All Chapters of Rejected, But Claimed By Her Four Alphas: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
180 Chapters
chapter 101
SableI was making good time before my mates joined me, but now, with their comforting presence around me and their voices in my head as we run, time breezes past like it doesn’t even exist at all. Now that they’re here—and they know I’m safe—some of the tension has dissipated.Something seems to have shifted between all of us, and I think it’s because we’ve all accepted that we have to allow for more give and take. I’m slowly coming to realize that although the mate bond binds us together, connecting us on what feels like a soul-deep level, it doesn’t guarantee everything will be perfect between us all the time.It still takes work to build a strong relationship. It takes open communication and mutual respect.The sun moves across the sky overhead, and we keep up a steady pace in wolf form. The forest thins, turning into a rolling landscape that’s partly barren but incredibly beautiful, filled with small canyons, steep hills, and rocky terrain. Then we pass back into the woods, where
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chapter 102
SableI don’t know if Archer is surprised by my kiss, but he certainly doesn’t seem to have any objections.His arms wrap around me, pulling me closer as his lips move over mine. His tongue darts out to taste my lips as a soft noise spills from me. The air is growing cool as the fire starts to dwindle, but Archer’s bare skin is warm against mine.I’m starting to like the fact that we have to strip before shifting. It allows moments like this to happen easily.Our kiss starts out deep and slow. Archer’s hands move up and down my back as his tongue strokes gently against mine, as if he’s trying to comfort and reassure me through his touch. But it doesn’t take long for the pressure of our lips to become more urgent, our hands groping each other shamelessly.As I slide my fingers through his blond hair, scraping my nails over his scalp, I realize that the voices of my other mates have died out. The world around us has gone quiet except for the soft sound of insects humming in the distance
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chapter 103
sableTrystan’s hand slides down the flat plane of my stomach.I gasp when I realize what he’s doing. His fingertips brush against my clit, so close to where Archer is sliding in and out of me, and my core clenches instinctively.“Fuck.” Archer groans. His gaze flicks up to Trystan’s face. “I think she likes that.”Trystan turns his head to catch my gaze, his turquoise eyes burning with desire. “Do you like it? You want more?”I nod fervently, clinging to Ridge as the men support me between them.I’m literally being held up by my mates, at their mercy entirely as they touch me, caress me—worship me.Trystan watches my face carefully as he circles my clit with two fingers, matching his rhythm to the tempo of Archer’s strokes. Pleasure builds up inside me like steam gathering in a closed pot, and when Dare clamps one nipple between his teeth and tugs on it, I arch suddenly, crying out.Ridge captures the sound in a kiss, and all four men keep up their delicious torture as they push me h
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chapter 104
TrystanI’m on watch as dawn breaks over the mountains. It sheds rosy light on Sable’s pale wolf where she sleeps curled up with the other alphas. They’re a massive pile of fur and limbs, sleeping quietly except for the intermittent snuffle that tells me they’re dreaming.I took third watch after Archer and Ridge, the latter of whom lay awake for a long time before he finally fell asleep. I’ve never wanted to read minds as much as I did watching him stare up at the stars in the dark, because I thought maybe we were both thinking the same things. Worrying over the same possibilities. Ridge didn’t seem like he wanted to chat, and I don’t always know how to start hard conversations, so I stayed silent and kept my thoughts to myself. I’m getting better at the communication thing, especially with Sable, but it’s a work in progress with the other guys.Dare will probably get out of doing watch tonight, since I’m assuming we’ll get moving in another hour or so when the sun’s finally over the
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chapter 105
TrystanI snatch her hands out of my hair and shift her on my lap so that she’s facing me more fully, her legs straddling my waist. Her palms brace against my chest as I look down into her eyes. “Well, I don’t know about that. But I know what it’s like to be stubborn and think you know what’s right.”“Yeah, you’re pretty good at that too,” she teases, one corner of her lips tilting up.I give her ass a light slap like I did after we found her in the woods, loving the way her blue eyes widen and darken, and the faintest hint of her arousal teases my nostrils. I rub the sting away, massaging the perfect curve of her ass as I pull her a little closer to me.“You need to accept help and trust us, sweetheart,” I murmur, leaning down to brush my lips over hers. “Just like I’m learning to do too. What do you say? We’ll practice together?”She leans up, pressing her lips harder to mine, our kiss a slow burn like the sunrise. “Deal.”Before I can say anything else, she slides farther up my bod
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chapter 106
SableThe space around us seems to crackle with power. I feel the magic coming before I see it, but I’m not fast enough to stop it. I’m still getting used to the feeling of magic in the air, to the way it calls to my own power and sets it humming beneath my skin.So my reaction time is shoddy, to say the least.Black smoke shoots past my line of sight like a whip cracking, and several spiky tendrils hit Trystan in the hip. He yips in pain, a sound that sends terror surging through my heart, and his back legs give out beneath him. He trips sideways and sinks onto his back haunches, whining and growling.My heart drops into my stomach, and I leap forward, desperately rifling through the sigils I learned from Archer.They’re really all I know, which unfortunately means I don’t know much. The ones I do know have been practiced relentlessly, over and over, until I could recall those sigils in my sleep. But faced with a very real threat, I freeze. Suddenly, I’m useless. Every sigil I ever s
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chapter 107
SableThe silence that falls over the valley after her declaration is deafening, especially in the wake of the violence, when her magic was zinging through the air and ripping up chunks of the ground. Not even a bird sings or an insect chirps. It’s so quiet that I can hear my own heartbeat and the breaths flowing in and out of my companions.In wolf form, the silence is so amplified it’s almost painful.Now that I have her attention and my point is made, I shift back to human. The moment I’m back on two feet, I put my hands out to my sides so she can see them clearly. The last thing I need is for her to imagine she sees black smoke coming from my fingertips and attack us again while my guard is down.My heart pounds as I approach her. I keep my steps short and only close some of the distance between us—not so much that it will put her back on her guard, but enough so that we can easily see each other’s faces and hear each other speak. All four of my mates remain as wolves, gathering a
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chapter 108
SableI don’t have any expectations of what a witch’s home should look like, but the moment I set foot inside the small cabin, I know I’ve stepped into a place of magic.Bundles of dried herbs hang from the rafters, creating a forest of fragrant leaves that spreads out over the room. Some of them hang low enough that I have to brush away long branches of sage and rosemary with my fingers as I head toward Gwen.A small fire burns in the hearth, making the cabin feel stiflingly warm and intensifying the herbal scent. The mantel above the stone fireplace is laden with a number of glass jars full of strange liquids and other things I don’t even want to guess at.The cabin is simple enough that it’s just one big room with two doors, and Gwen’s small bed sits in one corner, the blankets neatly made up and a number of quilted pillows perched against the headboard. Other than the bed, there’s a storage chest and an armoire, plus a small kitchenette area equipped with a wood stove, a hand-pump
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chapter 109
sable Then I recall the words Clint spoke before he died, and my voice dies out on a whisper.You better hope she doesn’t find out about you.I asked him who “she” was, demanded to know, but he didn’t have a chance to respond before he lost consciousness. Or maybe he just decided to take that secret to the grave, one last way to fuck with me.Could the woman he referenced be the person I’m bound to?“What should I do?” I ask Gwen, and my voice comes out tight and strained. “I don’t understand what this means. Can you please help me?”The witch drinks from her mug, a line etched between her brows as she stares at me over the rim. When she sets it back down, she sighs.“It seems likely that it didn’t bind you to the man you thought was your uncle, although he’s the one who cast the spell. Bonds formed by a third party are never as strong, although given the number of sigils he put on you, he was trying to make it as powerful as possible. Still, there’s a possibility that if that other
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chapter 110
sableThe woman waves a hand at the two witch men, who dutifully walk away. Then she steps forward and puts a hand on Lawson’s shoulder. She doesn’t even cringe at the blood that soaks his shirt. “That’s a good dog. Now, I want to know all about the packs. But especially their protections. Tell me about those stolen sigils that mark the territory. Howl for me, wolf.”Lawson begins to speak. Haltingly at first, as if he hurts too much to talk, but then the words come faster, more wild and desperate. He barely seems in his right mind anymore, and I wonder if she’s using more than just physical abuse and torture to get him to speak. Is her magic somehow creeping into his mind too?However she managed to break him, Lawson doesn’t hold anything back. I know without having to be told that he’s spilling privileged information about the packs—secrets nobody should know, but especially not the witches.“Sable, come back to me,” Gwen whispers in my head.The sound of her voice startles me, break
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