All Chapters of In The Heart Of Cedric’s Affection: Chapter 471 - Chapter 480
538 Chapters
Chapter 471
Jeff's smile was warm as he handed a few raspberries to Sophie. She felt a sharp pain in her heart, battling back the tears. The day she dreaded most had finally arrived—Jeff was beginning to show signs of forgetfulness due to his illness."Grandpa…" Cedric's voice was strained, pain clear in his eyes. He wanted to find a reason to take the raspberries from Sophie, but she stopped him with a look.She smiled and popped one into her mouth. The familiar sweet-sour taste now carried a hint of bitterness. She chewed lightly, expertly spitting out the seed."Is it sweet?""Very sweet.""Eat more then. I had Mrs. Carrie buy a lot for you."Seeing Jeff's joy from her approval, Sophie forced a smile and continued eating.Cedric sat beside her, his whole body tense. He knew he needed to keep up the act so as not to upset Jeff.Jeff had bought a lot of raspberries. As Sophie finished those on her plate, Mrs. Carrie immediately brought another. But her skin was already itching, forcing he
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Chapter 472
"You need to go to the pharmacy and get me some allergy medicine. I can hold on until tomorrow morning."Upon seeing Sophie's determination not to go to the hospital, Cedric's frown deepened. A vein throbbed on his forehead as his fists clenched involuntarily. He sighed but respected her decision."I’ll go right now. Wait for me," he said.The door clicked shut behind him as Sophie pulled herself up from the toilet. She wondered if the vomiting had expelled some allergens because she suddenly felt slightly better. Deep inside, Cedric's words had stirred a sense of anticipation she hadn't felt in years.Maintaining a composed exterior, Cedric left the villa, but his urgency showed in his hurried steps.Traffic crawled, and his honking was futile. Red light cameras flashed as he sped through intersections, swerving and changing lanes with little regard for the rules.He quickly bought the allergy medication and hurried back, but God seemed to toy with him, turning every traffic lig
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Chapter 473
Upon seeing Sophie’s complexion improve, Cedric's heart finally eased. "Feeling better now?""Mhm." Sophie hoped this brief response would suffice, but Cedric was not easily dismissed.He frowned slightly, his tone insistent and commanding. "Let me see."Her face flushed, and she tightened her grip on the blanket. "No need to look. I know what the bumps on my body are like.""Let me see!" Cedric repeated, already reaching to lift her blanket.Sophie, seeing this, had no choice but to stretch her arms out from under the blanket. "Just look at my arms then."Obediently, she rolled up her sleeves. The reddish bumps on her fair skin had subsided significantly, leaving only a few scattered ones that had not yet faded."What about your back?"'Is this guy serious? I showed him my arms, and now he wants to see my back! Is he just trying to take advantage of the situation?!'"I need to see your back." Cedric’s tone was firm, unexpectedly dominant.Sophie knew his relentless nature an
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Chapter 474
At the hospital.Sophie had completed her examination, and the doctor was reviewing her medical report. "The allergic reaction is not too severe, but I recommend that Mrs. Carlson undergo IV treatment for three days for optimal recovery.""Three days?" Sophie felt this was excessive. The red bumps on her skin had mostly faded, and she thought some allergy medication would suffice.However, Cedric, standing beside her, said firmly, "Start it immediately.""I'll prepare the paperwork for Mrs. Carlson right away," the doctor said without hesitation.With a quick flourish of his pen, he wrote out a prescription.Cedric took the paper and paid before a nurse escorted Sophie to the infusion room."Mrs. Carlson, this might sting a bit. Please try to stay still," the nurse said gently.Normally, her voice would have been soothing, but Sophie's mind was elsewhere."Nurse, could you avoid using the back of my hand for the injection? Could we use a less noticeable spot?" Sophie asked, th
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Chapter 475
Cedric explained their visit to the hospital with blunt honesty, "Soph had an allergic reaction, so we came for an IV treatment."Even if he had lied, Dr. Zegler could easily verify the facts with the attending doctor they had just seen."Mrs. Carlson, are you feeling better now?" Dr. Zegler asked, showing genuine concern."I'm fine now," Sophie replied, maintaining her composure. She quickly added, "Dr. Zegler, could you please keep my allergy issues confidential?"Given that Jeff had faked illness and might meet with Dr. Zegler again, it was better to request confidentiality early to avoid any accidental mentions."Rest assured. Maintaining patient confidentiality is a basic requirement for doctors," Dr. Zegler reassured her, adjusting his glasses. Then, his expression became concerned again as he turned to Cedric. "How is your grandfather doing?"Cedric had intended to ask about his grandfather’s condition. Seizing the opportunity, he asked, "Grandpa has started showing signs
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Chapter 476
"It's all gone. Should I go out to buy some more?" Mrs. Carrie asked."Yes, hurry up and go. Make sure to pick the freshest ones," Jeff instructed."Alright." Mrs. Carrie put down her work, took off her apron, grabbed her wallet, and headed out the door cheerfully.In a good mood, even the bustling supermarket on the TV program became a pleasant sight.Jeff smiled contentedly, thinking that once Sophie and Cedric reconciled, Austin would naturally give up on her. By then, if either of them could give birth to another grandson or granddaughter for the Carlsons, he would have no more regrets in this life."With the arrival of the raspberry season, many viewers who enjoy the sweet and sour taste of raspberries will indulge in this delicious fruit. However, we remind everyone to pay attention to freshness when selecting raspberries. Before eating them, be sure to soak them in diluted saltwater to get rid of any microorganisms and bacteria."More importantly, those who have never eate
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Chapter 477
'Could something else have happened again?' Mrs. Carrie pulled out her phone, and her thumb hovered over Cedric's number. Remembering Jeff's command, though, she hesitated for a long time.In the end, she shoved her phone back in her pocket. 'Mr. Carlson is as cunning as a fox and as wise as an owl. Since he's given the order, he must have his reasons.'-The afternoon sun seemed to move westward unusually fast, and before long, the sunset poured in through the window, adding a touch of splendid hue to the spacious living hall.Cedric and Sophie returned home from work. Seeing Jeff sitting on the couch and staring blankly at the sunset, they exchanged a glance.After concealing their sorrow, Sophie walked over, sat beside Jeff, and smiled as usual. "Grandpa, what are you looking at?""You're back? Come and look at this beautiful sunset, Soph." Jeff pointed, and Sophie followed his gaze.The brilliant sunset made Sophie's heart ache, but she tried hard to maintain the same smile.
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Chapter 478
Looking at her increasingly broad figure, Sophie could not help but worry a little. Although obesity did not run in their family, growing fatter would be inevitable if this were to continue.Footsteps sounded outside the door again, and Sophie withdrew her gaze and saw Tristan walking in with his backpack. Naturally, she waved and greeted him with a smile, "Tristan, there's cake in the fridge. Put your backpack away, wash your hands, and have some.""Thank you, Ms. Luxford." Tristan nodded politely and hung his backpack on the rack. As he turned, he noticed Cherry's backpack lying haphazardly and frowned slightly, but he had already walked up to it.Perhaps the zipper wasn't zipped properly. When he lifted the backpack to help her hang it, its contents spilled out. In an attempt to do a good deed, he actually made it worse.Embarrassed, Tristan glanced toward the dining hall where Cherry was happily eyeing her cake. A hint of resignation flickered in his calm eyes as he reached out
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Chapter 479
The crooked handwriting on the pink paper made Tristan frown subconsciously. As he read through the contents, a subtle blue hue flickered in his eyes.[Cherry, I've liked you since the first day I saw you. Your smile is like sweet candy, and you're as cute as a delicious donut. When we're in third grade, let's be together. What do you think? My mommy says only third graders can date…]Before finishing the content, Tristan tightly crumpled the paper into a ball.His innocent lips pressed tightly together, and his gums clenched, but he couldn't control the surging flame within him.Anger—he had felt it before when his mother was about to leave him behind, and he was too powerless to do anything.His eyes dimmed, and his creased brows suddenly relaxed. He then tossed the crumpled paper into the trash can.-Sophie had been observing the recent interactions between the two kids and couldn't help but feel somewhat worried.Cherry had a personality that was both sweet and adorable, y
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Chapter 480
"Cherry and I are good friends, so you should be friends with me too," Collin said with a tone of entitlement. He seemed to believe that offering his friendship was a privilege everyone would eagerly accept.When he didn't get the expected response after a few seconds, his thick eyebrows furrowed in dissatisfaction. "Don't you want to be friends with me? I'm Cherry's friend. Do you know, besides her deskmate, she talks to me the most in our class?""What does she talk to you about?" Tristan, who had been silent until now, suddenly spoke up. His usual polite tone carried a barely perceptible chill."Cherry tells me..."The words "to stop kicking my chair" almost slipped out, but Collin held them back. Realizing that it might undermine the domineering demeanor his father had told him to uphold, he straightened his posture and said gruffly, "Why should I tell you?"After all, he was the boy who talked to Cherry the most, and that was enough for him.Tristan's eyes narrowed slightly,
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