All Chapters of Alpha's Mate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
168 Chapters
Chapter 110
Alpha's Axel's POV I sat in my dimly lit study, engrossed in my work, unattended documents piled up on my table, the visit of the Whisper pack still haunted me.I looked at the wall clock realizing I had been in my study for hours instead of spending the wonderful evening with my Luna. I carefully peeked at my beta Daniel who sat across the table engrossed in a file. Realizing his attention was not directed to me, I took out the DNA reports of Ardolf.“What is that?” Daniel stared at me as I held the paper in my hands. Damn it! I didn't know he was watching me.“It's nothing” I lied, as I slipped the paper back to my drawer and stood up, walking to the window.“It doesn't matter what I say or do, it still doesn't change the fact that Ardolf is my half-brother” I growled as I turned to Daniel, my brows furrowed in anger, and I felt my fists clench as my anger suddenly flared.My breath became heavy and ragged and I could feel the wolf in me struggling to get out, my eyes changed into
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Chapter 111
RACHEL POV.“Rachel” Davina called after me as I stormed out, my anger flared up as I bared my teeth, I felt a great wench of sadness as my eyes were prickling with tears and my face clouded with a mixture of disappointment and disapproval.I was the one who took most of the fall. I couldn't still apprehend the situation.“Rachel, wait” Davina called as she walked over to the car. “Please wait, we can figure this out” she pleaded as her eyes widened and rimmed with tears.“We” I scoffed. “I kept blaming the wrong people all my life, without knowing that the root of my problems was planted by my own family, I so badly wanted to meet” My eyes hardened as they narrowed into slits, my voice laced with venom.“Please” she pleaded as she held my hands. “You wanted a family and you can still have it” Her eyes pooled with tears and her voice was thick with tears.“It's too late, I have already started my own family” I scoffed, jerking my hands from her. “ Alpha Axel must be worried about my w
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Chapter 112
Alpha Axel's POVThe sunlight filtered through the window, rays of sunlight reflecting on Rachel's face, the sunlight made her face glow, looking more beautiful as she slept innocently. My brows furrowed in curiosity and anxiety as I pondered on what would have happened to her yesterday.“You have gone through a lot, what happened to you?” I muffled as I removed the strain of hair covering her eyes, caressing her lips I gently stood up with a gentle stretch as I walked to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror brushing my hair with my hands, my face flushed with curiosity. As I got into the shower.The hot water poured on my bare skin, my chiseled muscle glowing from the effects of the water, I ran my hands through my hair, looking sightlessly at the wall, and my vision narrowed to a pinprick as my mind clouded with worries.Rachel's health was deteriorating and more problems kept surfacing. I needed to keep her away from the things that could threaten her and the twin's hea
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Chapter 113
Rachel's POV The first ray of sunlight lit up my room. The morning chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in. The sun poured through the window, bringing with it new hopes. I rubbed my bleary eyes as I glanced at Alpha Axel as he innocently slept, his hand placed on my waist, the sounds of his breath drawing me, my body aching for his lips as I stretched my hands to caress his pink lips. Noticing a sudden shift as his beautiful blue eyes opened, I withdrew my hands in fear, tightly shutting my eyes hoping he didn't notice me.Memories of yesterday flooded back, mortified that I had made a fool of myself. A Luna must always be at her best but yesterday's incident was not a trait of a Luna.Alpha Axel stood up and headed to the showers, I opened my eyes slightly as I took in deep breath realizing he didn't notice. My brows furrowed in anger, I grabbed my pillow, sinking my face in it in anger. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. The bathroom door opened revealing Alpha Axel, his t
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Chapter 114
Alpha Axel's POV.My mouth fell open immediately as I stared at the blonde lady in disbelief. “ Athena” I muffled, my jaws clenched in anger. “You are still alive,” I hissed.“What happened?” My beta Daniel came closer, curiosity etched over his face as he locked eyes with me. “Little brother” A familiar voice called. Slowly turning my head, I glowered at the person who called. His face with a smirk as he glared at me, beside him was a strange young man whose face beamed with a bright smile.“Ardolf” I screamed, anger thrummed through my veins, I clenched my fists tightly, my mind clouded with anger and confusion wondering how he escaped.The stranger waved at me and turned to leave, Ardolf scoffed before trailing behind the man. Anger rose in me like a tide, dropping the lady in my arms, I chased after them. Slowly shifting to my werewolf form, my eyes glowed in anger as I bared my teeth, taking a turn at a corner, Ardolf had already shifted to his werewolf form, the strange man gon
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Chapter 115
Rachel's POV.I stared blankly at the floor, biting my fingers as my heart hammered in my chest, I was in a complete state of panic, my hands felt cold and clammy as I felt sick with fear. “Arya can't be Athena” I shook my head aggressively. I looked at my mum as she lay on the bed unconsciously, Davina had left earlier to get Hilary and Hailey.“She can't be” I muffled. “Athena is dead!” I screamed, grabbing the flower vase on the table, and smashing it hard on the floor. My face contorted with rage. I couldn't bear the thought of Athena being alive, nor could I believe that Arya was Athena. “I'll kill you Athena” I screamed, pulling my hair as I gasped angrily for air. “You won't get away with this”.“Racheal” the door flung open, revealing Alpha Axel, his face etched with concern as he moved closer.“ A…” I stammered as fresh terror reared up within me, my voice numb with fear as I crashed into his arm gasping for air.“ It's okay, you're safe now” he smiled, pulling me to
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Chapter 116
“ The Whisper pack lady has woken up, she was badly injured,” Daniel whispered to Alpha Axel as they walked down the hall.“ Alpha Cole should be with her, that's where we should head to, that's where all our questions would be answered,” he thought, nodding in acknowledgement, they headed towards there.They walked with haste, trailing behind them were Felicity and Arya who followed in silence. Immediately they got to the room, Alpha Axel pushed open the door, both sides opening as he walked in.“ Wait” Daniel called as he grabbed his arm, “ You were supposed to knock” he whispered, his face etched with embarrassment. Alpha Axel looked up at Alpha Cole and the blonde lady. Alpha Cole's expression was as clear as the wind as he sat across the room, Alpha Axel darted his eyes to the blonde lady, his cheeks burned as he met her hostile glare, her brows furrowed in irritation.Alpha Axel swallowed down his embarrassment, walking towards her, he forced a bright smile as he moved closer
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Chapter 117
ALPHA AXEL'S POV.“Brandon?”, Our mouths fell open in disbelief as Daniel and I exchanged glances, our faces etched with confusion.“Don't play games” I grabbed her tightly, my claws piercing through her arm, a vortex of anger swirled inside me.I locked eyes with Sam, and my face contorted with rage. “What did you say?” I asked, My voice laced with venom.Alpha Cole walked over to me, pulling my hand from Sam's arm and his etched with seriousness as he locked eyes with me, his eyes filled with fire. I tried to free my hand from Alpha Cole's clutches but my strength was no match for his, feeling defeated. I glared at Alpha Cole as he finally freed my hand.“Have you no respect for the dead?” Daniel asked, his brows furrowed in anger as he clenched his fists tightly.Sam looked at me with a hostile glare, she was quivering in anger as she clutched her wounded arm. “How dare you touch me?” she asked, her voice laced with venom.“You shouldn't have said that, all your clan knows how to d
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Chapter 118
RACHEL'S POV.The blue sky was dotted with tiny white fluffy clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. The dappled sun shone through the trees, casting mysterious shadows as the leaves danced to the wind's rhythm. The reflection of the sun shone through my window causing the curtain to glow. The birds freely flew high above the sky, children's laughter echoed around the palace, and maids moved freely with their daily activities. The palace had returned to its shining glory after Athena and her friends attacked.I looked at the beauty scene through my window, sitting under the tree was Daniel. Daniel sat down as children surrounded him. Their faces were etched with laughter as he played with them. Everything was back to normal. I hoped.I walked over to my dressing table and I sat down, etched with a smirk before my brows furrowed in frustration as I pulled my hair.“I shouldn't have done that” I shouted to myself as I glowered at my reflection. “I shouldn't have done that” I bi
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Chapter 119
RACHEL'S POVThe night sky filled with a blanket of stars that stretched to infinity. The street brightens with the city lights. Humans going about their daily activities, solemn music played by a street band, their songs filled the air as people surrounded them. I stared blankly at the sky, the breeze of the night brushing through my face through the window of the moving car.I bit my fingers in rage as my face contorted with a mixture of rage and curiosity. My phone suddenly rang, waking me from my nightmare. It was Davina.“Hey” I picked up the call, “I am almost there”. I whispered.“Where are you?” Davina asked, her voice edged with curiosity. “Did Alpha Axel let you go that easily?”.“I am already there” I chuckled as I came down from the car and walked over to Davina's Cafe. “I will be there in a minute”. I said as I got closer.“Come through the back, the cafe is closed already” Davina explained as she cut the call.I halted at the door looking at the close sign hanging on the
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