All Chapters of Rejected, But Claimed By Her Four Alphas: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
180 Chapters
chapter 141
SableI’m still laughing as Trystan carries me into the bedroom and deposits me lightly on the bed.I flop back onto the mattress, gazing up at him with a grin as he stands at the foot of the bed watching me. “Isn’t this how the cavemen used to do it?”He arches an eyebrow, his blue-green eyes dancing with heat and mirth. Then he makes a fist and thumps it against his chest. “Me claim woman.”I giggle again, but my laughter slowly dies out as Archer and Dare step into the bedroom behind Trystan. Just like in the living room, the temperature in the space seems to rise almost immediately, filling the air with delicious tension and anticipation.Trystan remains right where he is as the other two men come forward to join him, all three of them focused entirely on me. I have a vivid memory of the first time I did something like this with all my mates, back in the cabin we spent time in as a group. I remember staring at all four of them gathered at the foot of the bed, overwhelmed and excit
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chapter 142
Trystan pushes me gently back onto the mattress and takes over the job of undressing me, peeling my pants and panties down my legs before tossing them away. Then he hooks my legs under the knees and drags me a little closer to him, lifting my ass off the bed a little as the tip of his cock grazes my soaked entrance.“This is what you want, Sable?” he asks, his voice both teasing and loaded with desire. “You want my cock?” He jerks his chin at Archer and Dare, who have settled on their knees on either side of us, fisting their hard lengths. “You want their cocks?”“Yes,” I whisper, my hips gyrating a little as I arch my back, desperate to feel Trystan slide into me. “I want all of you.”I don’t know quite how that’s possible, but it’s exactly what I want. I want them all. Not one after another—at the same time.Trystan groans softly. Then he notches his shaft at my entrance and drives into me. It’s a smooth, deep thrust, and the feel of him filling me completely makes me tip my head bac
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chapter 143
SableThe four of us doze for a little while, not really sleeping but too lazy to get up.As I lie tangled up with my men on the bed, gazing languidly around the room, I realize we left the curtains open. Luckily, Archer’s cabin sits at the end of a cul-de-sac with a bit more privacy than most, so I don’t think we gave the rest of the neighborhood a show.But I love the way the sunlight reflects through the glass and casts diamonds of glittering light on the ceiling and walls. The large oak tree in Archer’s side yard breaks up the display with its thick branches, and the breeze outside makes the shadows of the branches dance on the walls.This might be paradise.There’s that whole cliche that “if I died now, I’d die happy,” which always seemed like such a morbid declaration to me. Now I think I kind of understand it. I’m sated, content, and the only thing missing right now is Ridge. Otherwise, this is my own personal version of heaven.Not to mention, this is the first moment since th
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chapter 144
“Ha, right.” I curl my lips in anger, then smile as I latch on to the familiar connection between us. Not so shabby—I found it in mere seconds. Maybe I really will get better at this. “Fuck you, Cleo.”With those parting words, I wrench myself away from the connection.As my soul is sucked back out of the black cave, relief fills me. I did it—I broke the connection and got the hell out of there before she could drain my essence dry of all life. But a small part of me stays tense, expecting Cleo’s sharp, magical grasp to wrap back around me and pull me into her clutches. It doesn’t happen though. Maybe I surprised her. Maybe I really did get the upper hand, God willing.Wind seems to rush around me as I’m whipped through the ether. But I don’t emerge back in the place I left. I don’t wake up in Archer’s bed with my mates.Instead, I wake up strapped to the table in my uncle’s basement.Clint looms over me, haloed by the halogen lamp that floods down from overhead. It casts harsh shadow
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chapter 145
DareA moment of silence hangs in the air after Archer speaks.Next time, you might not be able to fight her off.The thought chills me through my fucking core. When that witch bitch pulls Sable into that mystical bond between them, I can’t reach her. I can’t help her. None of us have access to magic to be able to chase after our mate and save her when she’s inside the connection she shares with the coven leader.So Archer’s right. It’s imperative Sable learn how to defend herself.That means fully embracing the witch.“No way,” Sable says, her tone hard as flint. She tugs her hand free of Archer’s fingers and crosses her arms. “That’s never going to happen. I’m already in too deep as it is. I can’t just throw myself into witch magic even more.”“We don’t have another choice,” Archer says gently. “If there was one, we’d find it.”“I’m already trying not to panic every single damn day that I might kill you,” Sable blurts, her gaze darting between the four of us. “Every night, I worry my
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chapter 146
SableWe leave early the next morning before most of the village is even awake. We’re headed for North Pack territory—it’s the closest, so we can reach it the fastest. And it can also give us some distance from the rest of the shifters while I practice truly unleashing my magic.We don’t go alone, however. Even though the sigils are still actively guarding pack lands, we know now that they aren’t infallible, and it wouldn’t do to get caught alone and vulnerable by invading witches. Ridge chose some of his biggest, most loyal pack mates to come along and provide extra protection.I get the feeling they’re ready for an adventure when the five of them are the first to shift and take off ahead to scout. The way they run and leap reminds me so much of puppies let out into a yard after being cooped up in the house that it almost makes me laugh. I guess, in a way, they’ve all felt caged here in the aftermath of the battle.Ridge, Archer, and Trystan already spoke with trusted members of thei
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chapter 147
SableThe next afternoon, I stand in front of a card table we’ve unfolded in the street with half a pound of shattered glass on the ground at my feet.I suck at this.I’ve been at it non-stop for more than a day—minus the roughly six hours I managed to sleep last night. No matter how hard I push myself, I just can’t seem to get past my own mental blocks. I’m getting nowhere.For what feels like the sixth hundredth time, I trace a sigil in the air, and the empty glass soda bottle on the table shudders before lifting ever-so-slightly off the tabletop. I focus on that dark glass and reach for my magic to channel more of it into the spell, but it feels wispy and out of reach.Lifting this soda bottle only two inches feels like I’m lifting a boulder off a damn mountain. I could lift it with my hand for a fraction of the effort it takes to do this.Frustrated, I release the bottle and watch as it slams back into the table. It swivels a few times and almost falls over, but manages to stay up
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chapter 148
SableI don’t think Dare has ever kissed me with anything less than his whole being. And this kiss is no different. It’s like a conduit for every emotion he’s feeling, and the force of it nearly overwhelms me as my tongue slides against his.His hands are everywhere on me. They slide through my hair, trail over my shoulders, and mark hot paths over my waist and hips before trailing up my spine to do it all over again.When he reaches down to palm my ass, squeezing the rounded flesh with hungry possessiveness, I nip at his bottom lip. He digs his fingers a little deeper into my skin, spreading my ass cheeks in a way that makes me blush at the same time it makes heat shoot through me.I slide up and down, coating his cock with my wetness as I tease us both with how close he is to slipping inside me.“Shit, moonlight.” He breaks away from my lips, only to bury his face in the crook of my neck and devour the sensitive skin there. His tongue traces my fluttering pulse, and then he scrapes
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chapter 149
SableLet the witch take over.The refrain plays over and over in my head that night, filling me with a strange mixture of fear and wonder. I’m in bed with my men while Ridge keeps watch in the chair next to us. The room is silent except for my mates’ soft breathing, and the rustle of Ridge’s book when he turns the page.If he knows I’m awake, he gives no indication, so I’m alone with my thoughts, trying to piece together what it would mean if I just let the witch take over. For so long, I’ve assumed she can’t be trusted. These nightly watches my mates do are meant to keep me from hurting someone when the magic rises unbidden or, God forbid, if Cleo comes back and takes over my body.But I think of what Gwen said when I sat with her in her little cabin deep in the mountains. My magic shouldn’t be fighting me or trying to take over like a villain. I’ve come to equate my powers with the dark cloud of evil inside me or even with Cleo, the witch Clint tied me to when he did his fucked up
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chapter 150
SableI push back against Cleo’s attack with my own power. Still gripping the doorframe, I envision a protection sigil in my mind, hoping it will give me just enough room to build my wall back up. For a second, I think it works. Cleo’s essence backs off minutely, and I can breathe. I snatch desperately at the last threads of my energy and attempt to weave my barrier back into place in my mind.But my efforts at fighting the witch off are in vain. I know it before she wins, but I try anyway, throwing every last bit of strength I have into keeping her out of my head.Then I’m snatched right off Ridge’s doorstep, and my spiritual essence flies through the bond into the astral plane.My soul is flung through a long, dark tunnel that’s shot through with smoke and sparkling silver lights like fireflies against a night sky. I flail my arms around me, hoping to catch hold of something and keep Cleo from dragging me all the way to her, but nothing is solid. Including me. The wind whips past my
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