All Chapters of Rejected, But Claimed By Her Four Alphas: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
180 Chapters
chapter 61
SableI’m too boneless to move, too exhausted to think, but Ridge crawls off the bed and grabs a washcloth from the bathroom. He cleans me up a little, and I think I murmur something like thank you before he hovers over me and presses a soft kiss to my lips.Then he lies down beside me and draws me in toward him, tucking me against his large body.Somewhere in the house, a clock chimes the late hour. Ridge’s chest rises and falls beneath my cheek in time with the gentle, lulling sound. Ten distant chimes, each of them haunting, beautiful… and as lazy and satiated as me.I feel amazing.Perfect.Changed.I’m a brand new girl, still reveling in one of the most life-changing experiences a woman can have. My body aches all over, but this time, it’s for the right reasons and in all the right places. I’m still coming down off the high, although I wish I could stay there forever.Ridge’s arms are warm as he holds me, trailing his fingers over my back. Even though he’s no longer inside me, I
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chapter 62
SableAn absolute silence settles over the room at Archer’s question.Shocked, I have to readjust my grip on the edge of the bed as my knees go weak. Is it over? Have I chosen? A pang hits me right in the chest, and I press my fingers to the spot, trying to massage it away.Having sex with Ridge felt right. It felt incredible, and not just physically. It was the perfect expression of the feelings growing between us.But it didn’t feel like some kind of magical “mating” ceremony. And I don’t feel any different about him now than I did before it happened. If we completed the mating and cemented the bond, wouldn’t I know? Wouldn’t I have picked up some kind of special mate feeling? Wouldn’t Ridge know or have mentioned it in those moments after we finished?“No. It’s not over,” I say quickly, glancing at Ridge with my brow wrinkled. “That didn’t happen. Right?”Honestly, I’m looking for reassurance that I didn’t miss something important. I try to imagine what it would be like to just be
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chapter 63
SableI awake in a cocoon of warmth and limbs.Light spills through the break in the curtains over the window, arcing across Archer’s face. He’s lying in front of me, one hand resting on my hip as he sleeps. He looks almost angelic in the golden morning sunlight. It turns his blond hair luminous, like a halo around his sharp, handsome face. In sleep, his expression is just as soft and kind as ever.All four men slept in the bed with me last night, refusing to leave my side. I got the feeling they all wanted to reassure me that they wouldn’t leave me. Staying with me seemed like a kind of promise that they’re serious about not driving me away, even if I’m unable to pick just one of them to be my mate.Lying in a giant pile was a bit awkward to get used to—arms, hands, and legs in weird places, like we were a pack of puppies trying to find the right way to lie on top of one another in a basket. But after a while, I got used to the feeling of sharing my space. Now, I don’t think I ever w
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chapter 64
SableI chance a look at him, sitting across the picnic table and staring down at his empty plate. He had a great appetite that morning, and he’s not walking with a limp anymore. Some of his strength seems to have returned, which I’m grateful to Camilla for. But no amount of healing or time is going to change his mind about my witch powers.“You guys don’t have to go,” I say, my voice barely loud enough to penetrate the sound of Trystan and Archer talking about strengthening the sigil boundaries.Dare looks up and sees that my gaze is on him as I speak.He shakes his head, drains the last of his coffee, and then says, “Let’s do it.”I can’t stop the warmth that floods through me. Even if he’s doing it just to make me feel better, he’s still doing it for me. Maybe that means my bond with him isn’t a lost cause, after all.The training barn is a large, red A-frame structure with white accents that sits a half-mile outside the village. I’m nervous about coming out here to practice. What
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chapter 65
DareI am not okay. Not even a fucking little bit. My emotions are the mental equivalent of a tornado that’s decimated a small town.When I crawled back to the North Pack’s mating cabin, I did it on autopilot. For several years, I took care of myself without reaching out for any help, and I was comfortable with that lifestyle. But the witches fucked me up. I knew when I managed to get away for the second time that I was a hell of a lot more injured than I could deal with on my own.My first thought was to go to Sable and the other pack alphas, because who the hell else would help me? I’m a lone wolf without a single pack mate to give two shits what happens to me. But Sable… she does. She cares what happens to me, and I think it’s because of her that Trystan, Ridge, and Archer do too.But fuck. When Sable went into her transformation and we all got a good fucking look at what was coming, it messed with my head. When I found her by the side of the stream that first night, looking like m
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chapter 66
Dare“Couldn’t help but notice the way you banged out of the barn like the devil was at your heels,” she remarks when I don’t turn around.“I needed some air.”“Yeah. Sure.” There’s a hint of sarcasm to her voice, and it puts up my hackles.I whirl on her, ready to give her a piece of my mind. I didn’t come out here to be bothered. I came out here to get some air and try to wipe all traces of her magic from my memory.But when my eyes land on her… I’m doomed. She looks so small and innocent, on top of being the most beautiful ray of sunshine I’ve ever seen in my entire life. My breath catches in my throat. None of the shitty things I’m thinking come out. The only sound I’m capable of making is a small grunt of acknowledgment.“You wanna talk about this?” Sable asks, a hint of steel in her bell-like voice.That’s the girl I know. Soft and lovely like a summer shower, but with the backbone of a predator. Mushy on the inside with a thick armor on the outside, built up over a life of hard
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chapter 67
SableI wouldn’t say I ever look forward to practicing my magic, but over the next few days, my training sessions get a bit easier. It still doesn’t respond every time I try to call it up, and I live in terror of drawing a sigil wrong or accidentally unleashing a blast of raw magic.But my control is increasing. Slow and steady, as Archer reminds me over and over. That’s the way I’m going to make this work.A few days later, we’re finishing up breakfast before heading to the training barn when there’s a knock at the front door.Archer doesn’t get many visitors. We wake up in the morning and eat, then we go to the training barn for a few hours. In the afternoons, he often goes to visit with his father and check that things with the pack are going all right.Malcolm does as much leading as he can from his bed, but there’s a lot he still needs Archer for, and their close relationship is amazing to behold. Sometimes I go with him, and sometimes I give him privacy. It’s become a routine, o
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chapter 68
sableHe’s finally come to the realization that I’m not kidding. He stands, looming over me with his jaw set. “I have a heart.”“You do a shitty job of convincing me you do,” I point out, steeling myself to glare up at him. I won’t back down. “Can’t you see that it’s killing Archer to watch his father waste away? He can’t do anything to save him, but he can make Malcolm’s last months comfortable.”“He could be comfortable laid up without his alpha responsibilities,” Trystan barks. “Archer’s duty is to keep his pack together. To make them strong enough to ward off any outside threats. This show of weakness is dangerous to everyone, and it throws the whole pack hierarchy into confusion.”“You don’t know that!” My voice has gotten louder, as if it can help me get through his thick skull. “I haven’t met a single member of this pack who doesn’t love and respect Malcolm—and Archer too. No one here seems to have a problem with the way they’ve decided to hand off power. The only one who has
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chapter 69
sableI don’t know quite how this happened.One minute, Trystan and I were standing practically nose-to-nose, shouting at each other… and now we’re kissing like we might die if we stop.It’s like all the emotions that were rising up inside me suddenly crystalized into a single feeling.Desire.His lips are warm and firm against mine as he kisses me feverishly, driving all the breath from my lungs. His tongue strokes against mine, hungry and demanding, and his hands are all over my body. We stumble across the small kitchen, tripping and weaving from side to side as we go. I have a vague notion that I want to get to the bedroom, and I think we’re moving in that direction. But then my back hits the wall in the little hallway that leads toward the bedroom, and I forget all about where we were going.Trystan’s body pins me, his lips still devouring mine as his hands slide up under my shirt, meeting bare skin. Fireworks explode in my nerve-endings as he reaches higher, massaging my breasts
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chapter 70
TrystanMy heart is still thudding hard several moments later, as I stare at the ceiling and wonder why I feel so different.Sable’s tucked against my side, her naked body pressed against me. I have my arm around her, my fingers stroking every inch of available skin because I’m not ready to stop touching her yet. She feels so small under my arm, but I swear to fuck, she’s the strongest woman I’ve ever met. That’s saying something, considering half the females in my pack could bench press me with one arm.This woman has been hurt more than most people ever will be in their lives, and despite that, she’s somehow managed to become larger than life. The way she stood up to me in the kitchen, her face hard, her lower lip jutting stubbornly? It moved the fucking earth beneath my feet. She stripped me bare and rolled around in my feelings like a wolf scenting herself. Just thinking about the way she owned me makes me hard again.I feel fucking complete with her here, having claimed her for m
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