All Chapters of Rejected, But Claimed By Her Four Alphas: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
180 Chapters
chapter 151
SableWe pack up the next morning to head back to East Pack lands. We hadn’t planned on leaving so soon, but Cleo’s appearance—and the new information we have about her upbringing—has changed our plans. After discussing current events over breakfast, we decide we can’t wait any longer. It’s time to figure out a way to take the coven leader down, and for that, we need the rest of the packs.We gather the guards we brought with us from their bachelor pad, then shift and make the journey back to Archer’s territory.After my breakthrough yesterday, I feel like my power is strengthened and I have better control of my magic. Plus, I’ve embraced the witch so thoroughly that it’s almost like she’s always been there. I no longer fear her. So I’m confident I can continue practicing and training without putting anyone in danger. But that doesn’t keep the prickle of unease from following me all the way home.Watching Cleo fight her sister in that memory taught me something I didn’t know before,
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chapter 152
sableArcher holds up his hands to get the crowd’s attention, and the chatter slowly dies down. “Thank you for coming on such short notice to meet with us tonight. We’ve given you a few days to think about what we discussed in our last meeting, and now we’d like to open the floor to each pack regarding their thoughts on the matter. My pack will get us started. Patrice?”One of the robed elders sitting in folding chairs at the front of the crowd stands and steps up onto the makeshift stage to join us. She shakes Archer’s hand, and then surprises everybody when she turns to offer her hand to Ridge and Trystan too. She’s middle-aged with a stern, hard face and a spray of gray in her blonde hair. But none of the apparent sternness is audible in her voice as she speaks.“Greetings, everyone. I’m honored to stand before you as the emissary for the East Pack,” she says with a sincere smile. “Our people have met multiple times over these past two days, and the answer for us has remained the s
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chapter 153
SableIn the charged silence, the wolf howls again, but it cuts off before coming to completion. Even I can hear the distressed way it gurgles before the sound ceases, and my wolf rears up inside me, hackles raised.Ridge leaps from the stage and takes off, running faster than I’ve ever seen him run in human form. I follow him, my heart thudding loudly in my ears, though not loud enough that I don’t hear Archer say, “Secure the perimeter of the village! No one in, no one out. And if you see witches—howl.”The rest of my mates are right behind me, their footsteps loud on the hard-packed dirt. We sprint to the edge of the village, following Ridge’s nose as he seeks out his brother’s scent on the wind.Lawson.I can’t even believe it. I was so certain that he was dead after what I saw in Cleo’s mind. She tortured him brutally to find out where the packs were and what protections they had in place that she would need to breach. He’s the reason the witches found us; he’s the reason for the
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chapter 154
RidgeThe strain in the older woman’s face leaves little room for interpretation. I don’t have to ask her what Lawson’s condition is. I don’t have to say is he going to recover?Because the truth is clear in the stark look she gives me.Sable’s small hand alights on my arm, and I take an ounce of comfort in her presence as I glance down at my brother.My jaw clenches painfully. Yeah, Lawson and I didn’t exactly have a perfect relationship. In fact, it was pretty fucking shitty for the majority of our adult years. Sometimes, I felt like I almost hated my brother, which goes against every pack code regarding the sanctity of family.But looking at him now, dying and broken, I can’t muster any of that old hate. It seems fucking petty at this point, all the bickering, the fighting, the arguing. The day he challenged me and lost. The day he was tortured and gave up all the pack’s secrets. Despite all that he did wrong, I only feel sorrow.Lawson is the last of my family. When he’s gone… the
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chapter 155
SableA dozen emotions flow through the expression on Ridge’s face. No one moves or speaks for a long time, as Camilla’s wall clock audibly ticks away the seconds after Lawson’s death.I want to comfort my mate, but I don’t know how. I feel as useless and hopeless as the day Malcolm died, and during those days after when I couldn’t fix things for Archer. This kind of devastation from losing someone you love isn’t something I have experience with, since my parents died when I was a baby and all I ever had after that was Clint. God knows I didn’t really grieve his death at all.So I don’t know the right thing to say or do. I just stand at Ridge’s side, my hand on his arm, and give him the time he needs. We all do. A million hours could have passed in this space and time, but we don’t count them. Grief isn’t something you can measure or try to quantify. It just is.Finally, Ridge releases Lawson’s hand, laying it gently on his brother’s chest before he turns to look around the room at us
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chapter 156
SableRidge kicks the half-open door with his foot, barely even breaking stride as we enter the bedroom.He deposits me on the bed and is on me immediately, never letting our bodies separate as his lips claim mine over and over with kisses that make my pulse race. He’s devouring me with an entirely new kind of hunger, something I’ve never felt from him before, not even the first time he claimed me.It’s like he’s falling from a great height, plummeting through empty space, and the connection between us is the only tether that can save him. The only thing that can keep him from breaking when he hits the ground.Our clothes are gone almost as if they vanished into thin air, torn off and thrown to the side of the bed so quickly I might as well have used magic to do it. The second we’re both naked, Ridge settles his large frame between my legs, tension radiating from him as if he resents the few seconds we had to be apart.As if they caused him physical pain.He grunts inarticulate words
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chapter 157
The lines of his face are taut and strong, his eyes burning as he stares down at me. When he stops to grind his hips against mine, the pressure on my clit makes an unexpected orgasm tear through me, and my mouth drops open on a breathy scream.His nostrils flare wide, and he draws out of me, flipping me onto my stomach and plunging in again. I don’t even have time to get my hands and knees under me, but it probably doesn’t matter anyway. My limbs are shaky, and Ridge’s thrusts are so powerful that I’m not sure I’d be able to stay upright on my hands and knees even if I tried.So instead, I turn my head to one side and grip the blanket in tight fists, arching my back and thrusting my ass back toward Ridge to give him a better angle.He drops his head to press hot, messy kisses to my shoulder, shifting my sweat-dampened hair to one side.“Touch yourself,” he murmurs in my ear, the words somewhere between a command and a plea. “I want to feel you come again.”I don’t hesitate even a seco
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chapter 158
TrystanArcher’s kitchen is alive with the smell and sound of breakfast cooking and coffee brewing. It’s the most normal, mundane situation I can find myself in these days, and it’s my favorite. Here in this room, nobody can touch us. We can laugh, we can eat, we can caffeinate, and through it all, all we need is each other.Fucking sappy, sure. But it’s my reality now.Although, this morning, none of us are laughing. It’s a grim goddamn day. Death feels like a sixth person in the room, and even the sky is gray and cloudy to match the mood.I sip my coffee, watching Sable squeeze Ridge’s arm with a small, secret smile of comfort. When Archer, Dare, and I returned last night, we found the two of them asleep in each other’s arms. It’s still such a weird sensation, looking at another man holding my mate—naked, no less—and not feeling an ounce of jealousy. All I could feel was relief that Sable had been able to calm him down. She was there for him in a way none of the rest of us could be.
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chapter 159
SableI feel very confident about my plan until every eye in the room turns to look at me.Suddenly, my old panic rustles around inside me, and I have to fight the urge to run away from all those gazes. It shows how far I’ve come that I stand my ground. I’m a part of this pack now, come what may, and I have a voice here. I don’t have to be afraid to speak up, like I did in my fake uncle’s household.Here, I’m a part of the team.But I’m about to ask something of them that I know isn’t going to be easy for anyone to swallow. That makes speaking a little harder than it should be.I steel myself, catch Ridge’s gaze, and say, “We should ask Gwen for help.”We tracked down the solitary witch in her cabin deep in the mountainous wilderness not long ago on Elder Jihoon’s recommendation. She was barely more than legend before that point. Rumor suggested she existed, though nobody had ever seen her. Rumor also said she wasn’t affiliated with the coven, so we hoped, maybe prematurely, that she
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chapter 160
SableElder Patrice and her team of scouts return by mid-morning the next day with more information on the witches’ bunker. Turns out, Lawson knew exactly what he was talking about.While the recon team chose not to climb the mountain for a better vantage point, since that would’ve gotten them too close and taken too much time, they were able to pinpoint a strange anomaly on the side of the mountain facing away from the interior range. Using their accounts, we spend the better part of the day compiling a full report on the area surrounding Wolfsbane Mountain. Terrain, obstacles, prime cover, vulnerable zones—all of it is mapped out and analyzed.We’re able to bring in a few other people from all three packs for deeper descriptions too. Even though many have never climbed Wolfsbane Mountain and didn’t even know what it was called, we find a couple other shifters who have visited the little town of Anatoly and seen part of the mountain range. The interviews are tedious, and the act of d
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