste do you have? Calling this tailor-made is an insult to me!"
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Chapter 464
Everyone thought they must have misheard. Charlie was expected to dismiss the final script and criticize the writers for wasting his time. Why would he suddenly declare he wanted to take on the role?Sophie, still in shock, stared at the script in his hand. Compared to the others, this script was only half as thick. She could not help but wonder, 'Did he choose it just because it is shorter?'Clearing her throat, she tentatively asked, "Are you sure you want to take this role?""Of course. If you want me to pick a script, it’ll be this one. Otherwise, I’m not interested in any of those I just saw."Seeing Charlie’s domineering attitude, she quickly grabbed the script to skim through its contents. There must be something special about it for him not to have dismissed it outright.Florence also flipped through a few pages and then promptly dismissed it from a professional standpoint. "This script won’t work. It has a small budget and a limited audience. It’s too much of an art film!
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Chapter 465
Sophie needed an artist who could reach the heights expected of an actor while also generating substantial revenue.Charlie's smirk widened as he met her gaze, amusement gleaming in his eyes. "Then find me a new agent to negotiate this film and tell the director my fee doesn’t matter. Save the money to ensure the serious work gets done properly."He delivered his statement with arrogance and began to walk away, only to be stopped by an irritated Florence. "Charlie, what do you mean by this?""It means our ambitions don't align. Continuing to work together might land you in the hospital in a few days. We're better off parting ways now." With a dismissive glance, Charlie strutted off, leaving the scene with a swagger.Florence turned to Sophie, her eyes full of indignation. "Ms. Luxford, does he have any of the virtues an artist should have?"Sophie felt somewhat helpless. She had dealt with many arrogant stars before, but few were as blatantly indifferent as Charlie. Caught between
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Chapter 466
"Why are you here?" Charlie could not hide his delight upon seeing her, but his brows soon furrowed. 'When did she return? I hadn't heard anything about it.'"Take a guess?" Her laughter grew sweeter, a playful charm in her tone. The brim of her large hat shadowed her eyes, tempting him to lift it and see her face fully."Did you come back because of that matter?" He knew she was not there just to see him, yet he found himself enchanted by her smile, unable to look away."I'm not telling you." Her smile was sweet, the dimple on her cheek making it hard to look away.-At Carlson Group, Austin sat at his desk, his expression composed yet tinged with a subtle coolness. He reviewed the information his assistant had gathered, his eyes narrowing slightly.At first, he only thought the Charlie that Sophie had signed was somewhat extraordinary, but he had not expected the investigation to reveal so much. It was beyond his expectations.The assistant entered, lowering his voice. "Mr. Ca
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Chapter 467
Sophie wanted to shake off the indescribable feeling, but Cedric’s strong hand on her shoulder tightened its hold."Don't you have an appointment? It's not good to be late." Cedric's voice was low, his breath warm on her face.Sophie instinctively glared at him but followed his lead toward the parked Bentley. First, they needed to escape the annoying journalists.Once the car door closed, shutting out the noise of the press, Cedric's domineering presence intensified the sudden quiet that enveloped them."How did you know I had an appointment?" Having dealt with the incident involving Charlie before, she felt a bit sensitive, her frown deepening slightly. 'Was he investigating me again?'"I just said that to the journalists offhand. Sophie, I've already made a mistake with Charlie's situation once. I promise it won't happen again." The apology was hard for him to say and even harder to articulate. He uttered it now as if awaiting a verdict, sneaking glances at her.Initially, he c
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Chapter 468
After work, Sophie exited the Luxford Group building to find Cedric routinely waiting at the parking lot entrance. Despite being a taken man and their CEO's boyfriend, his presence still made employees swoon, unable to suppress their daydreams.One female employee sighed dreamily. "Mr. Carlson is so handsome. If I had a man like him waiting for me after work, I'd be so happy." Another chimed in. "If I were that lucky, I wouldn't bother working anymore. I'd quit slaving away for a measly salary. But if the boss were someone like Mr. Carlson, I wouldn't mind working hard like a mule for him," The women giggled over their fantasies, their remarks earning eye rolls from Jeanna."I think the company should enroll them in a moral and ethics course, or maybe send them on a year-long retreat to a monastery to clear their minds," Jeanna suggested."That can only happen when your designs sell all the way to the monasteries in the mountains," Sophie said with a helpless shake of her head,
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Chapter 469
As Sophie stepped into the villa, she scanned around the living room as usual. Noticing the absence of Cherry, she immediately frowned with concern. "Grandpa, haven’t Cherry and Tristan returned yet?"'It's already past 5:00 p.m. School should have ended by now.'"They’re back, but Cherry seemed a bit upset today.""Is that so? Then I'll go check on her."Glancing upstairs, she quickly headed for the staircase. Since moving there, Cherry had been showered with the best by Jeff. Her usually cheerful nature meant she almost went to sleep smiling. 'What could possibly upset her?'She paused at the closed bedroom door and listened for any sounds but heard nothing, deepening her worry. An upset Cherry was never that quiet. Something serious must have happened."Cherry, can Mommy come in?"After knocking and hearing no response, she waited a few seconds before turning the doorknob and entering.On the pink princess bed, Cherry lay motionless, seemingly asleep. However, the uneven ris
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Chapter 470
Cedric felt a mix of satisfaction and concern. His gaze shifted to Tristan, who was quietly eating his dinner, a look of confusion in his eyes.'When Soph went upstairs earlier, I had already questioned the driver about the school incident. Did Tristan know something all along?'Tristan was seemingly unaffected by the conversation, quickly finished his food, and stood up. "Great-grandfather, Dad, I’m done eating. I'll go do my homework now."While watching him go upstairs, Cedric’s frown deepened. The issue with Vivienne might seem resolved, but he had a feeling it was far from over."Tristan seems very unusual today," Matthew remarked, unable to help himself.Tristan was usually quiet but never this withdrawn.Jeff chuckled, his wise eyes twinkling. "Kids have their moods. He’ll be better after a good night's sleep."'For now, the priority is to deal with Cedric and Soph's situation.'After dinner, as usual, Sophie spent time chatting with Jeff. Since learning of his illness,
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