All Chapters of Alpha's Mate: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
168 Chapters
Chapter 120
ALPHA AXEL'S POV.I laid down on the couch, my mind clouded with thought, Rachel deserved to know the truth about Athena but that wasn't a risk I was willing to take. Just as I lay on the couch, I sensed a shadow hovering above slowly. I opened my eyes, it was Rachel.Rachel tiptoed out of the room giving the door a soft thud as she went out.“Rachel” I muttered, my brows furrowed in curiosity wondering where Rachel could be sneaking up to at this time of the night. “I have to find out where she is going,” I thought as I got up quietly following her. I didn't want the elders to know of Rachel's attempt to leave the palace at night, so I immediately sent words to all the guards to just let Rachel go wherever she was sighted, I was going to stop her myself.I followed Rachel closely behind, the guards pretended not to notice her presence as she sneaked past them.Rachel ran towards the last door of the palace, I had to end this little mischief before it was too late. With the speed of
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Chapter 121
AUTHOR'S POV“Vae…vaewolf” Hailey shouted falling to the ground in fear. Inside the woods was a dark figure with golden eyes, its teeth gritting in anger as it approached them.Rachel's mouth fell open in fear, she was mute with terror, her legs became wobbly with fear as she took a few steps backward, and terror mounted within her with every step.“Ath…ena” Davina called her voice edged with fear and her eyes widened in alarm as fear crept up her spine.Alpha Axel glowered at Athena, he gritted his teeth angrily as he walked closer to Athena. “How dare you show your face again,” Alpha Axel thought, anger flooding his veins.“Run!” Rachel shouted as Davina and the twins screamed running in the opposite direction but paused tripping over each other as another figure appeared in the opposite direction.“Rachel” the twins cried, their faces etched with fear as they held her tightly.“Stay away” Rachel shouted, anger and terror stirred within her as the figure slowly walked out of the sha
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Chapter 122
RACHEL'S POV.We drove back in silence, my eyes darting from left to right as different thoughts clouded. I looked at the side mirror of the car, trailing behind us were Alpha Axel and Alpha Cole driving slowly.“Do you believe what Alpha Cole said?” Davina asked as she glanced at me, her face contorted with concern.“I can't still dissolve all that he said as my head is still clouded with confused thought, so what part do you ask of me?” I asked calmly.“I can still manage to believe all that he said about Athena, the vampire, Ardolf, the black witch but I still don't understand what he said about Brandon,” she said, shaking her head as she bit her lips, her face contorted with confusion.“I honestly don't know what to believe anymore”. I explained as I looked at Alpha Axel's car coming behind us through the side mirror. “But I think Alpha Axel is more confused than any of us will ever be”. I nodded.“You're right, I hope he is okay,” Davina smiled faintly. Immediately her phone rang
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Chapter 123
ALPHA AXEL'S POV.I went in immediately as Daniel led the way to Brandon. I was in a complete state of panic, different questions flooded through my mind. Spasms of fear crossed my face and I swallowed hard.I had been anticipatingly waiting for Brandon to come, not because I didn't believe what Alpha Cole said but because I needed to see it for myself to fully believe. The palace was turned into turmoil upon the arrival of Brandon. I couldn't wait to see him.People whispered among themselves as I passed them, they glared at me, their faces etched with shock as I walked past but then I ignored their reaction.Daniel halted at the door and turned back, his face etched with shock as he gestured to me to turn back. Slowly I turned back and my mouth fell open. The whole palace was behind me, leading them to angry elders who approached us.“Is he truly alive?” one of the elders spat as he glared at me.“It seems like that's the only possible explanation” I nodded, I wasn't in any mood to
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Chapter 124
AUTHOR'S POV.Davina drove the twins home, having a proper farewell to both Felicity and the twins, Davina quickly drove home. Her home was an hour's drive from Felicity's home, increasing her speed she got home within forty minutes to meet Lucien, who stood outside waiting impatiently for her.“Where are you coming from, Davina?” Lucien asked Davina as she got out of the car, his brows furrowed in curiosity.“Please Dad, I'm so tired of this discussion” Davina frowned as she headed inside the house.“Were you with Rachel?” Lucien asked as he walked towards Davina. “I told you not to associate with her again”. He said, his voice laced with anger.“Rachel has nothing to do with this” she defended. “Don’t bring her up in all our arguments, she is not the demon in our story” Davina defended and angrily walked in.“Davina wait” Lucien called as he ran after her. “I am sorry for bringing her up, I was just worried about you” he pleaded as he walked behind her.“Can we talk about this tomor
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Chapter 125
RACHEL'S POV.The next day, I sat down anxiously on my bed as I clutched my baby bump, fear etched on my face. I had called a meeting with my family except Lucien, following the witches visit. Alpha Axel and Daniel were busy with the elders after the arrival of Brandon, so I had to be the one to handle the witch's case. The last thing we wanted was for the witches to declare war on our pack.“My lady” a servant called as she walked in, “Your mother is here to see you,” she said bowing.“Bring her in!” I commanded, and the servant left, immediately my mother walked in, trailing behind her were Davina and the twins.“Mum” I called as I ran to hug her, “I am sorry I called for your presence not long after you left the palace” I apologized.“Nonsense, I'll always be there for you and you know it,” My mother said as she gave me a reassuring smile.I looked at Davina and the twins who gave me a reassuring nod, Davina moved closer to hug me tightly. “Whatever you do, don't mention our yester
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Chapter 126
RACHEL'S POV.I lay down on my bed as I tossed from left to right, Alpha Axel had left the palace to attend to important matters. The moonlight shone casting eerie shadows, sleep distant from my face, my mind clouded with different thoughts of the recent events that have just happened. Davina's revelations of meeting Arya in the clinic and how she defended me and Davina against Kora and Jane, still haunted me. “Athena would never have done that” I shook my head. “What is her game plan this time?” I muttered.I was filled with fear as I fought a rising panic, a nameless dread engulfed me. The witches declared war, Athena was now in the palace and above all the black witch had visited our coven and had succeeded in convincing half of the coven members.“I need to get fresh air” I muttered, as I got up from my bed, wearing my nightgown. I walked out of the room. The hallways were silent as no single life was seen or heard, even the rickets were too afraid to make a single noise.I slowl
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Chapter 127
AUTHOR'S POV.“Athena” Rachel said, her mouth fell open in shock. “It can't be,” she muttered, covering her mouth, fear fluttering in her stomach. Athena looked round, as though she knew someone was trailing her. She walked towards Rachel's direction. Fear engulfed Rachel as she covered her mouth, suppressing her urge to scream.“Hey, who's there?” A voice shouted coming closer, Athena halted and turned back in silence, running in the opposite direction. “Who's there?” The sentinel asked as he stood in front of Rachel, his face etched with curiosity as Rachel stared blankly at the air, her face contorted with fear.“My lady” he bowed immediately, realizing it was Rachel, “Are you okay?” He asked as he crouched closer to her.“Athena…Athena” Rachel muttered as she grabbed his hands. “Athena,” she said, her eyes widening in fear.“Ath…” The sentinel paused as his eyes widened in alarm. “Athena” he bolted out. “She is in the palace, Athena is the palace,” Rachel said, her voice mixed
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Chapter 128
ALPHA AXEL'S POV.The news of Athena's visit spread throughout the palace. I had to leave an important meeting to rush to the palace. I couldn't believe Athena dared to try another attack on Rachel.“Gather everyone here, how could Athena enter the palace without anyone noticing” I shouted as I walked into the palace. “I have looked into it, Athena might have been able to enter through the use of dark magic, the sentinels never left their posts, they are quite as shocked as we are” Daniel defended as he walked towards me.“Where is Rachel?” I asked, my voice edged with concern.“The sentinels can't find her, but according to one of the sentinels, he said Rachel went to hide in a place that only you have access to”, my beta Daniel explained calmly.Immediately I ran to my library, flinging the door open as I walked in. “Rachel”, I called. “Rachel, where are you?” I shouted, but there was no response. Daniel walked in, shutting the door behind him.“Let's check behind the bookshelves”
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Chapter 129
RACHEL'S POV.I sat down and I bit my fingers anxiously, my face contorted with fear as I patiently waited for Davina. Memories of yesterday flooded back into my mind, I could not believe Alpha Cole was working with Athena.“This can't be happening”. I shook my head. I trembled inside as I was in a complete state of panic.“Rachel” Davina called as she walked into my room. “Are you okay?” She asked, her voice laced with fear as she hugged me tightly. “I came as soon as I heard,” she explained.“Athena was here, Davina” I bolted out as I held her hands. “I am going crazy, I don't know what to do, to say, to think…” I stammered as my words trailed off, fear crawled up my throat as I gasped for air.“Okay, take deep breaths and tell me what happens” Davina squeezed my hands as she took in a deep breath gesturing for me to take a deep breath.Reluctantly I took in deep breaths as I locked eyes with her, I was half mad in terror, as color drained from my face.“Okay, now tell me what happe
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