All Chapters of One Night Stand With The Unforgettable Stranger: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
481 Chapters
Cassie and Brian shared a look, one full of heat at the memory of how they met the first time. Cassie hadn’t been able to look at tequila, salt, or limes the same way since. “Irish picked me up in a bar,” Cassie said and he laughed heartily. Maree smiled uncertainly. “It’s true,” he told his mother. “I walked into a bar one night in Melbourne after a particularly bad day dealing with CASA and there she was. Fortunately, there was an empty barstool beside her, so I took it.” “Yes,” Cassie said, picking up the commentary, “and I was just coming out of a messy break-up and was trying valiantly to drown my sorrows.” “How long ago was this?” Maree asked, hanging off every word. “About six months ago,” Cassie replied. “You’ve been dating for six months?” Maree asked, her eyes swinging to Brian in accusation. He laughed. “Not exactly,” he said, “but we have been emailing back and forth. Cassie works for the PR firm that we hired to promote the new airline.” And just like that
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She nodded and stepped out of the elevator. She looked back as the doors closed and she looked so lost he wanted to reach out and keep the doors from closing. He wanted to go to her and comfort her and tell her it was all going to be okay. But he couldn’t tell her that. This was what she wanted…she wanted Nathan, not him, and he refused to be a second choice or a substitute. The doors closed, cutting off his view of her and he leaned his head back against the mirrored wall, exhaling harshly. He clenched his teeth and forced himself to change the direction of his thoughts. He and Cassie were in a fake relationship and that’s all it could be unless she walked away from her silly infatuation with his stepbrother. The doors opened again on his floor and he carded his way into the penthouse suite. He kicked off his shoes and loosened the top button on his shirt. He grabbed his phone and sat on the balcony overlooking the dark beach. It was June and winter in the sunshine state, but it
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Cassie followed Brian's directions and waited for him in the lobby. Because of his tender caresses and tender kisses from the previous evening, she had barely slept at all. She was certain he would ask her to spend the night with him when they had entered the elevator after supper, and she would have agreed. Rather, they had a disagreement and he had declined her request for a nightcap, allowing her to go. She had gone to bed feeling bewildered, upset, and in urgent need of anything to ease her inside pain. She had been thinking about anything other than Nathan for a change. Brian was there. Trying to make Nathan jealous, she was going to enter a brunch with Nathan and his fiancé on the stepbrother's arm. The tricky part, though, was that she wasn't sure whether it was still what she wanted. She had changed completely after spending time with Brian, and Nathan no longer seemed like the bright spark she had always thought he was. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Brian entere
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"So, what's the plan of action?" he inquired, interrupting her. "Strategy," she inquired. His nod was incisive. "For Sunday brunch. Nathan must not be aware that I am your date. "Oh, no," she replied, "but he is aware that I own one." So what now? We simply enter and ask, "Surprise?" She questioned, "Do you have a better idea?" He chewed out, "No," and groaned. "Anyway, surprise is probably preferable because you can witness his first response without giving him a chance to adjust to the concept." She pivoted to gaze outside the window. The encounter with Nathan was not something she was looking forward to, especially not in front of so many strangers. Although he had never been overly attached to her, he had also never had to face the fact that they were dating. And the man he was constantly competing with was his stepbrother. The fact that Brian was wealthier, more accomplished, and, some would argue, more attractive did not help. Nathan felt even more inadequate in
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Ainsley spoke without removing her eyes from Cassie, "Oh, come on, Brian." "The color is completely off. The pink bridesmaid dress will seem quite out of place against that bright red. I'm only referring to a transient hue, perhaps a dark chocolate. "Well, I don't think so," Cassie said with a head shake. "Absolutely not," Brian scowled once again. Ainsley gave a shrug. "It was worthwhile to try." She looked at him, evaluating. She inquired, "Is the beard negotiable?" Cassie responded sharply and a little heatedly, "No." He laughed a little, startled. Although Ainsley's boldness astounded him, Cassie's defense of his facial hair equally astounded him. Nevertheless, when they had first met, it had served as a conversation starter. He is able to regrow it, Ainsley said. "Since the nuptials." He apologized to the princess, saying, "The beard stays." She gave him a focused look and nodded, then turned away to go back to Nathan's side and they took their seats again. Brian
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"Blue, what's wrong?" He spoke on her flesh. What happened to you? Taking a deep breath, she opened her eyes and looked up into his stunning green eyes. She bent down to kiss him chastely, and as she did, she felt his hand tighten on her other shoulder. She muttered, "Nothing," against his lips. "Nothing is amiss." "Stullshit," he said in a whisper, but the harsh words were softened by the smile in his eyes. "But for now, I'll let it pass." With his eyes fixed on hers, he planted another kiss on her lips. "Now, fill up your stomach; you'll need it to get through this afternoon's dress fitting." His eyes glowed with laughter as she grinned at him. She cupped his jaw and ran her fingers through his silky beard, the tension that had been between them this morning melting away. His eyes became gloomy as desire heated them. She was sitting back from Brian when she heard the scrape of chair legs on the deck, which cut through her veil of confusion. Nathan also cleared his throat
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Brian, what the fuck? You two are dating, right? When they had teed off and were standing at the first hole, Nathan muttered something to him. He was alone with Nathan since the other three groomsmen had already departed in their golf cart to get their balls. "Yeah, so?" Taking his club and making his way back to the cart, Brian stated. "Do you have a problem with it?" Nathan said, "Yes, I fucking do," as he threw his club into his golf bag and got on the cart. "Cassie and I have history and fucking unfinished business." Brian pushed the accelerator to start the cart. But Nathan, that's just it—that's the history. Cassie is currently with me, and you two are fucking getting hitched. Your business is essentially done, in my opinion." Brian's knuckles went white from holding onto the driving wheel so tightly. He was afraid that if he didn't, he would grab onto something else, like Nathan's fucking neck, and squeeze till the dumb ass got no air left in him. "Are you doing this ju
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This, although theoretically reasonable, was completely absurd if he entered the same room as her. Every time he felt the urge to touch her, to smell her flowers, to feel the warmth of her body next to his, his barriers crumbled. He was helpless in her presence, and he fucked and enjoyed it. Did that mean he was a masochist in some way? He gave a damn. He was aware that he would eventually have to pay for this exquisite and lovely torment, but he was also aware that he could not escape it.As Cassie pulled into the Oceans Resort's underground parking garage, she turned to face Ainsley, perplexed. This was as far as a bridal store was located. She said, "What are we doing here?" as Ainsley parked and killed the engine. She clarified, "I'm meeting the dressmaker here." "I reserved her because I didn't like any of the locations along the ocean and because I had heard odd things about this eccentric woman who had a shop in Paddington. Although she seems strange, I appreciate her work.
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Yet Madame Hilda only grinned. "Come, let us see how the others are getting on." After gathering her skirts, Cassie trailed behind Madam Hilda into the lounge area, where the other bridesmaids were waiting in identical dresses to her own. Ainsley seems ready for marriage. "These are not the dresses that I ordered," she said sourly. "No," in response to Madam Hilda, "but these are the dresses you're getting." Crossing her arms over her chest, Ainsley remarked, "That's not how this works. "I'm the bride, I get to decide what my bridesmaids wear." "That may be how it usually works," Madam Hilda remarked with a smile, "but when you walked into my shop and demanded I make dresses for you, you agreed to my stipulations." Ainsley's mouth curled into a scowl, but Madam Hilda didn't seem to mind. "You acknowledged having signed the contract," the elderly woman said. "Shall I have Annette read you the clause you agreed to?" Annette didn't wait for Ainsley to respond before begin
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As they bid farewell to Madam Hilda and made their way into the hallway, she was in a trance. Since her room was only a few floors below, Cassie begged to skip the early afternoon drinks that the other women had planned and claimed she would simply go to her room for a night of sleep. When Brian came out, the other lady waived her off and went into the elevator, making her knees go numb at his sight."Cassie, were you looking for me?" he said in a worried tone. She bit her lip and shook her head. She pointed to the other door and replied, "No, ah, I mean, we were just in there for the dress fitting." He stopped in front of her and fidgeted with his hands, saying, "Oh." She turned to face him and remarked, "You're back early." "You can't possibly be done with eighteen holes already." He smiled. "No, but I've had enough of this asshole," he said. She shook her head, grinning. He said, "Do you want to come in for a drink?" She glanced at the floor before glancing up at him
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