All Chapters of Rejected, But Claimed By Her Four Alphas: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
180 Chapters
chapter 171
DareAs we step down from the small platform, anticipation ratchets up until it almost feels like a real, tangible thing. Goodbyes are spoken, and we discuss last minute plans with the elders who will be remaining behind. I see Gwen and Sable exchange words, and I bite back a smile when the witch stiffens a little as Sable hugs her.Everyone who’ll be heading out shifts to wolf form and dons their packs with the help of those still in human form. The packs are loaded with weapons, clothes, first aid, supplies, anything we might need if the battle rages longer than a day. We have no intention of returning to pack lands until the coven is decimated.Then we’re on the move.In such a huge group, we can’t exactly be subtle about our approach. So the decision was to screw subtlety and go for speed. Make it to the coven’s stronghold so quickly that we can surround them before they even realize we’re there.Speed is relative, however. We travel for two days, all of us going full tilt and cra
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chapter 172
SableI watch breathlessly as wolves stream across the sloping plain below our position. They move like phantoms in the slanted sunlight, legs pumping, fur billowing, the smaller groups moving in such fluid synchronicity that it almost looks like a dance. Their howls sound more like mournful cries, and it strikes terror through my heart. How many wolves will we mourn when this is over?I’m tired of death. I’m tired of fighting. I just want to be with my mates.This has to end today.Once the wolves have made their presence known, it doesn’t take much more than a minute for the witches to catch on. Forms burst from the stronghold and spill out onto the plain, magic already billowing around them.The two sides crash together like opposing waves until there’s nothing but chaos below.I swallow hard and turn my back on the scene, hoping and praying that the shifters will be able to hold their own against the witches. Every day for the last three days, I’ve done a protection sigil over the
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chapter 173
SableMy blood runs cold as Cleo’s words wash over me.I want to deny it, to call her a liar. I want her to be making this up just to get the upper hand.But she’s not.I know it.Where her magic is wrapped around my torso, I can feel it delving deep inside me through the connection we share. And I can feel the truth. My hands automatically go to my belly where the little life seems to glow like a tiny star beneath Cleo’s pulsing, evil magic.Whether I’m in my astral form or not, that little life is still with me. And if Cleo kills me, even in this realm, the baby will die too.My mates hesitate, their wolfish gazes boring into me as if they can see the truth for themselves if they just look hard enough. They can’t, of course. All they see is me in danger, and I know they don’t want to give in. But they must read the answer in my eyes, because as one, they all release Cleo and step away from her.Angry growls echo off the cave walls. I can feel their collective helplessness through ou
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chapter 174
sableAdult Cleo is on the ground at my feet, still grasping at my clothes. Her shrieks have petered off into sobs now, and she’s very obviously avoiding looking at her father’s face. Her nails dig into my wrist and magic floods into me as she tries to take control.Nope. Sorry, psycho. We aren’t done.Summoning all my strength, I rip her from this memory and into another.We’re in the woods. Cleo’s father is leading her into the darkness by the tail end of a rope that’s wrapped around her hands. She’s dressed in tattered clothes and gagged, and tears have left tracks on her cheeks. She stumbles over a fallen tree and goes down hard on her bound hands, but her father just leaves her there.“You should have considered the consequences of your actions,” he says coldly, then drops the rope next to her, turns around, and walks away.Adult Cleo is openly crying now, as if everything inside her is shattering to pieces.Suddenly, from the shadows, a shifter emerges. In the darkness of the wo
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chapter 175
RidgeCleo’s blood pulses from her body against my tongue, and it’s a strange sensation. This place is real, but not real, and her blood is an illusion. I know that. But I can taste it, coppery and bitter. I can feel it slippery on my tongue, leaking down my chin as her heartbeats slow. Underneath that, I sense the life leaving her. And it’s all as real as if we were back in the real world.In my peripheral vision, the unfamiliar house fades away, replaced by the dark cave where we were waiting when Sable and Cleo disappeared. Then, with a strange rush, something shatters and power floods the cave. The energy flashes and then peters out, and I realize it’s the connection between Cleo and Sable breaking.The sensation of Cleo’s warm, bloodied skin between my teeth vanishes, and I hurtle through the dark, cold ether with no control over my limbs. It’s so sudden it knocks the wind out of me, like I’m plummeting off a skyscraper on a collision course for the asphalt, but I can’t even scre
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chapter 176
RidgeAmora appears in the midst of the celebrations and plops down on her haunches next to me. I can smell blood on her fur—her blood. But she’s clearly not dying, so I don’t mention it. I learned early in our friendship not to mention any weaknesses she might have, unless I wanted to get kicked in the nuts.Sable safe? she asks, even her mind speak tone worried.Sable is safe, I assure her. We left her on the ridge, but she’s coming down right now.I can sense my mate traversing the steep slope, taking her time with every step so she won’t go tumbling down the mountainside. Archer’s already halfway there to help her, or else I wouldn’t still be sitting on my ass, watching the pack celebrate their victory.Fewer of us dead this time, Amora observes.Thankfully.She shakes out her fur, sending little droplets of blood flying, before shooting a glance back at the stronghold. I’ll handle organizing the cleanup if the alphas want to storm the fortress.Great plan.She sets off, letting o
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chapter 177
SableI bend over the table set up in the middle of the street and point at an empty lot on the outskirts of the blueprints’ dark lines. “Couldn’t we fit another house here? A small family home. There’s plenty of space.”Ridge squints at the plans, then raises his gaze to the row of old East Pack homes. “Yeah, you know, I think we could. Maybe even two. What do you think?” He glances at Archer. “You know this land better than I do. Is it stable?”“It’s stable,” Archer agrees thoughtfully. “Rock and dirt. Maybe not great for growing crops, but good for building. But they’d have to be small houses. Really small.”“I think small houses would be nice for new families,” I offer. “Rather than having to live in the apartments with all the bachelors. Kids deserve a yard to play in, even if it’s tiny.” My hand drifts to my abdomen. Even though the baby isn’t starting to show yet, I’m vividly aware of the little life growing inside me, and how I want to raise our child and provide for it. He or
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SableThree Months LaterThe room is quiet, and the ceiling fan spins lazily overhead in the afternoon sunlight filtering through the gauzy white curtains I chose for our new bedroom.Trystan nuzzles his face against my growing belly, feathering tiny kisses down my side. Even though I’ve already been satisfied thoroughly, his lips brushing along my skin send my libido back into overdrive.My head rests on Ridge’s warm chest, while Dare and Archer cuddle lazily against my body. I can’t recall a time I’ve ever been so happy and content with my life.“Hey, quit turning her on,” Dare says, shoving Trystan’s face away from my stomach. “I don’t have it in me to go again.”I laugh, and Ridge’s own chuckle echoes through my ear as he sweeps my hair away from my face and runs his fingers gently through it.“Your inability to go again isn’t my problem,” Trystan retorts, and his tongue darts out to wet my skin.The moan that comes out of me makes all of my mates groan in response.“Fuck. You’re
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Bonus scene 1
Sable"This is it. I can feel it." Archer's moss- green eyes gleam with excitement as he raises his eyebrows. "This is the one.""You said that about the last try too," Dare points out, but I can hear the hope in his voice as the five of us watch our little boy pull himself up to a standing position.Ben is nine months old, and he's been on the verge of taking his first steps for days now. We've all been waiting anxiously, eager to see the momentous achievement, and I think Archer is right-I think today's the day."Good job, buddy!" Ridge crouches down a few feet away from our son, holding his arms out as the rest of us add our cheers to the mix. "Come to daddy. Come on."Ben's little face lights up with pure joyas he looks at Ridge. Tristan is stationed right behind Ridge, his hands brace down his knees as he leans down to be closer to the action, and when Ben shifts his gaze from one man to the other, his smile grows even wider. He lets out a stream of happy babble, and both of my
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Bonus scene 2
sableI press a hand to my belly, unable to contain the riot of emotions inside me. There's something about watching these big strong alphas melt for their baby that turns me on and make my heart flutter all at once. I Love Knowing that Ben will grow up surrounded by so much love, by so many incredible role models.By the very best men I know. With one last kiss, Dare releases Ben, turning him toward me. Dare and I are close enough together that Ben barely has to take a single step to reach me, but we all cheer him on anyway. Our little boy is grinning from ear to ear, obviously energized by celebrations, even if he doesn't know quite what it all means.I pluck him up in my arms, breathing in his familiar scent as he clings to me.A memory flits through my mind of the moment I found out I was pregnant, in the middle of the battle with Cleo. When she threatened my baby, something rose up inside me that I'd never felt before, the fierce stand most pure kind of protectiveness. I would've
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